
deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common.predict_with_model(config_path: [<class 'pathlib.Path'>, <class 'str'>], infile: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = None, input_format: str = 'ud', batch_size: [<class 'int'>] = 16, output_format: str = 'basic')List[Optional[List[str]]][source]

Returns predictions of morphotagging model given in config :config_path:.


config_path – a path to config


a list of morphological analyses for each sentence. Each analysis is either a list of tags or a list of full CONLL-U descriptions.

class deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.lemmatizer.UDPymorphyLemmatizer(save_path: Optional[str] = None, load_path: Optional[str] = None, rare_grammeme_penalty: float = 1.0, long_lemma_penalty: float = 1.0, **kwargs)[source]

A class that returns a normal form of a Russian word given its morphological tag in UD format. Lemma is selected from one of PyMorphy parses, the parse whose tag resembles the most a known UD tag is chosen.

__call__(data: List[List[str]], tags: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None)List[List[str]]

Lemmatizes each word in a batch of sentences.

  • data – the batch of sentences (lists of words).

  • tags – the batch of morphological tags (if available).


a batch of lemmatized sentences.

class deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common.TagOutputPrettifier(format_mode: str = 'basic', return_string: bool = True, begin: str = '', end: str = '', sep: str = '\n', **kwargs)[source]

Class which prettifies morphological tagger output to 4-column or 10-column (Universal Dependencies) format.

  • format_mode – output format, in basic mode output data contains 4 columns (id, word, pos, features), in conllu or ud mode it contains 10 columns: id, word, lemma, pos, xpos, feats, head, deprel, deps, misc (see for details) Only id, word, tag and pos values are present in current version, other columns are filled by _ value.

  • return_string – whether to return a list of strings or a single string

  • begin – a string to append in the beginning

  • end – a string to append in the end

  • sep – separator between word analyses

__call__(X: List[List[str]], Y: List[List[str]])List[Union[List[str], str]][source]

Calls the prettify() function for each input sentence.

  • X – a list of input sentences

  • Y – a list of list of tags for sentence words


a list of prettified morphological analyses

prettify(tokens: List[str], tags: List[str])Union[List[str], str][source]

Prettifies output of morphological tagger.

  • tokens – tokenized source sentence

  • tags – list of tags, the output of a tagger


the prettified output of the tagger.


>>> sent = "John really likes pizza .".split()
>>> tags = ["PROPN,Number=Sing", "ADV",
>>>         "VERB,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin",
>>>         "NOUN,Number=Sing", "PUNCT"]
>>> prettifier = TagOutputPrettifier(mode='basic')
>>> self.prettify(sent, tags)
    1       John    PROPN   Number=Sing
    2       really  ADV     _
    3       likes   VERB    Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin
    4       pizza   NOUN    Number=Sing
    5       .       PUNCT   _
>>> prettifier = TagOutputPrettifier(mode='ud')
>>> self.prettify(sent, tags)
    1       John    _       PROPN   _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
    2       really  _       ADV     _       _       _       _       _       _
    3       likes   _       VERB    _       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   _       _       _       _
    4       pizza   _       NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
    5       .       _       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _
set_format_mode(format_mode: str = 'basic')None[source]

A function that sets format for output and recalculates self.format_string.


format_mode – output format, in basic mode output data contains 4 columns (id, word, pos, features), in conllu or ud mode it contains 10 columns: id, word, lemma, pos, xpos, feats, head, deprel, deps, misc (see for details) Only id, word, tag and pos values are present in current version, other columns are filled by _ value.


class deeppavlov.models.morpho_tagger.common.LemmatizedOutputPrettifier(return_string: bool = True, begin: str = '', end: str = '', sep: str = '\n', **kwargs)[source]

Class which prettifies morphological tagger output to 4-column or 10-column (Universal Dependencies) format.

  • format_mode – output format, in basic mode output data contains 4 columns (id, word, pos, features), in conllu or ud mode it contains 10 columns: id, word, lemma, pos, xpos, feats, head, deprel, deps, misc (see for details) Only id, word, lemma, tag and pos columns are predicted in current version, other columns are filled by _ value.

  • return_string – whether to return a list of strings or a single string

  • begin – a string to append in the beginning

  • end – a string to append in the end

  • sep – separator between word analyses

__call__(X: List[List[str]], Y: List[List[str]], Z: List[List[str]])List[Union[List[str], str]][source]

Calls the prettify() function for each input sentence.

  • X – a list of input sentences

  • Y – a list of list of tags for sentence words

  • Z – a list of lemmatized sentences


a list of prettified morphological analyses

prettify(tokens: List[str], tags: List[str], lemmas: List[str])Union[List[str], str][source]

Prettifies output of morphological tagger.

  • tokens – tokenized source sentence

  • tags – list of tags, the output of a tagger

  • lemmas – list of lemmas, the output of a lemmatizer


the prettified output of the tagger.


>>> sent = "John really likes pizza .".split()
>>> tags = ["PROPN,Number=Sing", "ADV",
>>>         "VERB,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin",
>>>         "NOUN,Number=Sing", "PUNCT"]
>>> lemmas = "John really like pizza .".split()
>>> prettifier = LemmatizedOutputPrettifier()
>>> self.prettify(sent, tags, lemmas)
    1       John    John    PROPN   _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
    2       really  really  ADV     _       _       _       _       _       _
    3       likes   like    VERB    _       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   _       _       _       _
    4       pizza   pizza   NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
    5       .       .       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _