Source code for deeppavlov.models.kbqa.tree_to_sparql

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
from io import StringIO
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from logging import getLogger
from collections import defaultdict

from import Conllu
from udapi.core.node import Node

from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.common.file import read_json
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@register('tree_to_sparql') class TreeToSparql(Component): """ Class for building of sparql query template using syntax parser """
[docs] def __init__(self, sparql_queries_filename: str, **kwargs): """ Args: sparql_queries_filename: file with sparql query templates **kwargs: """ self.q_pronouns = ["какой", "какая", "каком", "какую", "кто", "что", "как", "когда", "где", "чем"] self.sparql_queries_filename = expand_path(sparql_queries_filename) self.template_queries = read_json(self.sparql_queries_filename)
[docs] def __call__(self, syntax_tree_batch: List[str], positions_batch: List[List[List[int]]]) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[Dict[str, str]]]: log.debug(f"positions of entity tokens {positions_batch}") query_nums_batch = [] entities_dict_batch = [] types_dict_batch = [] questions_batch = [] for syntax_tree, positions in zip(syntax_tree_batch, positions_batch): log.debug(f"\n{syntax_tree}") tree = Conllu(filehandle=StringIO(syntax_tree)).read_tree() root = self.find_root(tree) tree_desc = tree.descendants log.debug(f"syntax tree info, root: {root.form}") unknown_node, unknown_branch = self.find_branch_with_unknown(root) positions = [num for position in positions for num in position] if unknown_node: log.debug(f"syntax tree info, unknown node: {unknown_node.form}, unknown branch: {unknown_branch.form}") clause_node, clause_branch = self.find_clause_node(root, unknown_branch) modifiers, clause_modifiers = self.find_modifiers_of_unknown(unknown_node) log.debug(f"modifiers: {[modifier.form for modifier in modifiers]}") if f"{tree_desc[0].form.lower()} {tree_desc[1].form.lower()}" in ["каким был", "какой была"]: new_root = root.children[0] else: new_root = root root_desc = defaultdict(list) for node in new_root.children: if node.deprel not in ["punct", "advmod", "cop"]: if node == unknown_branch: root_desc[node.deprel].append(node) else: if self.find_entities(node, positions, cut_clause=False): root_desc[node.deprel].append(node) appos_token_nums = sorted(self.find_appos_tokens(root, [])) appos_tokens = [elem.form for elem in tree_desc if elem.ord in appos_token_nums] clause_token_nums = sorted(self.find_clause_tokens(root, clause_node, [])) clause_tokens = [elem.form for elem in tree_desc if elem.ord in clause_token_nums] log.debug(f"appos tokens: {appos_tokens}") log.debug(f"clause tokens: {clause_tokens}") query_nums, entities_dict, types_dict = self.build_query(new_root, unknown_branch, root_desc, unknown_node, modifiers, clause_modifiers, positions) question = ' '.join([node.form for node in tree.descendants if (node.ord not in appos_token_nums or node.ord not in clause_token_nums)]) log.debug(f"sanitized question: {question}") query_nums_batch.append(query_nums) entities_dict_batch.append(entities_dict) types_dict_batch.append(types_dict) questions_batch.append(question) return questions_batch, query_nums_batch, entities_dict_batch, types_dict_batch
def find_root(self, tree: Node) -> Node: for node in tree.descendants: if node.deprel == "root": return node def find_branch_with_unknown(self, root: Node) -> Tuple[Node]: self.wh_leaf = False if root.form.lower() in self.q_pronouns: for node in root.children: if node.deprel == "nsubj": return node, node for node in root.children: if node.form.lower() in self.q_pronouns: if node.children: for child in node.children: if child.deprel == "nmod": return child, node else: self.wh_leaf = True else: for child in node.descendants: if child.form.lower() in self.q_pronouns: return child.parent, node if self.wh_leaf: for node in root.children: if node.deprel in ["nsubj", "obl", "obj", "nmod"] and node.form.lower() not in self.q_pronouns: return node, node return "", "" def find_modifiers_of_unknown(self, node: Node) -> Tuple[List[Node]]: modifiers = [] clause_modifiers = [] for mod in node.children: if mod.deprel in ["amod", "nmod"] or (mod.deprel == "appos" and mod.children): modifiers.append(mod) if mod.deprel == "acl": clause_modifiers.append(mod) return modifiers, clause_modifiers def find_clause_node(self, root: Node, unknown_branch: Node) -> Tuple[Node]: for node in root.children: if node.deprel == "obl" and node != unknown_branch: for elem in node.children: if elem.deprel == "acl": return elem, node return "", "" def find_named_entity(self, node: Node, conj_list: List[Node], desc_list: List[Tuple[str, int]], positions: List[int], cut_clause: bool) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: if node.children: if self.find_nmod_appos: used_desc = [node for node in node.children if node.deprel == "appos"] else: used_desc = node.children for elem in used_desc: if (not cut_clause or (cut_clause and elem.deprel != "acl")) and elem not in conj_list \ and (elem.deprel != "appos" or (elem.deprel == "appos" \ and (not elem.children or (len(elem.children) == 1 and elem.children[0].deprel == "flat:name")))): desc_list = self.find_named_entity(elem, conj_list, desc_list, positions, cut_clause) log.debug(f"find_named_entity: node.ord, {node.ord-1}, {node.form}, positions, {positions}") if node.ord-1 in positions: desc_list.append((node.form, node.ord)) return desc_list def find_conj(self, node: Node, conj_list: List[Node], positions: List[int], cut_clause: bool) -> List[Node]: if node.children: for elem in node.children: if not cut_clause or (cut_clause and elem.deprel != "acl"): conj_list = self.find_conj(elem, conj_list, positions, cut_clause) if node.deprel == "conj": conj_in_ner = False for elem in node.children: if elem.deprel == "cc" and (elem.ord-1) in positions: conj_in_ner = True if not conj_in_ner: conj_list.append(node) return conj_list def find_entities(self, node: Node, positions: List[int], cut_clause: bool = True) -> List[str]: entities_list = [] conj_list = self.find_conj(node, [], positions, cut_clause) entity = self.find_entity(node, conj_list, positions, cut_clause) if entity: entities_list.append(entity) if conj_list: for conj_node in conj_list: curr_conj_list = [elem for elem in conj_list if elem != conj_node] entity = self.find_entity(conj_node, curr_conj_list, positions, cut_clause) entities_list.append(entity) log.debug(f"found_entities, {entities_list}") return entities_list def find_entity(self, node: Node, conj_list: List[Node], positions: List[int], cut_clause: bool) -> str: grounded_entity = "" grounded_entity_tokens = self.find_named_entity(node, conj_list, [], positions, cut_clause) grounded_entity = sorted(grounded_entity_tokens, key=lambda x: x[1]) grounded_entity = " ".join([entity[0] for entity in grounded_entity]) return grounded_entity def find_nmod_appos(self, node: Node, positions: List[int]) -> bool: node_desc = {elem.deprel: elem for elem in node.children} node_deprels = sorted([elem.deprel for elem in node.children if elem.deprel != "case"]) if node.ord - 1 in positions: return False elif node_deprels == ["appos", "nmod"] and node_desc["appos"].ord - 1 in positions and node_desc["nmod"] in positions: return True return False def find_year_or_number(self, node: Node) -> bool: found = False for elem in node.descendants: if elem.deprel == "nummod": return True return found def find_appos_tokens(self, node: Node, appos_token_nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: for elem in node.children: if elem.deprel == "appos" and len(elem.descendants) > 1 or (len(elem.descendants) == 1 and elem.descendants[0].deprel != "flat:name"): appos_token_nums.append(elem.ord) for desc in elem.descendants: appos_token_nums.append(desc.ord) else: appos_token_nums = self.find_appos_tokens(elem, appos_token_nums) return appos_token_nums def find_clause_tokens(self, node: Node, clause_node: Node, clause_token_nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: for elem in node.children: if elem != clause_node and elem == "acl": clause_token_nums.append(elem.ord) for desc in elem.descendants: clause_token_nums.append(desc.ord) else: clause_token_nums = self.find_appos_tokens(elem, clause_token_nums) return clause_token_nums def build_query(self, root: Node, unknown_branch: Node, root_desc: Dict[str, List[Node]], unknown_node: Node, unknown_modifiers: List[Node], clause_modifiers: List[Node], positions: List[int], count: bool = False, order: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]: query_nums = [] grounded_entities_list = [] types_list = [] modifiers_list = [] qualifier_entities_list = [] found_year_or_number = False root_desc_deprels = [] for key in root_desc.keys(): for i in range(len(root_desc[key])): root_desc_deprels.append(key) root_desc_deprels = sorted(root_desc_deprels) log.debug(f"build_query: root_desc.keys, {root_desc_deprels}, positions {positions}") if root_desc_deprels in [["nsubj", "obl"], ["nsubj", "obj"], ["nsubj", "xcomp"], ["nmod", "nsubj"], ["obj", "obl"], ["iobj", "nsubj"], ["acl", "nsubj"], ["cop", "nsubj", "obl"], ["obj"], ["obl"], ["nsubj"]]: if self.wh_leaf: for nodes in root_desc.values(): if nodes[0].form not in self.q_pronouns: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(nodes[0], positions, cut_clause=True) if grounded_entities_list: break else: for nodes in root_desc.values(): if nodes[0] != unknown_branch: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(nodes[0], positions, cut_clause=True) if grounded_entities_list: type_entity = unknown_node.form types_list.append(type_entity) break if unknown_modifiers: for n, modifier in enumerate(unknown_modifiers): modifier_entities = self.find_entities(modifier, positions, cut_clause=True) if modifier_entities: modifiers_list += modifier_entities else: modifiers_list.append(modifier.form) if clause_modifiers: found_year_or_number = self.find_year_or_number(clause_modifiers[0]) qualifier_entities_list = self.find_entities(clause_modifiers[0], positions, cut_clause=True) if root_desc_deprels in ["nsubj", "obj", "obl"]: found_year_or_number = self.find_year_or_number(root_desc["obl"][0]) if self.wh_leaf: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["obl"][0], positions, cut_clause=True) qualifier_entities_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["obj"][0], positions, cut_clause=True) else: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["obj"][0], positions, cut_clause=True) if found_year_or_number: query_nums.append("0") if root_desc_deprels in ["nmod", "nmod"]: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["nmod"][0], positions, cut_clause=True) modifiers_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["nmod"][1], positions, cut_clause=True) if root_desc_deprels in ["nmod", "nsubj", "nummod"]: if not self.wh_leaf: grounded_entities_list = self.find_entities(root_desc["nmod"][0], positions, cut_clause=True) found_year_or_number = self.find_year_or_number(root_desc["nummod"][0]) entities_list = grounded_entities_list + qualifier_entities_list + modifiers_list if found_year_or_number: query_nums.append("0") else: for num, template in self.template_queries.items(): if [len(grounded_entities_list), len(types_list), len(modifiers_list), len(qualifier_entities_list), count, order] == list(template["syntax_structure"].values()): query_nums.append(num) log.debug(f"tree_to_sparql, grounded entities {grounded_entities_list}") log.debug(f"tree_to_sparql, types {types_list}") log.debug(f"tree_to_sparql, modifier entities {modifiers_list}") log.debug(f"tree_to_sparql, qualifier entities {qualifier_entities_list}") log.debug(f"tree to sparql, query nums {query_nums}") return query_nums, entities_list, types_list