Sequence-To-Sequence Dialogue Bot For Goal-Oriented Task

A goal-oriented bot based on a rnn that encodes user utterance and generates response in a sequence-to-sequence manner. For network architecture is similar to [2].

alt text Diagram 1. Key-value retrieval network. For each time-step of decoding, the cell state is used to compute an attention over the encoder states and a separate attention over the key of each entry in the KB. The attentions over the encoder are used to generate a context vector which is combined with the cell state to get a distribution over the normal vocabulary. The attentions over the keys of the KB become the logits for their associated values and are separate entries in a now augmented vocabulary that we argmax over.

The dialogue agent is able to handle multi-domain data. The model is end-to-end differentiable and does not need to explicitly model dialogue state or belief trackers.

We also used a new Stanford NLP Group released dataset of 3,031 dialogues [1] that are grounded through underlying knowledge bases and span three distinct tasks in the in-car personal assistant space:

  • calendar scheduling,
  • weather information retrieval and
  • point-of-interest navigation.

For more info on the dataset see KvretDatasetReader.

Here is a simple example of interaction with a trained dialogue bot (available for download):

x_text:: Where is the nearest gas station?
dialog_id:: 2b77c100-0fec-426a-a483-04ac03763776
>> chevron is the nearest gas station at 783 arcadia pl.
x_text:: How far is chevron?
dialog_id:: 2b77c100-0fec-426a-a483-04ac03763776
>> chevron is the closest at 783 arcadia pl.
x_text:: Ok, is there traffic?
dialog_id:: 2b77c100-0fec-426a-a483-04ac03763776
>> there is heavy traffic on the route to chevron.
x_text:: Thanks
dialog_id:: 2b77c100-0fec-426a-a483-04ac03763776
>> you're welcome. end_of_dialogue

x_text:: Will it be rainy on tuesday in Camarillo?
dialog_id:: 3a3f05ec-a5db-4ba5-add8-4ffe02758c35
>> it will not be cloudy in camarillo on tuesday.
x_text:: Thank you car!
dialog_id:: 3a3f05ec-a5db-4ba5-add8-4ffe02758c35
>> you're welcome! end_of_dialogue

x_text:: When is my tennis activity?
dialog_id:: 0b144470-faa8-4e71-98c7-a9b645fffab0
>> your tennis activity is on sunday at 4 pm.
x_text:: With whom is it?
dialog_id:: 0b144470-faa8-4e71-98c7-a9b645fffab0
>> your tennis activity on sunday at 4 pm is with your father.
x_text:: Ok, good day to you
dialog_id:: 0b144470-faa8-4e71-98c7-a9b645fffab0
>> you are welcome. end_of_dialogue
x_text:: exit

For every dialog_id that was preset in train, dev or test dataset there exists a list of entries in knowledge base. The entries are being used by model for response prediction. To see available dialogs ids and corresponding knowledge base items see kvret_dataset files.

In the dialogs above, dialog with dialog_id="2b77c100-0fec-426a-a483-04ac03763776" had entry:

  "distance": "5 miles",
  "traffic_info": "heavy traffic",
  "poi_type": "gas station",
  "address": "783 Arcadia Pl",
  "poi": "Chevron"

Dialog with dialog_id="3a3f05ec-a5db-4ba5-add8-4ffe02758c35" had entry:

  "monday": "clear skies, low of 90F, high of 100F",
  "tuesday": "cloudy, low of 90F, high of 100F",
  "friday": "overcast, low of 90F, high of 100F",
  "wednesday": "windy, low of 30F, high of 50F",
  "thursday": "snow, low of 90F, high of 100F",
  "sunday": "rain, low of 60F, high of 70F",
  "location": "camarillo",
  "saturday": "overcast, low of 60F, high of 80F",
  "today": "monday"

Dialog with dialog_id="0b144470-faa8-4e71-98c7-a9b645fffab0" had entry:

   "room": "-",
   "agenda": "-",
   "time": "4pm",
   "date": "sunday",
   "party": "father",
   "event": "tennis activity"


Config configs/seq2seq_go_bot/bot_kvret.json is recommended to be used for inference (interaction) of a pretrained model.

Config configs/seq2seq_go_bot/bot_kvret_train.json is recommended to be used for training a new model.


To interact with a pretrained seq2seq_go_bot model using commandline run:

python -m deeppavlov interact <path_to_config> [-d]

where <path_to_config> is one of the provided config files.

You can also train your own model by running:

python -m deeppavlov train <path_to_config> [-d]
The -d parameter downloads:

After downloading required files you can use the configs in your python code.

To infer from a pretrained model with config path equal to <path_to_config>:

from deeppavlov.core.commands.infer import build_model_from_config
from deeppavlov.core.common.file import read_json

CONFIG_PATH = '<path_to_config>'
model = build_model_from_config(read_json(CONFIG_PATH))

utterance = ""
while utterance != 'exit':
    print(">> " + model([utterance])[0])
    utterance = input(':: ')

Config parameters:

To configure your own pipelines that contain a "seq2seq_go_bot" component, refer to documentation for Seq2SeqGoalOrientedBot and Seq2SeqGoalOrientedBotNetwork classes.


Comparison of BLEU scores on test set of Kvret dataset:

Model Test BLEU
DeepPavlov implementation of KV Retrieval Net 0.132
KV Retrieven Net from [2] 0.132
Copy Net from [2] 0.110
Attn. Seq2Seq from [2] 0.102
Rule-Based from [2] 0.660