Source code for deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict, Union

from deeppavlov.core.commands.infer import build_model_from_config
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import set_deeppavlov_root, expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.file import read_json
from deeppavlov.core.common.params import from_params
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import get_model
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component

from deeppavlov.dataset_iterators.morphotagger_iterator import MorphoTaggerDatasetIterator
from deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common_tagger import make_pos_and_tag

[docs]def predict_with_model(config_path: [Path, str]) -> List[List[str]]: """Returns predictions of morphotagging model given in config :config_path:. Args: config_path: a path to config Returns: a list of morphological analyses for each sentence. Each analysis is either a list of tags or a list of full CONLL-U descriptions. """ config = read_json(config_path) set_deeppavlov_root(config) reader_config = config['dataset_reader'] reader = get_model(reader_config['name'])() data_path = expand_path(reader_config.get('data_path', '')) read_params = {k: v for k, v in reader_config.items() if k not in ['name', 'data_path']} data: Dict =, **read_params) iterator_config = config['dataset_iterator'] iterator: MorphoTaggerDatasetIterator = from_params(iterator_config, data=data) model = build_model_from_config(config, load_trained=True) answers = [None] * len(iterator.test) batch_size = config['predict'].get("batch_size", -1) for indexes, (x, _) in iterator.gen_batches( batch_size=batch_size, data_type="test", shuffle=False, return_indexes=True): y = model(x) for i, elem in zip(indexes, y): answers[i] = elem outfile = config['predict'].get("outfile") if outfile is not None: outfile = Path(outfile) if not outfile.exists(): outfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf8") as fout: for elem in answers: fout.write(elem + "\n") return answers
[docs]def prettify(sent: Union[str, List[str]], tags: List[str], return_string: bool =True, begin: str = "", end: str = "", sep: str = "\n") -> Union[List[str], str]: """Prettifies output of morphological tagger. Args: sent: source sentence (either tokenized or not) tags: list of tags, the output of a tagger return_string: whether to return a list of strings or a single string begin: a string to append in the beginning end: a string to append in the end sep: separator between word analyses Returns: the prettified output of the tagger. Examples: >>> sent = "John likes, really likes pizza" >>> tags = ["NNP", "VBZ", "PUNCT", "RB", "VBZ", "NN"] >>> prettify(sent, tags) 1 John NNP 2 likes VBZ 3 , PUNCT 4 really RB 5 likes VBZ 6 pizza NN 7 . SENT """ if isinstance(sent, str): words = [x for x in re.split("(\w+|[,.])", sent) if x.strip() != ""] else: words = sent answer = [] for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(zip(words, tags)): answer.append("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(i+1, word, *make_pos_and_tag(tag))) if return_string: answer = begin + sep.join(answer) + end return answer
[docs]@register('tag_output_prettifier') class TagOutputPrettifier(Component): """Wrapper to :func:`~deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common.` function. Args: return_string: whether to return a list of strings or a single string begin: a string to append in the beginning end: a string to append in the end sep: separator between word analyses """ def __init__(self, return_string: bool=True, begin: str="", end: str ="", sep: str ="\n"): self.return_string = return_string self.begin = begin self.end = end self.sep = sep
[docs] def __call__(self, X: List[Union[str, List[str]]], Y: List[Union[List[str], str]]) -> List[Union[List[str], str]]: """Calls the ``prettify`` function for each input sentence. Args: X: a list of input sentences Y: a list of list of tags for sentence words Returns: a list of prettified morphological analyses """ return [prettify(x, y, return_string=self.return_string, begin=self.begin, end=self.end, sep=self.sep) for x, y in zip(X, Y)]