Configuration files

An NLP pipeline config is a JSON file that contains one required element chainer:

  "chainer": {
    "in": ["x"],
    "in_y": ["y"],
    "pipe": [
    "out": ["y_predicted"]

Chainer is a core concept of DeepPavlov library: chainer builds a pipeline from heterogeneous components (Rule-Based/ML/DL) and allows to train or infer from pipeline as a whole. Each component in the pipeline specifies its inputs and outputs as arrays of names, for example: "in": ["tokens", "features"] and "out": ["token_embeddings", "features_embeddings"] and you can chain outputs of one components with inputs of other components:

  "class": "deeppavlov.models.preprocessors.str_lower:StrLower",
  "in": ["x"],
  "out": ["x_lower"]
  "name": "nltk_tokenizer",
  "in": ["x_lower"],
  "out": ["x_tokens"]

Each Component in the pipeline must implement method __call__() and has name parameter, which is its registered codename, or class parameter in the form of module_name:ClassName. It can also have any other parameters which repeat its __init__() method arguments. Default values of __init__() arguments will be overridden with the config values during the initialization of a class instance.

You can reuse components in the pipeline to process different parts of data with the help of id and ref parameters:

  "name": "nltk_tokenizer",
  "id": "tokenizer",
  "in": ["x_lower"],
  "out": ["x_tokens"]
  "ref": "tokenizer",
  "in": ["y"],
  "out": ["y_tokens"]


There are two abstract classes for trainable components: Estimator and NNModel.

Estimator are fit once on any data with no batching or early stopping, so it can be safely done at the time of pipeline initialization. fit() method has to be implemented for each Estimator. One example is Vocab.

NNModel requires more complex training. It can only be trained in a supervised mode (as opposed to Estimator which can be trained in both supervised and unsupervised settings). This process takes multiple epochs with periodic validation and logging. train_on_batch() method has to be implemented for each NNModel.

Training is triggered by train_model_from_config() function.

Train config

Estimator s that are trained should also have fit_on parameter which contains a list of input parameter names. An NNModel should have the in_y parameter which contains a list of ground truth answer names. For example:

    "id": "classes_vocab",
    "name": "default_vocab",
    "fit_on": ["y"],
    "level": "token",
    "save_path": "vocabs/classes.dict",
    "load_path": "vocabs/classes.dict"
    "in": ["x"],
    "in_y": ["y"],
    "out": ["y_predicted"],
    "name": "intent_model",
    "save_path": "classifiers/intent_cnn",
    "load_path": "classifiers/intent_cnn",
    "classes_vocab": {
      "ref": "classes_vocab"

The config for training the pipeline should have three additional elements: dataset_reader, dataset_iterator and train:

  "dataset_reader": {
    "name": ...,
  "dataset_iterator": {
    "name": ...,
  "chainer": {
  "train": {

Simplified version of training pipeline contains two elements: dataset and train. The dataset element currently can be used for train from classification data in csv and json formats. You can find complete examples of how to use simplified training pipeline in intents_sample_csv.json and intents_sample_json.json config files.

Train Parameters

  • epochs — maximum number of epochs to train NNModel, defaults to -1 (infinite)
  • batch_size,
  • metrics — list of names of registered metrics to evaluate the model. The first metric in the list is used for early stopping
  • metric_optimization — maximize or minimize a metric, defaults to maximize
  • validation_patience — how many times in a row the validation metric has to not improve for early stopping, defaults to 5
  • val_every_n_epochs — how often to validate the pipe, defaults to -1 (never)
  • log_every_n_batches, log_every_n_epochs — how often to calculate metrics for train data, defaults to -1 (never)
  • validate_best, test_best flags to infer the best saved model on valid and test data, defaults to true
  • tensorboard_log_dir — path to write logged metrics during training. Use tensorboard to visualize metrics plots.


DatasetReader class reads data and returns it in a specified format. A concrete DatasetReader class should be inherited from this base class and registered with a codename:

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from import DatasetReader

class DSTC2DatasetReader(DatasetReader):

DataLearningIterator and DataFittingIterator

DataLearningIterator forms the sets of data (‘train’, ‘valid’, ‘test’) needed for training/inference and divides them into batches. A concrete DataLearningIterator class should be registered and can be inherited from class. This is a base class and can be used as a DataLearningIterator as well.

DataFittingIterator iterates over provided dataset without train/valid/test splitting and is useful for Estimator s that do not require training.


All components inherited from Component abstract class can be used for inference. The __call__() method should return standard output of a component. For example, a tokenizer should return tokens, a NER recognizer should return recognized entities, a bot should return an utterance. A particular format of returned data should be defined in __call__().

Inference is triggered by interact_model() function. There is no need in a separate JSON for inference.