Source code for deeppavlov.models.ranking.ranking_dict

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from deeppavlov.core.common.log import get_logger

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RankingDict(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Class to encode characters, tokens, whole contexts and responses with vocabularies, to pad and truncate. Args: save_path: A path including filename to store the instance of :class:`deeppavlov.models.ranking.ranking_network.RankingNetwork`. load_path: A path including filename to load the instance of :class:`deeppavlov.models.ranking.ranking_network.RankingNetwork`. max_sequence_length: A maximum length of a sequence in tokens. Longer sequences will be truncated and shorter ones will be padded. tok_dynamic_batch: Whether to use dynamic batching. If ``True``, a maximum length of a sequence for a batch will be equal to the maximum of all sequences lengths from this batch, but not higher than ``max_sequence_length``. padding: Padding. Possible values are ``pre`` and ``post``. If set to ``pre`` a sequence will be padded at the beginning. If set to ``post`` it will padded at the end. truncating: Truncating. Possible values are ``pre`` and ``post``. If set to ``pre`` a sequence will be truncated at the beginning. If set to ``post`` it will truncated at the end. max_token_length: A maximum length of a token for representing it by a character-level embedding. char_dynamic_batch: Whether to use dynamic batching for character-level embeddings. If ``True``, a maximum length of a token for a batch will be equal to the maximum of all tokens lengths from this batch, but not higher than ``max_token_length``. char_pad: Character-level padding. Possible values are ``pre`` and ``post``. If set to ``pre`` a token will be padded at the beginning. If set to ``post`` it will padded at the end. char_trunc: Character-level truncating. Possible values are ``pre`` and ``post``. If set to ``pre`` a token will be truncated at the beginning. If set to ``post`` it will truncated at the end. update_embeddings: Whether to store and update context and response embeddings or not. """ def __init__(self, save_path: str, load_path: str, max_sequence_length: int, max_token_length: int, padding: str = 'post', truncating: str = 'post', token_embeddings: bool = True, char_embeddings: bool = False, char_pad: str = 'post', char_trunc: str = 'post', tok_dynamic_batch: bool = False, char_dynamic_batch: bool = False, update_embeddings: bool = False): self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length self.token_embeddings = token_embeddings self.char_embeddings = char_embeddings self.max_token_length = max_token_length self.padding = padding self.truncating = truncating self.char_pad = char_pad self.char_trunc = char_trunc self.tok_dynamic_batch = tok_dynamic_batch self.char_dynamic_batch = char_dynamic_batch self.upd_embs = update_embeddings save_path = expand_path(save_path).resolve().parent load_path = expand_path(load_path).resolve().parent self.char_save_path = save_path / "char2int.dict" self.char_load_path = load_path / "char2int.dict" self.tok_save_path = save_path / "tok2int.dict" self.tok_load_path = load_path / "tok2int.dict" self.cont_save_path = save_path / "cont2toks.dict" self.cont_load_path = load_path / "cont2toks.dict" self.resp_save_path = save_path / "resp2toks.dict" self.resp_load_path = load_path / "resp2toks.dict" self.cemb_save_path = str(save_path / "context_embs.npy") self.cemb_load_path = str(load_path / "context_embs.npy") self.remb_save_path = str(save_path / "response_embs.npy") self.remb_load_path = str(load_path / "response_embs.npy") self.int2tok_vocab = {} self.tok2int_vocab = {} self.response2toks_vocab = {} self.response2emb_vocab = {} self.context2toks_vocab = {} self.context2emb_vocab = {} def init_from_scratch(self):"[initializing new `{}`]".format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.char_embeddings: self.build_int2char_vocab() self.build_char2int_vocab() self.build_int2tok_vocab() self.build_tok2int_vocab() self.build_context2toks_vocabulary() self.build_response2toks_vocabulary() if self.upd_embs: self.build_context2emb_vocabulary() self.build_response2emb_vocabulary() def load(self):"[initializing `{}` from saved]".format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.char_embeddings: self.load_int2char() self.build_char2int_vocab() self.load_int2tok() self.build_tok2int_vocab() self.load_context2toks() self.load_response2toks() if self.upd_embs: self.load_cont() self.load_resp() def save(self):"[saving `{}`]".format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.char_embeddings: self.save_int2char() self.save_int2tok() self.save_context2toks() self.save_response2toks() if self.upd_embs: self.save_cont() self.save_resp() @abstractmethod def build_int2char_vocab(self): pass @abstractmethod def build_int2tok_vocab(self): pass @abstractmethod def build_response2toks_vocabulary(self): pass @abstractmethod def build_context2toks_vocabulary(self): pass def build_char2int_vocab(self): self.char2int_vocab = {el[1]: el[0] for el in self.int2char_vocab.items()} def build_tok2int_vocab(self): self.tok2int_vocab = {el[1]: el[0] for el in self.int2tok_vocab.items()} def build_response2emb_vocabulary(self): for i in range(len(self.response2toks_vocab)): self.response2emb_vocab[i] = None def build_context2emb_vocabulary(self): for i in range(len(self.context2toks_vocab)): self.context2emb_vocab[i] = None def conts2toks(self, conts_li): toks_li = [self.context2toks_vocab[cont] for cont in conts_li] return toks_li def resps2toks(self, resps_li): toks_li = [self.response2toks_vocab[resp] for resp in resps_li] return toks_li def make_toks(self, items_li, type): if type == "context": toks_li = self.conts2toks(items_li) elif type == "response": toks_li = self.resps2toks(items_li) return toks_li def make_ints(self, toks_li): if self.tok_dynamic_batch: msl = min(max([len(el) for el in toks_li]), self.max_sequence_length) else: msl = self.max_sequence_length if self.char_dynamic_batch: mtl = min(max(len(x) for el in toks_li for x in el), self.max_token_length) else: mtl = self.max_token_length if self.token_embeddings and not self.char_embeddings: return self.make_tok_ints(toks_li, msl) elif not self.token_embeddings and self.char_embeddings: return self.make_char_ints(toks_li, msl, mtl) elif self.token_embeddings and self.char_embeddings: tok_ints = self.make_tok_ints(toks_li, msl) char_ints = self.make_char_ints(toks_li, msl, mtl) return np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(tok_ints, axis=2), char_ints], axis=2) def make_tok_ints(self, toks_li, msl): ints_li = [] for toks in toks_li: ints = [] for tok in toks: index = self.tok2int_vocab.get(tok) if self.tok2int_vocab.get(tok) is not None: ints.append(index) else: ints.append(0) ints_li.append(ints) ints_li = pad_sequences(ints_li, maxlen=msl, padding=self.padding, truncating=self.truncating) return ints_li def make_char_ints(self, toks_li, msl, mtl): ints_li = np.zeros((len(toks_li), msl, mtl)) for i, toks in enumerate(toks_li): if self.truncating == 'post': toks = toks[:msl] else: toks = toks[-msl:] for j, tok in enumerate(toks): if self.padding == 'post': k = j else: k = j + msl - len(toks) ints = [] for char in tok: index = self.char2int_vocab.get(char) if index is not None: ints.append(index) else: ints.append(0) if self.char_trunc == 'post': ints = ints[:mtl] else: ints = ints[-mtl:] if self.char_pad == 'post': ints_li[i, k, :len(ints)] = ints else: ints_li[i, k, -len(ints):] = ints return ints_li def save_int2char(self): with'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(el[0]), el[1]]) for el in self.int2char_vocab.items()])) def load_int2char(self): with'r') as f: data = f.readlines() self.int2char_vocab = {int(el.split('\t')[0]): el.split('\t')[1][:-1] for el in data} def save_int2tok(self): with'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(el[0]), el[1]]) for el in self.int2tok_vocab.items()])) def load_int2tok(self): with'r') as f: data = f.readlines() self.int2tok_vocab = {int(el.split('\t')[0]): el.split('\t')[1][:-1] for el in data} def save_context2toks(self): with'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(el[0]), ' '.join(el[1])]) for el in self.context2toks_vocab.items()])) def load_context2toks(self): with'r') as f: data = f.readlines() self.context2toks_vocab = {int(el.split('\t')[0]): el.split('\t')[1][:-1].split(' ') for el in data} def save_response2toks(self): with'w') as f: f.write( '\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(el[0]), ' '.join(el[1])]) for el in self.response2toks_vocab.items()])) def load_response2toks(self): with'r') as f: data = f.readlines() self.response2toks_vocab = {int(el.split('\t')[0]): el.split('\t')[1][:-1].split(' ') for el in data} def save_cont(self): context_embeddings = [] for i in range(len(self.context2emb_vocab)): context_embeddings.append(self.context2emb_vocab[i]) context_embeddings = np.vstack(context_embeddings), context_embeddings) def load_cont(self): context_embeddings_arr = np.load(self.cemb_load_path) for i in range(context_embeddings_arr.shape[0]): self.context2emb_vocab[i] = context_embeddings_arr[i] def save_resp(self): response_embeddings = [] for i in range(len(self.response2emb_vocab)): response_embeddings.append(self.response2emb_vocab[i]) response_embeddings = np.vstack(response_embeddings), response_embeddings) def load_resp(self): response_embeddings_arr = np.load(self.remb_load_path) for i in range(response_embeddings_arr.shape[0]): self.response2emb_vocab[i] = response_embeddings_arr[i]