Source code for

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
import collections
from typing import Dict, Any
import json
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers import xavier_initializer as xav

from deeppavlov.core.layers import tf_attention_mechanisms as am
from deeppavlov.core.layers import tf_layers
from deeppavlov.core.common.errors import ConfigError
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.lr_scheduled_tf_model import LRScheduledTFModel
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.common.log import get_logger
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker import Tracker
import deeppavlov.models.go_bot.templates as templ

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]@register("go_bot") class GoalOrientedBot(LRScheduledTFModel): """ The dialogue bot is based on, which introduces Hybrid Code Networks that combine an RNN with domain-specific knowledge and system action templates. The network handles dialogue policy management. Inputs features of an utterance and predicts label of a bot action (classification task). An LSTM with a dense layer for input features and a dense layer for it's output. Softmax is used as an output activation function. Todo: add docstring for trackers. Parameters: tokenizer: one of tokenizers from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.tokenizers </apiref/models/tokenizers>` module. tracker: dialogue state tracker from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker </apiref/models/go_bot>`. hidden_size: size of rnn hidden layer. action_size: size of rnn output (equals to number of bot actions). obs_size: input features' size (must be equal to sum of output sizes of ``bow_embedder``, ``embedder``, ``intent_classifier``, ``tracker.num_features`` plus size of context features(=6) and ``action_size``). dropout_rate: probability of weights dropping out. l2_reg_coef: l2 regularization weight (applied to input and output layer). dense_size: rnn input size. attention_mechanism: describes attention applied to embeddings of input tokens. * **type** – type of attention mechanism, possible values are ``'general'``, ``'bahdanau'``, ``'light_general'``, ``'light_bahdanau'``, ``'cs_general'`` and ``'cs_bahdanau'``. * **hidden_size** – attention hidden state size. * **max_num_tokens** – maximum number of input tokens. * **depth** – number of averages used in constrained attentions (``'cs_bahdanau'`` or ``'cs_general'``). * **action_as_key** – whether to use action from previous timestep as key to attention. * **intent_as_key** – use utterance intents as attention key or not. * **projected_align** – whether to use output projection. network_parameters: dictionary with network parameters (for compatibility with release 0.1.1, deprecated in the future) template_path: file with mapping between actions and text templates for response generation. template_type: type of used response templates in string format. word_vocab: vocabulary of input word tokens (:class:`` recommended). bow_embedder: instance of one-hot word encoder :class:`~deeppavlov.models.embedders.bow_embedder.BoWEmbedder`. embedder: one of embedders from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.embedders </apiref/models/embedders>` module. slot_filler: component that outputs slot values for a given utterance (:class:`~deeppavlov.models.slotfill.slotfill.DstcSlotFillingNetwork` recommended). intent_classifier: component that outputs intents probability distribution for a given utterance ( :class:`~deeppavlov.models.classifiers.keras_classification_model.KerasClassificationModel` recommended). database: database that will be used during inference to perform ``api_call_action`` actions and get ``'db_result'`` result ( :class:`` recommended). api_call_action: label of the action that corresponds to database api call (it must be present in your ``template_path`` file), during interaction it will be used to get ``'db_result'`` from ``database``. use_action_mask: if ``True``, network output will be applied with a mask over allowed actions. debug: whether to display debug output. """ GRAPH_PARAMS = ["hidden_size", "action_size", "dense_size", "obs_size", "attention_mechanism"] DEPRECATED = ["end_learning_rate", "decay_steps", "decay_power"] def __init__(self, tokenizer: Component, tracker: Tracker, template_path: str, save_path: str, hidden_size: int = 128, obs_size: int = None, action_size: int = None, dropout_rate: float = 0., l2_reg_coef: float = 0., dense_size: int = None, attention_mechanism: dict = None, network_parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {}, load_path: str = None, template_type: str = "DefaultTemplate", word_vocab: Component = None, bow_embedder: Component = None, embedder: Component = None, slot_filler: Component = None, intent_classifier: Component = None, database: Component = None, api_call_action: str = None, # TODO: make it unrequired use_action_mask: bool = False, debug: bool = False, **kwargs): if any(p in network_parameters for p in self.DEPRECATED): log.warning(f"parameters {self.DEPRECATED} are deprecated," " for learning rate schedule documentation see" " deeppavlov.core.models.lr_scheduled_tf_model" " or read gitub tutorial on super convergence.") if 'learning_rate' in network_parameters: kwargs['learning_rate'] = network_parameters.pop('learning_rate') super().__init__(load_path=load_path, save_path=save_path, **kwargs) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tracker = tracker self.bow_embedder = bow_embedder self.embedder = embedder self.slot_filler = slot_filler self.intent_classifier = intent_classifier self.use_action_mask = use_action_mask self.debug = debug self.word_vocab = word_vocab template_path = expand_path(template_path) template_type = getattr(templ, template_type)"[loading templates from {}]".format(template_path)) self.templates = templ.Templates(template_type).load(template_path) self.n_actions = len(self.templates)"{} templates loaded".format(self.n_actions)) self.database = database self.api_call_id = None if api_call_action is not None: self.api_call_id = self.templates.actions.index(api_call_action) self.intents = [] if callable(self.intent_classifier): self.intents = self.intent_classifier.get_main_component().classes new_network_parameters = { 'hidden_size': hidden_size, 'action_size': action_size, 'obs_size': obs_size, 'dropout_rate': dropout_rate, 'l2_reg_coef': l2_reg_coef, 'dense_size': dense_size, 'attn': attention_mechanism } if 'attention_mechanism' in network_parameters: network_parameters['attn'] = network_parameters.pop('attention_mechanism') new_network_parameters.update(network_parameters) self._init_network(**new_network_parameters) self.reset() def _init_network(self, hidden_size, action_size, obs_size, dropout_rate, l2_reg_coef, dense_size, attn): # initialize network dense_size = dense_size or hidden_size if obs_size is None: obs_size = 6 + self.tracker.num_features + self.n_actions if callable(self.bow_embedder): obs_size += len(self.word_vocab) if callable(self.embedder): obs_size += self.embedder.dim if callable(self.intent_classifier): obs_size += len(self.intents)"Calculated input size for `GoalOrientedBotNetwork` is {obs_size}") if action_size is None: action_size = self.n_actions if attn: attn['token_size'] = attn.get('token_size') or self.embedder.dim attn['action_as_key'] = attn.get('action_as_key', False) attn['intent_as_key'] = attn.get('intent_as_key', False) key_size = 0 if attn['action_as_key']: key_size += self.n_actions if attn['intent_as_key'] and callable(self.intent_classifier): key_size += len(self.intents) key_size = key_size or 1 attn['key_size'] = attn.get('key_size') or key_size # specify model options self.opt = { 'hidden_size': hidden_size, 'action_size': action_size, 'obs_size': obs_size, 'dense_size': dense_size, 'dropout_rate': dropout_rate, 'l2_reg_coef': l2_reg_coef, 'attention_mechanism': attn } # initialize parameters self._init_network_params() # build computational graph self._build_graph() # initialize session self.sess = tf.Session() if tf.train.checkpoint_exists(str(self.load_path.resolve())):"[initializing `{}` from saved]".format(self.__class__.__name__)) self.load() else:"[initializing `{}` from scratch]".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def _encode_context(self, context, db_result=None): # tokenize input tokens = self.tokenizer([context.lower().strip()])[0] if self.debug: log.debug("Tokenized text= `{}`".format(' '.join(tokens))) # Bag of words features bow_features = [] if callable(self.bow_embedder): tokens_idx = self.word_vocab(tokens) bow_features = self.bow_embedder([tokens_idx])[0] bow_features = bow_features.astype(np.float32) # Embeddings emb_features = [] emb_context = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) if callable(self.embedder): if self.attn: if tokens: pad = np.zeros((self.attn.max_num_tokens, self.attn.token_size), dtype=np.float32) sen = np.array(self.embedder([tokens])[0]) # TODO : Unsupport of batch_size more than 1 emb_context = np.concatenate((pad, sen)) emb_context = emb_context[-self.attn.max_num_tokens:] else: emb_context = np.zeros((self.attn.max_num_tokens, self.attn.token_size), dtype=np.float32) else: emb_features = self.embedder([tokens], mean=True)[0] # random embedding instead of zeros if np.all(emb_features < 1e-20): emb_dim = self.embedder.dim emb_features = np.fabs(np.random.normal(0, 1/emb_dim, emb_dim)) # Intent features intent_features = [] if callable(self.intent_classifier): intent_features = self.intent_classifier([context])[0] if self.debug: intent = self.intents[np.argmax(intent_features[0])] log.debug("Predicted intent = `{}`".format(intent)) attn_key = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) if self.attn: if self.attn.action_as_key: attn_key = np.hstack((attn_key, self.prev_action)) if self.attn.intent_as_key: attn_key = np.hstack((attn_key, intent_features)) if len(attn_key) == 0: attn_key = np.array([1], dtype=np.float32) # Text entity features if callable(self.slot_filler): self.tracker.update_state(self.slot_filler([tokens])[0]) if self.debug: log.debug("Slot vals: {}".format(self.slot_filler([tokens]))) state_features = self.tracker.get_features() # Other features result_matches_state = 0. if self.db_result is not None: result_matches_state = all(v == self.db_result.get(s) for s, v in self.tracker.get_state().items() if v != 'dontcare') * 1. context_features = np.array([bool(db_result) * 1., (db_result == {}) * 1., (self.db_result is None) * 1., bool(self.db_result) * 1., (self.db_result == {}) * 1., result_matches_state], dtype=np.float32) if self.debug: log.debug("Context features = {}".format(context_features)) debug_msg = "num bow features = {}, ".format(len(bow_features)) +\ "num emb features = {}, ".format(len(emb_features)) +\ "num intent features = {}, ".format(len(intent_features)) +\ "num state features = {}, ".format(len(state_features)) +\ "num context features = {}, ".format(len(context_features)) +\ "prev_action shape = {}".format(len(self.prev_action)) log.debug(debug_msg) concat_feats = np.hstack((bow_features, emb_features, intent_features, state_features, context_features, self.prev_action)) return concat_feats, emb_context, attn_key def _encode_response(self, act): return self.templates.actions.index(act) def _decode_response(self, action_id): """ Convert action template id and entities from tracker to final response. """ template = self.templates.templates[int(action_id)] slots = self.tracker.get_state() if self.db_result is not None: for k, v in self.db_result.items(): slots[k] = str(v) resp = template.generate_text(slots) # in api calls replace unknown slots to "dontcare" if (self.templates.ttype is templ.DualTemplate) and\ (action_id == self.api_call_id): resp = re.sub("#([A-Za-z]+)", "dontcare", resp).lower() if self.debug: log.debug("Pred response = {}".format(resp)) return resp def calc_action_mask(self, previous_action): mask = np.ones(self.n_actions, dtype=np.float32) if self.use_action_mask: known_entities = {**self.tracker.get_state(), **(self.db_result or {})} for a_id in range(self.n_actions): tmpl = str(self.templates.templates[a_id]) for entity in set(re.findall('#([A-Za-z]+)', tmpl)): if entity not in known_entities: mask[a_id] = 0. # forbid two api calls in a row if np.any(previous_action): prev_act_id = np.argmax(previous_action) if prev_act_id == self.api_call_id: mask[prev_act_id] = 0. return mask def prepare_data(self, x, y): b_features, b_u_masks, b_a_masks, b_actions = [], [], [], [] b_emb_context, b_keys = [], [] # for attention max_num_utter = max(len(d_contexts) for d_contexts in x) for d_contexts, d_responses in zip(x, y): self.reset() if self.debug: preds = self._infer_dialog(d_contexts) d_features, d_a_masks, d_actions = [], [], [] d_emb_context, d_key = [], [] # for attention for context, response in zip(d_contexts, d_responses): if context.get('db_result') is not None: self.db_result = context['db_result'] features, emb_context, key = \ self._encode_context(context['text'], context.get('db_result')) d_features.append(features) d_emb_context.append(emb_context) d_key.append(key) d_a_masks.append(self.calc_action_mask(self.prev_action)) action_id = self._encode_response(response['act']) d_actions.append(action_id) # previous action is teacher-forced here self.prev_action *= 0. self.prev_action[action_id] = 1. if self.debug: log.debug("True response = `{}`".format(response['text'])) if preds[0].lower() != response['text'].lower(): log.debug("Pred response = `{}`".format(preds[0])) preds = preds[1:] if d_a_masks[-1][action_id] != 1.: log.warn("True action forbidden by action mask.") # padding to max_num_utter num_padds = max_num_utter - len(d_contexts) d_features.extend([np.zeros_like(d_features[0])] * num_padds) d_emb_context.extend([np.zeros_like(d_emb_context[0])] * num_padds) d_key.extend([np.zeros_like(d_key[0])] * num_padds) d_u_mask = [1] * len(d_contexts) + [0] * num_padds d_a_masks.extend([np.zeros_like(d_a_masks[0])] * num_padds) d_actions.extend([0] * num_padds) b_features.append(d_features) b_emb_context.append(d_emb_context) b_keys.append(d_key) b_u_masks.append(d_u_mask) b_a_masks.append(d_a_masks) b_actions.append(d_actions) return b_features, b_emb_context, b_keys, b_u_masks, b_a_masks, b_actions def train_on_batch(self, x, y): return self.network_train_on_batch(*self.prepare_data(x, y)) def _infer(self, context, db_result=None, prob=False): if db_result is not None: self.db_result = db_result features, emb_context, key = self._encode_context(context, db_result) action_mask = self.calc_action_mask(self.prev_action) probs = self.network_call([[features]], [[emb_context]], [[key]], [[action_mask]], prob=True) pred_id = np.argmax(probs) # one-hot encoding seems to work better then probabilities if prob: self.prev_action = probs else: self.prev_action *= 0 self.prev_action[pred_id] = 1 return self._decode_response(pred_id) def _infer_dialog(self, contexts): self.reset() res = [] for context in contexts: if context.get('prev_resp_act') is not None: action_id = self._encode_response(context.get('prev_resp_act')) # previous action is teacher-forced self.prev_action *= 0. self.prev_action[action_id] = 1. res.append(self._infer(context['text'], db_result=context.get('db_result'))) return res def make_api_call(self, slots): db_results = [] if self.database is not None: # filter slot keys with value equal to 'dontcare' as # there is no such value in database records # and remove unknown slot keys (for example, 'this' in dstc2 tracker) db_slots = {s: v for s, v in slots.items() if (v != 'dontcare') and (s in self.database.keys)} db_results = self.database([db_slots])[0] else: log.warn("No database specified.")"Made api_call with {}, got {} results.".format(slots, len(db_results))) # filter api results if there are more than one if len(db_results) > 1: db_results = [r for r in db_results if r != self.db_result] return db_results[0] if db_results else {} def __call__(self, batch): if isinstance(batch[0], str): res = [] for x in batch: pred = self._infer(x) # if made api_call, then respond with next prediction prev_act_id = np.argmax(self.prev_action) if prev_act_id == self.api_call_id: db_result = self.make_api_call(self.tracker.get_state()) res.append(self._infer(x, db_result=db_result)) else: res.append(pred) return res return [self._infer_dialog(x) for x in batch] def reset(self): self.tracker.reset_state() self.db_result = None self.prev_action = np.zeros(self.n_actions, dtype=np.float32) self.reset_network_state() if self.debug: log.debug("Bot reset.") def destroy(self): if callable(getattr(self.slot_filler, 'destroy', None)): self.slot_filler.destroy() if callable(getattr(self.embedder, 'destroy', None)): self.embedder.destroy() if callable(getattr(self.intent_classifier, 'destroy', None)): self.intent_classifier.destroy() super().destroy() def network_call(self, features, emb_context, key, action_mask, prob=False): feed_dict = { self._features: features, self._dropout_keep_prob: 1., self._utterance_mask: [[1.]], self._initial_state: (self.state_c, self.state_h), self._action_mask: action_mask } if self.attn: feed_dict[self._emb_context] = emb_context feed_dict[self._key] = key probs, prediction, state =\[self._probs, self._prediction, self._state], feed_dict=feed_dict) self.state_c, self._state_h = state if prob: return probs return prediction def network_train_on_batch(self, features, emb_context, key, utter_mask, action_mask, action): feed_dict = { self._dropout_keep_prob: 1., self._utterance_mask: utter_mask, self._features: features, self._action: action, self._action_mask: action_mask } if self.attn: feed_dict[self._emb_context] = emb_context feed_dict[self._key] = key _, loss_value, prediction = \[self._train_op, self._loss, self._prediction], feed_dict=feed_dict) return {'loss': loss_value} def _init_network_params(self): self.dropout_rate = self.opt['dropout_rate'] self.hidden_size = self.opt['hidden_size'] self.action_size = self.opt['action_size'] self.obs_size = self.opt['obs_size'] self.dense_size = self.opt['dense_size'] self.l2_reg = self.opt['l2_reg_coef'] attn = self.opt.get('attention_mechanism') if attn: self.opt['attention_mechanism'] = attn self.attn = \ collections.namedtuple('attention_mechanism', attn.keys())(**attn) self.obs_size -= attn['token_size'] else: self.attn = None def _build_graph(self): self._add_placeholders() # build body _logits, self._state = self._build_body() # probabilities normalization : elemwise multiply with action mask _logits_exp = tf.multiply(tf.exp(_logits), self._action_mask) _logits_exp_sum = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(_logits_exp, -1), -1) self._probs = tf.squeeze(_logits_exp / _logits_exp_sum, name='probs') # loss, train and predict operations self._prediction = tf.argmax(self._probs, axis=-1, name='prediction') # _weights = tf.expand_dims(self._utterance_mask, -1) # TODO: try multiplying logits to action_mask onehots = tf.one_hot(self._action, self.action_size) _loss_tensor = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=_logits, labels=onehots ) # multiply with batch utterance mask _loss_tensor = tf.multiply(_loss_tensor, self._utterance_mask) self._loss = tf.reduce_mean(_loss_tensor, name='loss') self._loss += self.l2_reg * tf.losses.get_regularization_loss() self._train_op = self.get_train_op(self._loss) def _add_placeholders(self): self._dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder_with_default(1.0, shape=[], name='dropout_prob') self._features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.obs_size], name='features') self._action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name='ground_truth_action') self._action_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.action_size], name='action_mask') self._utterance_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None], name='utterance_mask') self._batch_size = tf.shape(self._features)[0] zero_state = tf.zeros([self._batch_size, self.hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32) _initial_state_c = \ tf.placeholder_with_default(zero_state, shape=[None, self.hidden_size]) _initial_state_h = \ tf.placeholder_with_default(zero_state, shape=[None, self.hidden_size]) self._initial_state = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(_initial_state_c, _initial_state_h) if self.attn: _emb_context_shape = \ [None, None, self.attn.max_num_tokens, self.attn.token_size] self._emb_context = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, _emb_context_shape, name='emb_context') self._key = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.attn.key_size], name='key') def _build_body(self): # input projection _units = tf.layers.dense(self._features, self.dense_size, kernel_regularizer=tf.nn.l2_loss, kernel_initializer=xav()) if self.attn: attn_scope = "attention_mechanism/{}".format(self.attn.type) with tf.variable_scope(attn_scope): if self.attn.type == 'general': _attn_output = am.general_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) elif self.attn.type == 'bahdanau': _attn_output = am.bahdanau_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) elif self.attn.type == 'cs_general': _attn_output = am.cs_general_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, depth=self.attn.depth, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) elif self.attn.type == 'cs_bahdanau': _attn_output = am.cs_bahdanau_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, depth=self.attn.depth, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) elif self.attn.type == 'light_general': _attn_output = am.light_general_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) elif self.attn.type == 'light_bahdanau': _attn_output = am.light_bahdanau_attention( self._key, self._emb_context, hidden_size=self.attn.hidden_size, projected_align=self.attn.projected_align) else: raise ValueError("wrong value for attention mechanism type") _units = tf.concat([_units, _attn_output], -1) _units = tf_layers.variational_dropout(_units, keep_prob=self._dropout_keep_prob) # recurrent network unit _lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.hidden_size) _utter_lengths = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_sum(self._utterance_mask, axis=-1)) _output, _state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(_lstm_cell, _units, time_major=False, initial_state=self._initial_state, sequence_length=_utter_lengths) _output = tf.reshape(_output, (self._batch_size, -1, self.hidden_size)) _output = tf_layers.variational_dropout(_output, keep_prob=self._dropout_keep_prob) # output projection _logits = tf.layers.dense(_output, self.action_size, kernel_regularizer=tf.nn.l2_loss, kernel_initializer=xav(), name='logits') return _logits, _state
[docs] def load(self, *args, **kwargs): self.load_params() super().load(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super().save(*args, **kwargs) self.save_params()
def save_params(self): path = str(self.save_path.with_suffix('.json').resolve())'[saving parameters to {}]'.format(path)) with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp: json.dump(self.opt, fp) def load_params(self): path = str(self.load_path.with_suffix('.json').resolve())'[loading parameters from {}]'.format(path)) with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp: params = json.load(fp) for p in self.GRAPH_PARAMS: if self.opt.get(p) != params.get(p): raise ConfigError("`{}` parameter must be equal to saved model " "parameter value `{}`, but is equal to `{}`" .format(p, params.get(p), self.opt.get(p))) def process_event(self, event_name, data): super().process_event(event_name, data) def reset_network_state(self): # set zero state self.state_c = np.zeros([1, self.hidden_size], dtype=np.float32) self.state_h = np.zeros([1, self.hidden_size], dtype=np.float32)