Source code for deeppavlov.models.embedders.tfidf_weighted_embedder

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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import numpy as np

from overrides import overrides
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Tuple, Iterator

from deeppavlov.core.common.errors import ConfigError
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.common.log import get_logger
from import zero_pad

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]@register('tfidf_weighted') class TfidfWeightedEmbedder(Component): """ The class implements the functional of embedding the sentence \ as a weighted by special coefficients average of tokens embeddings. \ Coefficients can be taken from the given TFIDF-vectorizer in ``vectorizer`` or \ calculated as TFIDF from counter vocabulary given in ``counter_vocab_path``. Also one can give in ``tags_vocab_path`` path to the vocabulary with weights of tags, \ in this case batch with tags should be given as a second input in ``__call__`` method. Args: embedder: embedder instance tokenizer: tokenizer instance, should be able to detokenize sentence pad_zero: whether to pad samples or not mean: whether to return mean token embedding tags_vocab_path: optional path to vocabulary with tags weights vectorizer: vectorizer instance should be trained with ``analyzer="word"`` counter_vocab_path: path to counter vocabulary idf_base_count: minimal idf value (less time occured are not counted) log_base: logarithm base for TFIDF-coefficient calculation froom counter vocabulary min_idf_weight: minimal idf weight Attributes: embedder: embedder instance tokenizer: tokenizer instance, should be able to detokenize sentence dim: dimension of embeddings pad_zero: whether to pad samples or not mean: whether to return mean token embedding tags_vocab: vocabulary with weigths for tags vectorizer: vectorizer instance counter_vocab_path: path to counter vocabulary counter_vocab: counter vocabulary idf_base_count: minimal idf value (less time occured are not counted) log_base: logarithm base for TFIDF-coefficient calculation froom counter vocabulary min_idf_weight: minimal idf weight """ def __init__(self, embedder: Component, tokenizer: Component = None, pad_zero: bool = False, mean: bool = False, tags_vocab_path: str = None, vectorizer: Component = None, counter_vocab_path: str = None, idf_base_count: int = 100, log_base: int = 10, min_idf_weight=0.0, **kwargs) -> None: """ Initialize embedder with given parameters. """ self.embedder = embedder self.dim = self.embedder.dim self.mean = mean self.pad_zero = pad_zero if tokenizer is None: self.tokenizer = self.space_detokenizer else: self.tokenizer = tokenizer if vectorizer and counter_vocab_path: raise ConfigError("TfidfWeightedEmbedder got vectorizer and counter_vocab_path simultaneously." " Remove one of them, please") elif vectorizer: self.vectorizer = vectorizer self.vocabulary = np.array(self.vectorizer.model.get_feature_names()) elif counter_vocab_path: self.counter_vocab_path = expand_path(counter_vocab_path) self.counter_vocab, self.min_count = self.load_counter_vocab(self.vocab_path) self.idf_base_count = idf_base_count self.log_base = log_base self.min_idf_weight = min_idf_weight else: raise ConfigError("TfidfWeightedEmbedder did not get vectorizer or counter_vocab_path." " Set one of them, please") if tags_vocab_path: self.tags_vocab = self.load_tags_vocab(expand_path(tags_vocab_path)) else: self.tags_vocab = None @staticmethod def load_tags_vocab(load_path: str) -> dict: """ Load tag vocabulary from the given path, each key of the vocabulary is a tag, \ and the corresponding value of the item is a coefficient of words with such tags to be multiplied for. Args: load_path: path to the vocabulary to be load from Returns: vocabulary """ tags_vocab = dict() with open(load_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: key, val = line[:-1].split(' ') # "\t" tags_vocab[key] = val return tags_vocab @staticmethod def load_counter_vocab(load_path: str) -> Tuple[dict, int]: """ Load counter vocabulary from the given path Args: load_path: path to the vocabulary to be load from Returns: vocabulary """ counter_vocab = dict() with open(load_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close() min_val = np.inf for line in lines: key, val = line[:-1].split('\t') counter_vocab[key] = val if int(val) < min_val: min_val = int(val) return counter_vocab, min_val @staticmethod def space_detokenizer(batch: List[List[str]]) -> List[str]: """ Detokenizer by default. Linking tokens by space symbol Args: batch: batch of tokenized texts Returns: batch of detokenized texts """ return [" ".join(tokens) for tokens in batch]
[docs] @overrides def __call__(self, batch: List[List[str]], tags_batch: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, mean: bool = None, *args, **kwargs) -> List[Union[list, np.ndarray]]: """ Infer on the given data Args: batch: tokenized text samples tags_batch: optional batch of corresponding tags mean: whether to return mean token embedding (does not depend on self.mean) *args: additional arguments **kwargs: additional arguments Returns: """ if self.tags_vocab: if tags_batch is None: raise ConfigError("TfidfWeightedEmbedder got 'tags_vocab_path' but did not get batch woith tags.") batch = [self._tags_encode(sample, tags_sample, mean=mean) for sample, tags_sample in zip(batch, tags_batch)] else: if tags_batch: raise ConfigError("TfidfWeightedEmbedder got tags batch, but 'tags_vocab_path' is empty.") batch = [self._encode(sample, mean=mean) for sample in batch] if self.pad_zero: batch = zero_pad(batch) return batch
def _encode(self, tokens: List[str], mean: bool) -> Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Embed one text sample Args: tokens: tokenized text sample mean: whether to return mean token embedding (does not depend on self.mean) Returns: list of embedded tokens or array of mean values """ detokenized_sample = self.tokenizer([tokens])[0] # str vectorized_sample = self.vectorizer([detokenized_sample]) # (voc_size,) if self.vectorizer: weights = np.array([vectorized_sample[0, np.where(self.vocabulary == token)[0][0]] if len(np.where(self.vocabulary == token)[0]) else 0. for token in tokens]) else: weights = np.array([self.get_weight(max(self.counter_vocab.get(token, 0), self.idf_base_count)) for token in tokens]) if sum(weights) == 0: weights = np.ones(len(tokens)) embedded_tokens = np.array(self.embedder([tokens]))[0, :, :] if mean is None: mean = self.mean if mean: embedded_tokens = np.average(embedded_tokens, weights=weights, axis=0) else: embedded_tokens = np.array([weights[i] * embedded_tokens[i] for i in range(len(tokens))]) return embedded_tokens def get_weight(self, count: int) -> float: """ Calculate the weight corresponding to the given count Args: count: the number of occurences of particular token Returns: weight """ log_count = np.log(count) / np.log(self.log_base) log_base_count = np.log(self.idf_base_count) / np.log(self.log_base) weight = max(1.0 / (1.0 + log_count - log_base_count), self.min_idf_weight) return weight def _tags_encode(self, tokens: List[str], tags: List[str], mean: bool) -> Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Embed one text sample Args: tokens: tokenized text sample tags: tokenized tags sample mean: whether to return mean token embedding (does not depend on self.mean) Returns: list of embedded tokens or array of mean values """ embedded_tokens = np.array(self.embedder([tokens]))[0, :, :] tags_weights = np.array([self.tags_vocab.get(tag, 1.0) for tag in tags]) detokenized_sample = self.tokenizer([tokens])[0] # str vectorized_sample = self.vectorizer([detokenized_sample]) # (voc_size,) if self.vectorizer: weights = np.array([vectorized_sample[0, np.where(self.vocabulary == token)[0][0]] if len(np.where(self.vocabulary == token)[0]) else 0. for token in tokens]) else: weights = np.array([self.get_weight(max(self.counter_vocab.get(token, 0), self.idf_base_count)) for token in tokens]) weights = np.multiply(weights, tags_weights) if sum(weights) == 0: weights = np.ones(len(tokens)) if mean is None: mean = self.mean if mean: embedded_tokens = np.average(embedded_tokens, weights=weights, axis=0) else: embedded_tokens = np.array([weights[i] * embedded_tokens[i] for i in range(len(tokens))]) return embedded_tokens def destroy(self): pass