Contribution Guide

We are happy when you share your research with us and when you improve our code! There is an easy way to contribute to our project, follow the steps below. Your commit will be reviewed and added to our dev branch, and will be added to master branch with the nearest release. Moreover, if you are a dedicated contributor, you have a chance to get our t-shirt, get invited to one of our events or even join our team ; )

How to contribute:

  1. Don’t start the coding first. You should post an issue to discuss the features you want to add. If our team or other contributors accept your offer or give a +1, assign the issue to yourself. Now proceed with coding : )

  2. Write readable code and keep it PEP8-ed, add docstrings and keep them consistent with the Google Style. Pay attention that we support typing annotations in every function declaration.

    Accompany code with clear comments to let other people understand the flow of your mind.

    If you create new models, refer to the Registry your model section to add it to the DeepPavlov registry of models.

  3. Clone and/or update your checked out copy of DeepPavlov to ensure you have the most recent commits from the master branch:

    git clone
    cd DeepPavlov/
    git fetch origin
    git checkout dev
    git pull
  4. Create a new branch and switch to it. Give it a meaningful name:

    git checkout -b what_my_code_does_branch
  5. We ask you to add some tests. This will help us maintain the framework, and this will help users to understand the feature you introduce. Examples of implemented tests are available in tests/ directory.

  6. Please, update the documentation, if you committed significant changes to our code.

  7. Commit your changes and push your feature branch to your GitHub fork. Don’t forget to reference the GitHub issue associated with your task. Squash your commits into a single commit with git’s interactive rebase. Create a new branch if necessary.

    git add my_files
    git commit -m "fix: resolve issue #271"
    git push origin my_branch

    Follow the semantic commit notation for the name of the commit.

  8. Create a new pull request to get your feature branch merged into dev for others to use. You’ll first need to ensure your feature branch contains the latest changes from dev.

    # (external contribs): make a new pull request:
    # merge latest dev changes into your feature branch
    git fetch origin
    git checkout dev
    git pull origin dev
    git checkout my_branch
    git merge dev  # you may need to manually resolve merge conflicts
  9. Once your change has been successfully merged, you can remove the source branch and ensure your local copy is up to date:

    git fetch origin
    git checkout dev
    git pull
    git branch -d my_branch
    git branch -d -r origin/my_branch
  10. Relax and wait : )

Some time after that your commit will be reassigned to somebody from our team to check your code. If the code is okay and all tests work fine, your commit will be approved and added to the framework. Your research will become a part of a common big work and other people will happily use it and thank you :D

If you still have any questions, either on the contribution process or about the framework itself, please ask us at our forum Follow us on Facebook to get news on releases, new features, approved contributions and resolved issues