Source code for deeppavlov.models.kbqa.kb_answer_parser_wikidata

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import pickle
from logging import getLogger
from string import punctuation
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Dict

import numpy as np

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.models.serializable import Serializable
from deeppavlov.models.kbqa.entity_linking import EntityLinker

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@register('kb_answer_parser_wikidata') class KBAnswerParserWikidata(Component, Serializable): """ This class generates an answer for a given question using Wikidata. It searches for matching triplet from the Wikidata with entity and relation mentioned in the question. It uses results of the Named Entity Recognition component to extract entity mention and Classification component to determine relation which connects extracted entity and the answer entity. """ def __init__(self, load_path: str, top_k_classes: int, linker: EntityLinker, classes_vocab_keys: Tuple, debug: bool = False, relations_maping_filename: str = None, templates_filename: str = None, return_confidences: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: load_path: path to folder with wikidata files top_k_classes: number of relations with top k probabilities linker: component `deeppavlov.models.kbqa.entity_linking` classes_vocab_keys: list of relations predicted by `` model debug: whether to print entities and relations extracted from the question relations_maping_filename: file with the dictionary of ids(keys) and titles(values) of relations from Wikidata templates_filename: file with the dictionary of question templates(keys) and relations for these templates (values) return_confidences: whether to return confidences of answers *args: **kwargs: """ super().__init__(save_path=None, load_path=load_path) self.top_k_classes = top_k_classes self.classes = list(classes_vocab_keys) self._debug = debug self._relations_filename = relations_maping_filename self._templates_filename = templates_filename self._q_to_name: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None self._relations_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None self.templates: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None self.return_confidences = return_confidences self.linker = linker self.load() def load(self) -> None: with open(self.load_path, 'rb') as fl: self._q_to_name = pickle.load(fl) if self._relations_filename is not None: with open(self.load_path.parent / self._relations_filename, 'rb') as f: self._relations_mapping = pickle.load(f) if self._templates_filename is not None: with open(self.load_path.parent / self._templates_filename, 'rb') as t: self.templates = pickle.load(t) def save(self) -> None: pass def __call__(self, tokens_batch: List[List[str]], tags_batch: List[List[int]], relations_probs_batch: List[List[float]], *args, **kwargs) -> List[str]: objects_batch = [] confidences_batch = [] for tokens, tags, relations_probs in zip(tokens_batch, tags_batch, relations_probs_batch): is_kbqa = self.is_kbqa_question(tokens) if is_kbqa: if self._templates_filename is not None: entity_from_template, relation_from_template = self.entities_and_rels_from_templates(tokens) else: entity_from_template = None if entity_from_template: if self._debug: relation_title = self._relations_mapping[relation_from_template] log.debug("entity {}, relation {}".format(entity_from_template, relation_title)) entity_triplets, entity_linking_confidences = self.linker(entity_from_template, tokens) relation_prob = 1.0 obj, confidence = self._match_triplet(entity_triplets, entity_linking_confidences, [relation_from_template], [relation_prob]) else: entity_from_ner = self.extract_entities(tokens, tags) entity_triplets, entity_linking_confidences = self.linker(entity_from_ner, tokens) top_k_relations, top_k_probs = self._parse_relations_probs(relations_probs) top_k_relation_names = [self._relations_mapping[rel] for rel in top_k_relations] if self._debug: log.debug("top k relations {}".format(str(top_k_relation_names))) obj, confidence = self._match_triplet(entity_triplets, entity_linking_confidences, top_k_relations, top_k_probs) objects_batch.append(obj) confidences_batch.append(confidence) else: objects_batch.append('') confidences_batch.append(0.0) parsed_objects_batch, confidences_batch = self._parse_wikidata_object(objects_batch, confidences_batch) if self.return_confidences: return parsed_objects_batch, confidences_batch else: return parsed_objects_batch def _parse_wikidata_object(self, objects_batch: List[str], confidences_batch: List[float]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[float]]: parsed_objects = [] for n, obj in enumerate(objects_batch): if len(obj) > 0: if obj.startswith('Q'): if obj in self._q_to_name: parsed_object = self._q_to_name[obj]["name"] parsed_objects.append(parsed_object) else: parsed_objects.append('Not Found') confidences_batch[n] = 0.0 else: parsed_objects.append(obj) else: parsed_objects.append('Not Found') confidences_batch[n] = 0.0 return parsed_objects, confidences_batch @staticmethod def _match_triplet(entity_triplets: List[List[str]], entity_linking_confidences: List[float], relations: List[int], relations_probs: List[float]) -> Tuple[str, float]: obj = '' confidence = 0.0 for predicted_relation, rel_prob in zip(relations, relations_probs): for entities, linking_confidence in zip(entity_triplets, entity_linking_confidences): for rel_triplets in entities: relation_from_wiki = rel_triplets[0] if predicted_relation == relation_from_wiki: obj = rel_triplets[1] confidence = linking_confidence * rel_prob return obj, confidence return obj, confidence def _parse_relations_probs(self, probs: List[float]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: top_k_inds = np.asarray(probs).argsort()[-self.top_k_classes:][::-1] top_k_classes = [self.classes[k] for k in top_k_inds] top_k_probs = [probs[k] for k in top_k_inds] return top_k_classes, top_k_probs @staticmethod def extract_entities(tokens: List[str], tags: List[str]) -> str: entity = [] for j, tok in enumerate(tokens): if tags[j] != 0: # TODO: replace with tag 'O' (not necessary 0) entity.append(tok) entity = ' '.join(entity) return entity def entities_and_rels_from_templates(self, tokens: List[List[str]]) -> Tuple[str, int]: s_sanitized = ' '.join([ch for ch in tokens if ch not in punctuation]).lower() ent = '' relation = '' for template in self.templates: template_start, template_end = template.lower().split('xxx') if template_start in s_sanitized and template_end in s_sanitized: template_start_pos = s_sanitized.find(template_start) template_end_pos = s_sanitized.find(template_end) ent_cand = s_sanitized[template_start_pos + len(template_start): template_end_pos or len(s_sanitized)] if len(ent_cand) < len(ent) or len(ent) == 0: ent = ent_cand relation = self.templates[template] return ent, relation def is_kbqa_question(self, question_tokens: List[List[str]]) -> bool: not_kbqa_question_templates = ["почему", "когда будет", "что будет", "что если", "для чего ", "как ", "что делать", "зачем", "что может"] kbqa_question_templates = ["как зовут", "как называется", "как звали", "как ты думаешь", "как твое мнение", "как ты считаешь"] question_init = ' '.join(question_tokens) question = ''.join([ch for ch in question_init if ch not in punctuation]).lower() is_kbqa = (all(template not in question for template in not_kbqa_question_templates) or all(template in question for template in kbqa_question_templates)) return is_kbqa