Source code for deeppavlov.dataset_readers.md_yaml_dialogs_reader

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredata
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import os
import re
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
from logging import getLogger
from overrides import overrides
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional

from deeppavlov.core.common.file import read_yaml
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from import DatasetReader
from deeppavlov.dataset_readers.dstc2_reader import DSTC2DatasetReader

SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE = Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], ...]

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DomainKnowledge: """the DTO-like class to store the domain knowledge from the domain yaml config.""" known_entities: List known_intents: List known_actions: List known_slots: Dict response_templates: Dict session_config: Dict def __init__(self, domain_knowledge_di: Dict): self.known_entities = domain_knowledge_di.get("entities", []) self.known_intents = domain_knowledge_di.get("intents", []) self.known_actions = domain_knowledge_di.get("actions", []) self.known_slots = domain_knowledge_di.get("slots", {}) self.response_templates = domain_knowledge_di.get("responses", {}) self.session_config = domain_knowledge_di.get("session_config", {})
[docs]@register('md_yaml_dialogs_reader') class MD_YAML_DialogsDatasetReader(DatasetReader): """ Reads dialogs from dataset composed of ````, ````, ``domain.yml`` . ```` is to provide the dialogues dataset for model to train on. The dialogues are represented as user messages labels and system response messages labels: (not texts, just action labels). This is so to distinguish the NLU-NLG tasks from the actual dialogues storytelling experience: one should be able to describe just the scripts of dialogues to the system. ```` is contrariwise to provide the NLU training set irrespective of the dialogues scripts. ``domain.yml`` is to desribe the task-specific domain and serves two purposes: provide the NLG templates and provide some specific configuration of the NLU """ _USER_SPEAKER_ID = 1 _SYSTEM_SPEAKER_ID = 2 VALID_DATATYPES = ('trn', 'val', 'tst') NLU_FNAME = "" DOMAIN_FNAME = "domain.yml" @classmethod def _data_fname(cls, datatype: str) -> str: assert datatype in cls.VALID_DATATYPES, f"wrong datatype name: {datatype}" return f"stories-{datatype}.md"
[docs] @classmethod @overrides def read(cls, data_path: str, dialogs: bool = False, ignore_slots: bool = False) -> Dict[str, List]: """ Parameters: data_path: path to read dataset from dialogs: flag which indicates whether to output list of turns or list of dialogs ignore_slots: whether to ignore slots information provided in or not Returns: dictionary that contains ``'train'`` field with dialogs from ``''``, ``'valid'`` field with dialogs from ``''`` and ``'test'`` field with dialogs from ``''``. Each field is a list of tuples ``(x_i, y_i)``. """ domain_fname = cls.DOMAIN_FNAME nlu_fname = cls.NLU_FNAME stories_fnames = tuple(cls._data_fname(dt) for dt in cls.VALID_DATATYPES) required_fnames = stories_fnames + (nlu_fname, domain_fname) for required_fname in required_fnames: required_path = Path(data_path, required_fname) if not required_path.exists(): log.error(f"INSIDE " f"{required_fname} not found with path {required_path}") domain_knowledge = DomainKnowledge(read_yaml(Path(data_path, domain_fname))) intent2slots2text, slot_name2text2value = cls._read_intent2text_mapping(Path(data_path, nlu_fname), domain_knowledge, ignore_slots) short2long_subsample_name = {"trn": "train", "val": "valid", "tst": "test"} data = {short2long_subsample_name[subsample_name_short]: cls._read_story(Path(data_path, cls._data_fname(subsample_name_short)), dialogs, domain_knowledge, intent2slots2text, slot_name2text2value, ignore_slots=ignore_slots) for subsample_name_short in cls.VALID_DATATYPES} return data
@classmethod def _read_intent2text_mapping(cls, nlu_fpath: Path, domain_knowledge: DomainKnowledge, ignore_slots: bool = False) \ -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, List]], Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: slots_markup_pattern = r"\[" + \ r"(?P<slot_value>.*?)" + \ r"\]" + \ r"\(" + \ r"(?P<slot_name>.*?)" + \ r"\)" intent2slots2text = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) slot_name2text2value = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) curr_intent_name = None with open(nlu_fpath) as nlu_f: for line in nlu_f: if line.startswith("##"): # lines starting with ## are starting section describing new intent type curr_intent_name = line.strip("##").strip().split("intent:", 1)[-1] if line.strip().startswith('-'): # lines starting with - are listing the examples of intent texts of the current intent type intent_text_w_markup = line.strip().strip('-').strip() line_slots_found = re.finditer(slots_markup_pattern, intent_text_w_markup) if ignore_slots: line_slots_found = [] curr_char_ix = 0 intent_text_without_markup = '' cleaned_text_slots = [] # intent text can contain slots highlighted for line_slot in line_slots_found: line_slot_l_span, line_slot_r_span = line_slot.span() # intent w.o. markup for "some [entity](entity_example) text" is "some entity text" # so we should remove brackets and the parentheses content intent_text_without_markup += intent_text_w_markup[curr_char_ix:line_slot_l_span] slot_value_text = str(line_slot["slot_value"]) slot_name = line_slot["slot_name"] slot_value = slot_value_text if ':' in slot_name: slot_name, slot_value = slot_name.split(':', 1) # e.g. [moderately](price:moderate) assert slot_name in domain_knowledge.known_slots, f"{slot_name} from {nlu_fpath}" + \ " was not listed as slot " + \ "in domain knowledge config" slot_value_new_l_span = len(intent_text_without_markup) # l span in cleaned text slot_value_new_r_span = slot_value_new_l_span + len(slot_value_text) # r span in cleaned text # intent w.o. markup for "some [entity](entity_example) text" is "some entity text" # so we should remove brackets and the parentheses content intent_text_without_markup += slot_value_text cleaned_text_slots.append((slot_name, slot_value)) slot_name2text2value[slot_name][slot_value_text].append(slot_value) curr_char_ix = line_slot_r_span intent_text_without_markup += intent_text_w_markup[curr_char_ix: len(intent_text_w_markup)] slots_key = tuple(sorted((slot[0], slot[1]) for slot in cleaned_text_slots)) intent2slots2text[curr_intent_name][slots_key].append({"text": intent_text_without_markup, "slots_di": cleaned_text_slots, "slots": slots_key}) # defaultdict behavior is no more needed intent2slots2text = {k: dict(v) for k, v in intent2slots2text.items()} slot_name2text2value = dict(slot_name2text2value) return intent2slots2text, slot_name2text2value @classmethod def _read_story(cls, story_fpath: Path, dialogs: bool, domain_knowledge: DomainKnowledge, intent2slots2text: Dict[str, Dict[SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, List]], slot_name2text2value: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], ignore_slots: bool = False) \ -> Union[List[List[Tuple[Dict[str, bool], Dict[str, Any]]]], List[Tuple[Dict[str, bool], Dict[str, Any]]]]: """ Reads stories from the specified path converting them to go-bot format on the fly. Args: story_fpath: path to the file containing the stories dataset dialogs: flag which indicates whether to output list of turns or list of dialogs domain_knowledge: the domain knowledge, usually inferred from domain.yml intent2slots2text: the mapping allowing given the intent class and slotfilling values of utterance, restore utterance text. slot_name2text2value: the mapping of possible slot values spellings to the values themselves. Returns: stories read as if it was done with DSTC2DatasetReader._read_from_file() """ log.debug(f"BEFORE MLU_MD_DialogsDatasetReader._read_story(): " f"story_fpath={story_fpath}, " f"dialogs={dialogs}, " f"domain_knowledge={domain_knowledge}, " f"intent2slots2text={intent2slots2text}, " f"slot_name2text2value={slot_name2text2value}") default_system_start = { "speaker": cls._SYSTEM_SPEAKER_ID, "text": "start", "dialog_acts": [{"act": "start", "slots": []}]} default_system_goodbye = { "text": "goodbye :(", "dialog_acts": [{"act": "utter_goodbye", "slots": []}], "speaker": cls._SYSTEM_SPEAKER_ID} # TODO infer from dataset stories_parsed = {} curr_story_title = None curr_story_utters_batch = [] curr_story_bad = False for line in open(story_fpath): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): # #... marks the beginning of new story if curr_story_utters_batch and curr_story_utters_batch[0] and curr_story_utters_batch[0][-1]["speaker"] == cls._USER_SPEAKER_ID: for curr_story_utters in curr_story_utters_batch: curr_story_utters.append(default_system_goodbye) # dialogs MUST end with system replics if not curr_story_bad: for curr_story_utters_ix, curr_story_utters in enumerate(curr_story_utters_batch): stories_parsed[curr_story_title+f"_{curr_story_utters_ix}"] = curr_story_utters curr_story_title = line.strip('#') curr_story_utters_batch = [[]] curr_story_bad = False elif line.startswith('*'): # user actions are started in dataset with * user_action, slots_dstc2formatted = cls._parse_user_intent(line, ignore_slots=ignore_slots) slots_actual_values = cls._clarify_slots_values(slot_name2text2value, slots_dstc2formatted) try: slots_to_exclude, slots_used_values, action_for_text = cls._choose_slots_for_whom_exists_text( intent2slots2text, slots_actual_values, user_action) except KeyError as e: log.debug(f"INSIDE MLU_MD_DialogsDatasetReader._read_story(): " f"Skipping story w. line {line} because of no NLU candidates found") curr_story_bad = True continue possible_user_response_infos = cls._user_action2text(intent2slots2text, action_for_text, slots_used_values) # possible_user_response_infos = [user_response_info_] possible_user_utters = [] for user_response_info in possible_user_response_infos: user_utter = {"speaker": cls._USER_SPEAKER_ID, "text": user_response_info["text"], "dialog_acts": [{"act": user_action, "slots": user_response_info["slots"]}], "slots to exclude": slots_to_exclude} possible_user_utters.append(user_utter) if not curr_story_utters_batch[0]: curr_story_utters_batch[0].append(default_system_start) # dialogs MUST start with system replics new_curr_story_utters_batch = [] for curr_story_utters in curr_story_utters_batch: for user_utter in possible_user_utters: new_curr_story_utters = curr_story_utters.copy() new_curr_story_utters.append(user_utter) new_curr_story_utters_batch.append(new_curr_story_utters) curr_story_utters_batch = new_curr_story_utters_batch elif line.startswith('-'): # system actions are started in dataset with - system_action_name = line.strip('-').strip() curr_action_text = cls._system_action2text(domain_knowledge, system_action_name) system_action = {"speaker": cls._SYSTEM_SPEAKER_ID, "text": curr_action_text, "dialog_acts": [{"act": system_action_name, "slots": []}]} if system_action_name.startswith("action"): system_action["db_result"] = {} for curr_story_utters in curr_story_utters_batch: if curr_story_utters and curr_story_utters[-1]["speaker"] == cls._SYSTEM_SPEAKER_ID: # deal with consecutive system actions by inserting the last user replics in between last_user_utter = [u for u in reversed(curr_story_utters) if u["speaker"] == cls._USER_SPEAKER_ID][0] curr_story_utters.append(last_user_utter) curr_story_utters.append(system_action) for curr_story_utters_ix, curr_story_utters in enumerate(curr_story_utters_batch): stories_parsed[curr_story_title + f"_{curr_story_utters_ix}"] = curr_story_utters # stories_parsed.pop(None) tmp_f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") for story_id, story in stories_parsed.items(): for replics in story: print(json.dumps(replics), file=tmp_f) print(file=tmp_f) tmp_f.close() # noinspection PyProtectedMember gobot_formatted_stories = DSTC2DatasetReader._read_from_file(, dialogs=dialogs) os.remove( log.debug(f"AFTER MLU_MD_DialogsDatasetReader._read_story(): " f"story_fpath={story_fpath}, " f"dialogs={dialogs}, " f"domain_knowledge={domain_knowledge}, " f"intent2slots2text={intent2slots2text}, " f"slot_name2text2value={slot_name2text2value}") return gobot_formatted_stories @staticmethod def _choose_slots_for_whom_exists_text(intent2slots2text: Dict[str, Dict[SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, List]], slots_actual_values: SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, user_action: str) -> Tuple[List, SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, str]: possible_keys = [k for k in intent2slots2text.keys() if user_action in k] possible_keys = possible_keys + [user_action] possible_keys = sorted(possible_keys, key=lambda action_s: action_s.count('+')) for possible_action_key in possible_keys: if intent2slots2text[possible_action_key].get(slots_actual_values): slots_used_values = slots_actual_values slots_to_exclude = [] return slots_to_exclude, slots_used_values, possible_action_key else: slots_lazy_key = set(e[0] for e in slots_actual_values) slots_lazy_key -= {"intent"} fake_keys = [] for known_key in intent2slots2text[possible_action_key].keys(): if slots_lazy_key.issubset(set(e[0] for e in known_key)): fake_keys.append(known_key) break if fake_keys: slots_used_values = sorted(fake_keys, key=lambda elem: (len(set(slots_actual_values) ^ set(elem)), len([e for e in elem if e[0] not in slots_lazy_key])) )[0] slots_to_exclude = [e[0] for e in slots_used_values if e[0] not in slots_lazy_key] return slots_to_exclude, slots_used_values, possible_action_key raise KeyError("no possible NLU candidates found") @staticmethod def _clarify_slots_values(slot_name2text2value: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], slots_dstc2formatted: List[List]) -> SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE: slots_key = [] for slot_name, slot_value in slots_dstc2formatted: slot_actual_value = slot_name2text2value.get(slot_name, {}).get(slot_value, slot_value) slots_key.append((slot_name, slot_actual_value)) slots_key = tuple(sorted(slots_key)) return slots_key @staticmethod def _parse_user_intent(line: str, ignore_slots=False) -> Tuple[str, List[List]]: intent = line.strip('*').strip() if '{' not in intent: intent = intent + "{}" # the prototypical intent is "intent_name{slot1: value1, slotN: valueN}" user_action, slots_info = intent.split('{', 1) slots_info = json.loads('{' + slots_info) slots_dstc2formatted = [[slot_name, slot_value] for slot_name, slot_value in slots_info.items()] if ignore_slots: slots_dstc2formatted = dict() return user_action, slots_dstc2formatted @staticmethod def _user_action2text(intent2slots2text: Dict[str, Dict[SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE, List]], user_action: str, slots_li: Optional[SLOT2VALUE_PAIRS_TUPLE] = None) -> List[str]: if slots_li is None: slots_li = tuple() return intent2slots2text[user_action][slots_li] @staticmethod def _system_action2text(domain_knowledge: DomainKnowledge, system_action: str) -> str: possible_system_responses = domain_knowledge.response_templates.get(system_action, [{"text": system_action}]) response_text = possible_system_responses[0]["text"] response_text = re.sub(r"(\w+)\=\{(.*?)\}", r"#\2", response_text) # TODO: straightforward regex string return response_text