Source code for deeppavlov.core.agent.rich_content

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class RichItem(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for rich content elements. Every rich content element is presumed to return its state (including state of nested controls) at least in json format (mandatory) as well as in the formats compatible with other channels. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def json(self) -> Union[list, dict]: """Returns json compatible state of the control instance including its nested controls. Returns: control: Json representation of control state. """ pass
[docs] def ms_bot_framework(self): """Returns MS Bot Framework compatible state of the control instance including its nested controls. Returns: control: MS Bot Framework representation of control state. """ return None
[docs] def telegram(self): """Returns Telegram compatible state of the control instance including its nested controls. Returns: control: Telegram representation of control state. """ return None
[docs] def alexa(self): """Returns Amazon Alexa compatible state of the control instance including its nested controls. Returns: control: Amazon Alexa representation of control state. """ return None
[docs]class RichControl(RichItem, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for rich controls. Rich control can be a button, buttons box, plain text, image, etc. All rich control classes should be derived from RichControl. Args: control_type: Name of the rich control type. Attributes: control_type: Name of the rich control type. content: Arbitrary used control content holder. control_json: Control json representation template, which contains control type and content fields. """ def __init__(self, control_type: str) -> None: self.control_type: str = control_type self.content = None self.control_json: dict = {'type': control_type, 'content': None}
[docs]class RichMessage(RichItem): """Container for rich controls. All rich content elements returned by agent as a result of single inference should be embedded into RichMessage instance in the order these elements should be displayed. Attributes: controls: Container for RichControl instances. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.controls: list = []
[docs] def add_control(self, control: RichControl): """Adds RichControl instance to RichMessage. Args: control: RichControl instance. """ self.controls.append(control)
[docs] def json(self) -> list: """Returns list of json compatible states of the RichMessage instance nested controls. Returns: json_controls: Json representation of RichMessage instance nested controls. """ json_controls = [control.json() for control in self.controls] return json_controls
[docs] def ms_bot_framework(self) -> list: """Returns list of MS Bot Framework compatible states of the RichMessage instance nested controls. Returns: ms_bf_controls: MS Bot Framework representation of RichMessage instance nested controls. """ ms_bf_controls = [control.ms_bot_framework() for control in self.controls] return ms_bf_controls
[docs] def telegram(self) -> list: """Returns list of Telegram compatible states of the RichMessage instance nested controls. Returns: telegram_controls: Telegram representation of RichMessage instance nested controls. """ telegram_controls = [control.telegram() for control in self.controls] return telegram_controls
[docs] def alexa(self) -> list: """Returns list of Amazon Alexa compatible states of the RichMessage instance nested controls. Returns: alexa_controls: Amazon Alexa representation of RichMessage instance nested controls. """ alexa_controls = [control.alexa() for control in self.controls] return alexa_controls