Source code for

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import Counter, defaultdict, Iterable
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.common.errors import ConfigError
from deeppavlov.core.common.log import get_logger
from deeppavlov.core.models.estimator import Estimator
from import zero_pad, is_str_batch, flatten_str_batch

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]@register('simple_vocab') class SimpleVocabulary(Estimator): """Implements simple vocabulary.""" def __init__(self, special_tokens: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(), max_tokens: int = 2**30, min_freq: int = 0, pad_with_zeros: bool = False, unk_token: Optional[str] = None, freq_drop_load: Optional[bool] = None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.special_tokens = special_tokens self._max_tokens = max_tokens self._min_freq = min_freq self._pad_with_zeros = pad_with_zeros self.unk_token = unk_token self.freq_drop_load = freq_drop_load self.reset() if self.load_path: self.load() def fit(self, *args): # return None self.reset() tokens = chain(*args) # filter(None, <>) -- to filter empty tokens self.freqs = Counter(filter(None, flatten_str_batch(tokens))) for special_token in self.special_tokens: self._t2i[special_token] = self.count self._i2t.append(special_token) self.count += 1 for token, freq in self.freqs.most_common()[:self._max_tokens]: if freq >= self._min_freq: self._t2i[token] = self.count self._i2t.append(token) self.count += 1 def _add_tokens_with_freqs(self, tokens, freqs): self.freqs = Counter() self.freqs.update(dict(zip(tokens, freqs))) for token, freq in zip(tokens, freqs): if freq >= self._min_freq or token in self.special_tokens: self._t2i[token] = self.count self._i2t.append(token) self.count += 1 def __call__(self, batch, is_top=True, **kwargs): if isinstance(batch, Iterable) and not isinstance(batch, str): looked_up_batch = [self(sample, is_top=False) for sample in batch] else: return self[batch] if is_top and self._pad_with_zeros and not is_str_batch(looked_up_batch): looked_up_batch = zero_pad(looked_up_batch) return looked_up_batch def save(self):"[saving vocabulary to {}]".format(self.save_path)) with'wt', encoding='utf8') as f: for n in range(len(self)): token = self._i2t[n] cnt = self.freqs[token] f.write('{}\t{:d}\n'.format(token, cnt)) def serialize(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: return [(token, self.freqs[token]) for token in self._i2t] def load(self): self.reset() if self.load_path: if self.load_path.is_file():"[loading vocabulary from {}]".format(self.load_path)) tokens, counts = [], [] for ln in'r', encoding='utf8'): token, cnt = self.load_line(ln) tokens.append(token) counts.append(int(cnt)) self._add_tokens_with_freqs(tokens, counts) elif not self.load_path.parent.is_dir(): raise ConfigError("Provided `load_path` for {} doesn't exist!".format( self.__class__.__name__)) else: raise ConfigError("`load_path` for {} is not provided!".format(self)) def deserialize(self, data: List[Tuple[str, int]]) -> None: self.reset() if data: tokens, counts = zip(*data) self._add_tokens_with_freqs(tokens, counts) def load_line(self, ln): if self.freq_drop_load: token = ln.strip().split()[0] cnt = self._min_freq else: token, cnt = ln.split('\t', 1) return token, cnt @property def len(self): return len(self) def keys(self): return (self[n] for n in range(self.len)) def values(self): return list(range(self.len)) def items(self): return zip(self.keys(), self.values()) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, np.integer)): return self._i2t[key] elif isinstance(key, str): return self._t2i[key] else: raise NotImplementedError("not implemented for type `{}`".format(type(key))) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._t2i def __len__(self): return len(self._i2t) def reset(self): self.freqs = None unk_index = 0 if self.unk_token in self.special_tokens: unk_index = self.special_tokens.index(self.unk_token) self._t2i = defaultdict(lambda: unk_index) self._i2t = [] self.count = 0