
Concrete DatasetReader classes.

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.basic_classification_reader.BasicClassificationDatasetReader[source]

Class provides reading dataset in .csv format

read(data_path: str, url: Optional[str] = None, format: str = 'csv', class_sep: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs)dict[source]

Read dataset from data_path directory. Reading files are all data_types + extension (i.e for data_types=[“train”, “valid”] files “train.csv” and “valid.csv” form data_path will be read)

  • data_path – directory with files

  • url – download data files if data_path not exists or empty

  • format – extension of files. Set of Values: "csv", "json"

  • class_sep – string separator of labels in column with labels

  • sep (str) – delimeter for "csv" files. Default: None -> only one class per sample

  • header (int) – row number to use as the column names

  • names (array) – list of column names to use

  • orient (str) – indication of expected JSON string format

  • lines (boolean) – read the file as a json object per line. Default: False


dictionary with types from data_types. Each field of dictionary is a list of tuples (x_i, y_i)

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.conll2003_reader.Conll2003DatasetReader[source]

Class to read training datasets in CoNLL-2003 format

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.faq_reader.FaqDatasetReader[source]

Reader for FAQ dataset

read(data_path: Optional[str] = None, data_url: Optional[str] = None, x_col_name: str = 'x', y_col_name: str = 'y')Dict[source]

Read FAQ dataset from specified csv file or remote url

  • data_path – path to csv file of FAQ

  • data_url – url to csv file of FAQ

  • x_col_name – name of Question column in csv file

  • y_col_name – name of Answer column in csv file


A dictionary containing training, validation and test parts of the dataset obtainable via train, valid and test keys.

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.line_reader.LineReader[source]

Read txt file by lines

read(data_path: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs)Dict[source]

Read lines from txt file


data_path – path to txt file


A dictionary containing training, validation and test parts of the dataset obtainable via train, valid and test keys.

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.paraphraser_reader.ParaphraserReader[source]

The class to read the dataset from files.

Please, see

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.squad_dataset_reader.SquadDatasetReader[source]

Downloads dataset files and prepares train/valid split.

SQuAD: Stanford Question Answering Dataset

SQuAD2.0: Stanford Question Answering Dataset, version 2.0

SberSQuAD: Dataset from SDSJ Task B

MultiSQuAD: SQuAD dataset with additional contexts retrieved (by tfidf) from original Wikipedia article.

MultiSQuADRetr: SQuAD dataset with additional contexts retrieved by tfidf document ranker from full Wikipedia.

read(data_path: str, dataset: Optional[str] = 'SQuAD', url: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs)Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]
  • data_path – path to save data

  • dataset – default dataset names: 'SQuAD', 'SberSQuAD' or 'MultiSQuAD'

  • url – link to archive with dataset, use url argument if non-default dataset is used


dataset split on train/valid


RuntimeError – if dataset is not one of these: 'SQuAD', 'SberSQuAD', 'MultiSQuAD'.

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.typos_reader.TyposCustom[source]

Base class for reading spelling corrections dataset files

static build(data_path: str)pathlib.Path[source]

Base method that interprets data_path argument.


data_path – path to the tsv-file containing erroneous and corrected words


the same path as a Path object

classmethod read(data_path: str, *args, **kwargs)Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]][source]

Read train data for spelling corrections algorithms


data_path – path that needs to be interpreted with build()


train data to pass to a TyposDatasetIterator

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.typos_reader.TyposKartaslov[source]

Implementation of TyposCustom that works with a Russian misspellings dataset from kartaslov

static build(data_path: str)pathlib.Path[source]

Download misspellings list from github


data_path – target directory to download the data to


path to the resulting csv-file

static read(data_path: str, *args, **kwargs)Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]][source]

Read train data for spelling corrections algorithms


data_path – path that needs to be interpreted with build()


train data to pass to a TyposDatasetIterator

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.typos_reader.TyposWikipedia[source]

Implementation of TyposCustom that works with English Wikipedia’s list of common misspellings

static build(data_path: str)pathlib.Path[source]

Download and parse common misspellings list from Wikipedia


data_path – target directory to download the data to


path to the resulting tsv-file

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.ubuntu_v2_reader.UbuntuV2Reader[source]

The class to read the Ubuntu V2 dataset from csv files.

Please, see

read(data_path: str, positive_samples=False, *args, **kwargs)Dict[str, List[Tuple[List[str], int]]][source]

Read the Ubuntu V2 dataset from csv files.

  • data_path – A path to a folder with dataset csv files.

  • positive_samples – if True, only positive context-response pairs will be taken for train

class deeppavlov.dataset_readers.multitask_reader.MultiTaskReader[source]

Class to read several datasets simultaneously.

read(tasks: Dict[str, Dict[str, dict]], task_defaults: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates dataset readers for tasks and returns what task dataset readers read() methods return.

  • tasks – dictionary which keys are task names and values are dictionaries with param name - value pairs for nested dataset readers initialization. If task has key-value pair 'use_task_defaults': False, task_defaults for this task dataset reader will be ignored.

  • task_defaults – default task parameters.


dictionary which keys are task names and values are what task readers read() methods returned.