Source code for deeppavlov.core.common.chainer

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import inspect
from typing import Union, Tuple, List

from deeppavlov.core.common.errors import ConfigError
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.models.nn_model import NNModel

[docs]class Chainer(Component): """ Builds an agent/component pipeline from heterogeneous components (Rule-based/ML/DL). It allows to train and infer models in a pipeline as a whole. Attributes: pipe: list of components and their input and output variable names for inference train_pipe: list of components and their input and output variable names for training and evaluation in_x: names of inputs for pipeline inference mode out_params: names of pipeline inference outputs in_y: names of additional inputs for pipeline training and evaluation modes forward_map: list of all variables in chainer's memory after running every component in ``self.pipe`` train_map: list of all variables in chainer's memory after running every component in ``train_pipe.pipe`` main: reference to the main component Args: in_x: names of inputs for pipeline inference mode out_params: names of pipeline inference outputs in_y: names of additional inputs for pipeline training and evaluation modes """ def __init__(self, in_x: Union[str, list] = None, out_params: Union[str, list] = None, in_y: Union[str, list] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.pipe: List[Tuple[Tuple[List[str], List[str]], List[str], Component]] = [] self.train_pipe = [] if isinstance(in_x, str): in_x = [in_x] if isinstance(in_y, str): in_y = [in_y] if isinstance(out_params, str): out_params = [out_params] self.in_x = in_x or ['x'] self.in_y = in_y or ['y'] self.out_params = out_params or self.in_x self.forward_map = set(self.in_x) self.train_map = self.forward_map.union(self.in_y) self.main = None def append(self, component: Component, in_x: [str, list, dict]=None, out_params: [str, list]=None, in_y: [str, list, dict]=None, main=False): if isinstance(in_x, str): in_x = [in_x] if isinstance(in_y, str): in_y = [in_y] if isinstance(out_params, str): out_params = [out_params] in_x = in_x or self.in_x if isinstance(in_x, dict): x_keys, in_x = zip(*in_x.items()) else: x_keys = [] out_params = out_params or in_x if in_y is not None: if isinstance(in_y, dict): y_keys, in_y = zip(*in_y.items()) else: y_keys = [] keys = x_keys + y_keys if bool(x_keys) != bool(y_keys): raise ConfigError('`in` and `in_y` for a component have to both be lists or dicts') component: NNModel main = True assert self.train_map.issuperset(in_x+in_y), ('Arguments {} are expected but only {} are set' .format(in_x+in_y, self.train_map)) preprocessor = Chainer(self.in_x, in_x+in_y, self.in_y) for (t_in_x_keys, t_in_x), t_out, t_component in self.train_pipe: if t_in_x_keys: t_in_x = dict(zip(t_in_x_keys, t_in_x)) preprocessor.append(t_component, t_in_x, t_out) def train_on_batch(*args, **kwargs): preprocessed = preprocessor.compute(*args, **kwargs) if len(in_x+in_y) == 1: preprocessed = [preprocessed] if keys: return component.train_on_batch(**dict(zip(keys, preprocessed))) else: return component.train_on_batch(*preprocessed) self.train_on_batch = train_on_batch self.process_event = component.process_event if main: self.main = component if self.forward_map.issuperset(in_x): self.pipe.append(((x_keys, in_x), out_params, component)) self.forward_map = self.forward_map.union(out_params) if self.train_map.issuperset(in_x): self.train_pipe.append(((x_keys, in_x), out_params, component)) self.train_map = self.train_map.union(out_params) else: raise ConfigError('Arguments {} are expected but only {} are set'.format(in_x, self.train_map)) def compute(self, x, y=None, targets=None): if targets is None: targets = self.out_params in_params = list(self.in_x) if len(in_params) == 1: args = [x] else: args = list(zip(*x)) if y is None: pipe = self.pipe else: pipe = self.train_pipe if len(self.in_y) == 1: args.append(y) else: args += list(zip(*y)) in_params += self.in_y return self._compute(*args, pipe=pipe, param_names=in_params, targets=targets) def __call__(self, *args): return self._compute(*args, param_names=self.in_x, pipe=self.pipe, targets=self.out_params) @staticmethod def _compute(*args, param_names, pipe, targets): expected = set(targets) final_pipe = [] for (in_keys, in_params), out_params, component in reversed(pipe): if expected.intersection(out_params): expected = expected - set(out_params) | set(in_params) final_pipe.append(((in_keys, in_params), out_params, component)) final_pipe.reverse() if not expected.issubset(param_names): raise RuntimeError(f'{expected} are required to compute {targets} but were not found in memory or inputs') pipe = final_pipe mem = dict(zip(param_names, args)) del args for (in_keys, in_params), out_params, component in pipe: x = [mem[k] for k in in_params] if in_keys: res = component(**dict(zip(in_keys, x))) else: res = component(*x) if len(out_params) == 1: mem[out_params[0]] = res else: mem.update(zip(out_params, res)) res = [mem[k] for k in targets] if len(res) == 1: res = res[0] return res def get_main_component(self): return self.main or self.pipe[-1][-1] def save(self): self.get_main_component().save() def load(self): for in_params, out_params, component in self.pipe: if inspect.ismethod(getattr(component, 'load', None)): component.load() def reset(self): for in_params, out_params, component in self.pipe: if inspect.ismethod(getattr(component, 'reset', None)): component.reset() def destroy(self): for in_params, out_params, component in self.pipe: if inspect.ismethod(getattr(component, 'destroy', None)): component.destroy()