Source code for deeppavlov.metrics.fmeasure

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from logging import getLogger

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score

from deeppavlov.core.common.metrics_registry import register_metric

log = getLogger(__name__)

def ner_f1(y_true, y_predicted):
    y_true = list(chain(*y_true))
    y_predicted = list(chain(*y_predicted))
    results = precision_recall_f1(y_true,
    f1 = results['__total__']['f1']
    return f1

[docs]@register_metric('f1') def round_f1(y_true, y_predicted): """ Calculates F1 (binary) measure. Args: y_true: list of true values y_predicted: list of predicted values Returns: F1 score """ try: predictions = [np.round(x) for x in y_predicted] except TypeError: predictions = y_predicted return f1_score(y_true, predictions)
[docs]@register_metric('f1_macro') def round_f1_macro(y_true, y_predicted): """ Calculates F1 macro measure. Args: y_true: list of true values y_predicted: list of predicted values Returns: F1 score """ try: predictions = [np.round(x) for x in y_predicted] except TypeError: predictions = y_predicted return f1_score(np.array(y_true), np.array(predictions), average="macro")
[docs]@register_metric('f1_weighted') def round_f1_weighted(y_true, y_predicted): """ Calculates F1 weighted measure. Args: y_true: list of true values y_predicted: list of predicted values Returns: F1 score """ try: predictions = [np.round(x) for x in y_predicted] except TypeError: predictions = y_predicted return f1_score(np.array(y_true), np.array(predictions), average="weighted")
def chunk_finder(current_token, previous_token, tag): current_tag = current_token.split('-', 1)[-1] previous_tag = previous_token.split('-', 1)[-1] if previous_tag != tag: previous_tag = 'O' if current_tag != tag: current_tag = 'O' if (previous_tag == 'O' and current_token == 'B-' + tag) or \ (previous_token == 'I-' + tag and current_token == 'B-' + tag) or \ (previous_token == 'B-' + tag and current_token == 'B-' + tag) or \ (previous_tag == 'O' and current_token == 'I-' + tag): create_chunk = True else: create_chunk = False if (previous_token == 'I-' + tag and current_token == 'B-' + tag) or \ (previous_token == 'B-' + tag and current_token == 'B-' + tag) or \ (current_tag == 'O' and previous_token == 'I-' + tag) or \ (current_tag == 'O' and previous_token == 'B-' + tag): pop_out = True else: pop_out = False return create_chunk, pop_out def precision_recall_f1(y_true, y_pred, print_results=True, short_report=False, entity_of_interest=None): # Find all tags tags = set() for tag in itertools.chain(y_true, y_pred): if tag != 'O': current_tag = tag[2:] tags.add(current_tag) tags = sorted(list(tags)) results = OrderedDict() for tag in tags: results[tag] = OrderedDict() results['__total__'] = OrderedDict() n_tokens = len(y_true) total_correct = 0 # Firstly we find all chunks in the ground truth and prediction # For each chunk we write starting and ending indices for tag in tags: count = 0 true_chunk = [] pred_chunk = [] y_true = [str(y) for y in y_true] y_pred = [str(y) for y in y_pred] prev_tag_true = 'O' prev_tag_pred = 'O' while count < n_tokens: yt = y_true[count] yp = y_pred[count] create_chunk_true, pop_out_true = chunk_finder(yt, prev_tag_true, tag) if pop_out_true: true_chunk[-1] = (true_chunk[-1], count - 1) if create_chunk_true: true_chunk.append(count) create_chunk_pred, pop_out_pred = chunk_finder(yp, prev_tag_pred, tag) if pop_out_pred: pred_chunk[-1] = (pred_chunk[-1], count - 1) if create_chunk_pred: pred_chunk.append(count) prev_tag_true = yt prev_tag_pred = yp count += 1 if len(true_chunk) > 0 and not isinstance(true_chunk[-1], tuple): true_chunk[-1] = (true_chunk[-1], count - 1) if len(pred_chunk) > 0 and not isinstance(pred_chunk[-1], tuple): pred_chunk[-1] = (pred_chunk[-1], count - 1) # Then we find all correctly classified intervals # True positive results tp = len(set(pred_chunk).intersection(set(true_chunk))) total_correct += tp # And then just calculate errors of the first and second kind # False negative fn = len(true_chunk) - tp # False positive fp = len(pred_chunk) - tp if tp + fp > 0: precision = tp / (tp + fp) * 100 else: precision = 0 if tp + fn > 0: recall = tp / (tp + fn) * 100 else: recall = 0 if precision + recall > 0: f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) else: f1 = 0 results[tag]['precision'] = precision results[tag]['recall'] = recall results[tag]['f1'] = f1 results[tag]['n_predicted_entities'] = len(pred_chunk) results[tag]['n_true_entities'] = len(true_chunk) total_true_entities = 0 total_predicted_entities = 0 total_precision = 0 total_recall = 0 total_f1 = 0 for tag in results: if tag == '__total__': continue n_pred = results[tag]['n_predicted_entities'] n_true = results[tag]['n_true_entities'] total_true_entities += n_true total_predicted_entities += n_pred total_precision += results[tag]['precision'] * n_pred total_recall += results[tag]['recall'] * n_true total_f1 += results[tag]['f1'] * n_true if total_true_entities > 0: accuracy = total_correct / total_true_entities * 100 total_recall = total_recall / total_true_entities else: accuracy = 0 total_recall = 0 if total_predicted_entities > 0: total_precision = total_precision / total_predicted_entities else: total_precision = 0 if total_precision + total_recall > 0: total_f1 = 2 * total_precision * total_recall / (total_precision + total_recall) else: total_f1 = 0 results['__total__']['n_predicted_entities'] = total_predicted_entities results['__total__']['n_true_entities'] = total_true_entities results['__total__']['precision'] = total_precision results['__total__']['recall'] = total_recall results['__total__']['f1'] = total_f1 if print_results: s = 'processed {len} tokens ' \ 'with {tot_true} phrases; ' \ 'found: {tot_pred} phrases;' \ ' correct: {tot_cor}.\n\n'.format(len=n_tokens, tot_true=total_true_entities, tot_pred=total_predicted_entities, tot_cor=total_correct) s += 'precision: {tot_prec:.2f}%; ' \ 'recall: {tot_recall:.2f}%; ' \ 'FB1: {tot_f1:.2f}\n\n'.format(acc=accuracy, tot_prec=total_precision, tot_recall=total_recall, tot_f1=total_f1) if not short_report: for tag in tags: if entity_of_interest is not None: if entity_of_interest in tag: s += '\t' + tag + ': precision: {tot_prec:.2f}%; ' \ 'recall: {tot_recall:.2f}%; ' \ 'F1: {tot_f1:.2f} ' \ '{tot_predicted}\n\n'.format(tot_prec=results[tag]['precision'], tot_recall=results[tag]['recall'], tot_f1=results[tag]['f1'], tot_predicted=results[tag]['n_predicted_entities']) elif tag != '__total__': s += '\t' + tag + ': precision: {tot_prec:.2f}%; ' \ 'recall: {tot_recall:.2f}%; ' \ 'F1: {tot_f1:.2f} ' \ '{tot_predicted}\n\n'.format(tot_prec=results[tag]['precision'], tot_recall=results[tag]['recall'], tot_f1=results[tag]['f1'], tot_predicted=results[tag]['n_predicted_entities']) elif entity_of_interest is not None: s += '\t' + entity_of_interest + ': precision: {tot_prec:.2f}%; ' \ 'recall: {tot_recall:.2f}%; ' \ 'F1: {tot_f1:.2f} ' \ '{tot_predicted}\n\n'.format(tot_prec=results[entity_of_interest]['precision'], tot_recall=results[entity_of_interest]['recall'], tot_f1=results[entity_of_interest]['f1'], tot_predicted=results[entity_of_interest]['n_predicted_entities']) log.debug(s) return results