DeepPavlov settings

DeepPavlov provides some tools to facilitate its usage (e.g. dialog logging, settings management). This document is aimed to guide you through them.

1. Settings files access and management

Most of DeepPavlov settings are located in settings files, which in turn are located in settings folder. Default settings folder location is utils/settings .

You can get full path to settings folder with python -m deeppavlov.settings settings. Also you can move it with with python -m deeppavlov.settings settings -p <new/configs/dir/path> (all your configuration settings will be preserved) or move it to default location (utils/settings) with python -m deeppavlov.settings settings -d (all your configuration settings will be RESET to default ones).

2. Dialog logging

DeepPavlov supports logging of dialogs carried by Agent or riseapi instances. You can manage dialog logging by editing dialog_logger_config.json settings file in settings directory

Following dialog logging settings are available:

  1. enabled (default: false): turns on/off dialog logging for DeepPavlov instance;
  2. log_path (default: ~/.deeppavlov/dialog_logs): sets directory where dialog logs are stored;
  3. agent_name (default: dp_agent): sets subdirectory name for storing dialog logs;
  4. logfile_max_size_kb (default: 10240): sets logfile maximum size in kilobytes. If exceeded, new log file is created;
  5. ensure_ascii (default: false): If true, converts all non-ASCII symbols in logged content to Unicode code points.