TF-IDF Ranker

This is an implementation of a document ranker based on tf-idf vectorization. The ranker implementation is based on DrQA [1] project. The default ranker implementation takes a batch of queries as input and returns 5 document ids as output.

:: Who is Ivan Pavlov?
>> ['Ivan Pavlov (lawyer)', 'Ivan Pavlov', 'Pavlovian session', 'Ivan Pavlov (film)', 'Vladimir Bekhterev']

Text for the output ids can be further extracted with WikiSQLiteVocab class.


Default ranker config for English language is doc_retrieval/en_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json

Default ranker config for Russian language is doc_retrieval/ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json

Running the Ranker


Training and inferring the ranker requires ~16 GB RAM.


Run the following to fit the ranker on English Wikipedia:

cd deeppavlov/
python train configs/doc_retrieval/en_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json

Run the following to fit the ranker on Russian Wikipedia:

cd deeppavlov/
python train configs/doc_retrieval/ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json


When interacting, the ranker returns document titles of the relevant documents.

Run the following to interact with the English ranker:

cd deeppavlov/
python interact configs/doc_retrieval/en_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json -d

Run the following to interact with the Russian ranker:

cd deeppavlov/
python interact configs/doc_retrieval/ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json -d

As a result of ranker training, a SQLite database and tf-idf matrix are created.

Available Data and Pretrained Models

Wikipedia DB and pretrained tfidf matrices are downloaded in deeppavlov/download/odqa folder by default.


enwiki.db SQLite database consists of 5159530 Wikipedia articles and is built by the following steps:

  1. Download a Wikipedia dump file. We took the latest enwiki dump (from 2018-02-11)
  2. Unpack and extract the articles with WikiExtractor [2] (with --json, --no-templates, --filter_disambig_pages options)
  3. Build a database during Training.


enwiki_tfidf_matrix.npz is a full Wikipedia tf-idf matrix of size hash_size x number of documents which is 224 x 5180368. This matrix is built with HashingTfIdfVectorizer class.


ruwiki.db SQLite database consists of 1463888 Wikipedia articles and is built by the following steps:

  1. Download a Wikipedia dump file. We took the latest ruwiki dump (from 2018-04-01)
  2. Unpack and extract the articles with WikiExtractor (with --json, --no-templates, --filter_disambig_pages options)
  3. Build a database during Training.


ruwiki_tfidf_matrix.npz is a full Wikipedia tf-idf matrix of size hash_size x number of documents which is 224 x 1463888. This matrix is built with HashingTfIdfVectorizer class. class.


Scores for TF-IDF Ranker model:

Model Dataset Wiki dump Recall (top 5)
DeepPavlov SQuAD (dev) enwiki (2018-02-11) 75.6
DrQA [1] SQuAD (dev) enwiki (2016-12-21) 77.8