Source code for deeppavlov.agents.rich_content.default_rich_content

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional

from deeppavlov.core.agent.rich_content import RichControl

[docs]class PlainText(RichControl): """Plain text message as a rich control. Args: text: Text of the message. Attributes: content: Text of the message. """ def __init__(self, text: str) -> None: super(PlainText, self).__init__('plain_text') self.content: str = text
[docs] def json(self) -> dict: """Returns json compatible state of the PlainText instance. Returns: control_json: Json representation of PlainText state. """ self.control_json['content'] = self.content return self.control_json
[docs] def ms_bot_framework(self)-> dict: """Returns MS Bot Framework compatible state of the PlainText instance. Creating MS Bot Framework activity blank with "text" field populated. Returns: out_activity: MS Bot Framework representation of PlainText state. """ out_activity = {} out_activity['type'] = 'message' out_activity['text'] = self.content return out_activity
[docs] def alexa(self) -> dict: """Returns Amazon Alexa compatible state of the PlainText instance. Creating Amazon Alexa response blank with populated "outputSpeech" and "card sections. Returns: response: Amazon Alexa representation of PlainText state. """ response = { 'response': { 'shouldEndSession': False, 'outputSpeech': { 'type': 'PlainText', 'text': self.content}, 'card': { 'type': 'Simple', 'content': self.content } } } return response
[docs]class Button(RichControl): """Button with plain text callback. Args: name: Displayed name of the button. callback: Plain text returned as callback when button pressed. Attributes: name: Displayed name of the button. callback: Plain text returned as callback when button pressed. """ def __init__(self, name: str, callback: str) -> None: super(Button, self).__init__('button') str = name self.callback: str = callback
[docs] def json(self) -> dict: """Returns json compatible state of the Button instance. Returns: control_json: Json representation of Button state. """ content = {} content['name'] = content['callback'] = self.callback self.control_json['content'] = content return self.control_json
[docs] def ms_bot_framework(self) -> dict: """Returns MS Bot Framework compatible state of the Button instance. Creates MS Bot Framework CardAction (button) with postBack value return. Returns: control_json: MS Bot Framework representation of Button state. """ card_action = {} card_action['type'] = 'postBack' card_action['title'] = card_action['value'] = self.callback = self.callback return card_action
[docs]class ButtonsFrame(RichControl): """ButtonsFrame is a container for several Buttons objects. ButtonsFrame embeds several Buttons and allows to post them in one channel message. Args: text: Text displayed with embedded buttons. Attributes: text: Text displayed with embedded buttons. content: Container with Button objects. """ def __init__(self, text: Optional[str]=None) -> None: super(ButtonsFrame, self).__init__('buttons_frame') self.text: [str, None] = text self.content: list = []
[docs] def add_button(self, button: Button): """Adds Button instance to RichMessage. Args: button: Button instance. """ self.content.append(button)
[docs] def json(self) -> dict: """Returns json compatible state of the ButtonsFrame instance. Returns json compatible state of the ButtonsFrame instance including all nested buttons. Returns: control_json: Json representation of ButtonsFrame state. """ content = {} if self.text: content['text'] = self.text content['controls'] = [control.json() for control in self.content] self.control_json['content'] = content return self.control_json
[docs] def ms_bot_framework(self) -> dict: """Returns MS Bot Framework compatible state of the ButtonsFrame instance. Creating MS Bot Framework activity blank with RichCard in "attachments". RichCard is populated with CardActions corresponding buttons embedded in ButtonsFrame. Returns: control_json: MS Bot Framework representation of ButtonsFrame state. """ rich_card = {} buttons = [button.ms_bot_framework() for button in self.content] rich_card['buttons'] = buttons if self.text: rich_card['title'] = self.text attachments = [ { "contentType": "application/", "content": rich_card } ] out_activity = {} out_activity['type'] = 'message' out_activity['attachments'] = attachments return out_activity