
class deeppavlov.models.embedders.bow_embedder.BoWEmbedder(**kwargs)[source]

Performs one-hot encoding of tokens based on a pre-built vocabulary of tokens.


>>> bow = BoWEmbedder()

>>> bow(['a', 'b', 'c'], vocab={'a': 0, 'b': 1})
[array([1, 0], dtype=int32),
 array([0, 1], dtype=int32),
 array([0, 0], dtype=int32)]
class deeppavlov.models.embedders.fasttext_embedder.FasttextEmbedder(load_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], save_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, dim: int = 100, pad_zero: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Class implements fastText embedding model

  • load_path – path where to load pre-trained embedding model from
  • save_path – is not used because model is not trainable; therefore, it is unchangable
  • dim – dimensionality of fastText model
  • pad_zero – whether to pad samples or not
  • **kwargs – additional arguments

fastText model instance


dictionary with already embedded tokens


dimension of embeddings


whether to pad sequence of tokens with zeros or not


path with pre-trained fastText binary model

__call__(batch: List[List[str]], mean: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) → List[Union[list, numpy.ndarray]][source]

Embed sentences from batch

  • batch – list of tokenized text samples
  • mean – whether to return mean embedding of tokens per sample
  • *args – arguments
  • **kwargs – arguments

embedded batch

__iter__() → Generator[source]

Iterate over all words from fastText model vocabulary

class deeppavlov.models.embedders.elmo_embedder.ELMoEmbedder(spec: str, elmo_output_names: Optional[List] = None, dim: Optional[int] = None, pad_zero: bool = False, concat_last_axis: bool = True, max_token: Optional[int] = None, mini_batch_size: int = 32, **kwargs)[source]

ELMo (Embeddings from Language Models) representations are pre-trained contextual representations from large-scale bidirectional language models. See a paper Deep contextualized word representations for more information about the algorithm and a detailed analysis.

  • spec – A ModuleSpec defining the Module to instantiate or a path where to load a ModuleSpec from via tenserflow_hub.load_module_spec by using TensorFlow Hub.
  • elmo_output_names – A list of output ELMo. You can use combination of ["word_emb", "lstm_outputs1", "lstm_outputs2","elmo"] and you can use separately ["default"]. See TensorFlow Hub for more information about it.
  • dim – Dimensionality of output token embeddings of ELMo model.
  • pad_zero – Whether to use pad samples or not.
  • concat_last_axis – A boolean that enables/disables last axis concatenation. It is not used for elmo_output_names = ["default"].
  • max_token – The number limitation of words per a batch line.
  • mini_batch_size – It is used to reduce the memory requirements of the device.


You can use ELMo models from DeepPavlov as usual TensorFlow Hub Module.

>>> import tensorflow_hub as hub
>>> elmo = hub.Module("",
>>> embeddings = elmo(["это предложение", "word"], signature="default", as_dict=True)["elmo"]

You can also embed tokenized sentences.

>>> tokens_input = [["мама", "мыла", "раму"], ["рама", "", ""]]
>>> tokens_length = [3, 1]
>>> embeddings = elmo(
                "tokens": tokens_input,
                "sequence_len": tokens_length

You can also get hub.text_embedding_column like described here.

__call__(batch: List[List[str]], *args, **kwargs) → Union[List[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray][source]

Embed sentences from a batch.

Parameters:batch – A list of tokenized text samples.
Returns:A batch of ELMo embeddings.
__iter__() → Iterator[source]

Iterate over all words from a ELMo model vocabulary. The ELMo model vocabulary consists of ['<S>', '</S>', '<UNK>'].

Returns:An iterator of three elements ['<S>', '</S>', '<UNK>'].