Source code for deeppavlov.models.kbqa.wiki_parser

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import datetime
import re
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from collections import namedtuple

from hdt import HDTDocument

from deeppavlov.core.common.file import load_pickle
from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@register('wiki_parser') class WikiParser: """This class extract relations, objects or triplets from Wikidata HDT file"""
[docs] def __init__(self, wiki_filename: str, file_format: str = "hdt", lang: str = "@en", **kwargs) -> None: """ Args: wiki_filename: file with Wikidata file_format: format of Wikidata file lang: Russian or English language **kwargs: """ self.description_rel = "" self.file_format = file_format self.wiki_filename = str(expand_path(wiki_filename)) if self.file_format == "hdt": self.document = HDTDocument(self.wiki_filename) elif self.file_format == "pickle": self.document = load_pickle(self.wiki_filename) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported file format") self.lang = lang
[docs] def __call__(self, parser_info_list: List[str], queries_list: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: wiki_parser_output = [] for parser_info, query in zip(parser_info_list, queries_list): if parser_info == "query_execute": *query_to_execute, return_if_found = query candidate_output = self.execute(*query_to_execute) wiki_parser_output.append(candidate_output) if return_if_found and candidate_output: return wiki_parser_output elif parser_info == "find_rels": wiki_parser_output += self.find_rels(*query) elif parser_info == "find_label": wiki_parser_output.append(self.find_label(*query)) elif parser_info == "find_triplets": if self.file_format == "hdt": tr, c = self.document.search_triples(*query) wiki_parser_output.append(list(tr)) else: wiki_parser_output.append(self.document.get(query, {})) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported query type") return wiki_parser_output
def execute(self, what_return: List[str], query_seq: List[List[str]], filter_info: List[Tuple[str]] = None, order_info: namedtuple = None) -> List[List[str]]: """ Let us consider an example of the question "What is the deepest lake in Russia?" with the corresponding SPARQL query "SELECT ?ent WHERE { ?ent wdt:P31 wd:T1 . ?ent wdt:R1 ?obj . ?ent wdt:R2 wd:E1 } ORDER BY ASC(?obj) LIMIT 5" arguments: what_return: ["?obj"] query_seq: [["?ent", "", ""] ["?ent", "", ""], ["?ent", "", "?obj"]] filter_info: [] order_info: order_info(variable='?obj', sorting_order='asc') """ extended_combs = [] combs = [] if "qualifier" not in filter_info: for n, query in enumerate(query_seq): unknown_elem_positions = [(pos, elem) for pos, elem in enumerate(query) if elem.startswith('?')] """ n = 0, query = ["?ent", "", ""] unknown_elem_positions = ["?ent"] n = 1, query = ["?ent", "", ""] unknown_elem_positions = [(0, "?ent")] n = 2, query = ["?ent", "", "?obj"] unknown_elem_positions = [(0, "?ent"), (2, "?obj")] """ if n == 0: combs =, unknown_elem_positions) # combs = [{"?ent": ""}, ...] else: if combs: known_elements = [] extended_combs = [] for elem in query: if elem in combs[0].keys(): known_elements.append(elem) for comb in combs: """ n = 1 query = ["?ent", "", ""] comb = {"?ent": ""} known_elements = ["?ent"], known_values = [""] filled_query = ["", "", ""] new_combs = [["", "", ""], ...] extended_combs = [{"?ent": ""}, ...] """ known_values = [comb[known_elem] for known_elem in known_elements] for known_elem, known_value in zip(known_elements, known_values): filled_query = [elem.replace(known_elem, known_value) for elem in query] new_combs =, unknown_elem_positions) for new_comb in new_combs: extended_combs.append({**comb, **new_comb}) combs = extended_combs if combs: if filter_info: for filter_elem, filter_value in filter_info: combs = [comb for comb in combs if filter_value in comb[filter_elem]] if order_info and not isinstance(order_info, list) and order_info.variable is not None: reverse = True if order_info.sorting_order == "desc" else False sort_elem = order_info.variable for i in range(len(combs)): value_str = combs[i][sort_elem].split('^^')[0].strip('"') if value_str.endswith("T00:00:00Z"): value_str = value_str.strip("T00:00:00Z") combs[i][sort_elem] = value_str else: combs[i][sort_elem] = float(value_str) combs = sorted(combs, key=lambda x: x[sort_elem], reverse=reverse) combs = [combs[0]] if what_return[-1].startswith("count"): combs = [[combs[0][key] for key in what_return[:-1]] + [len(combs)]] else: combs = [[elem[key] for key in what_return] for elem in combs] return combs def search(self, query: List[str], unknown_elem_positions: List[Tuple[int, str]]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: query = list(map(lambda elem: "" if elem.startswith('?') else elem, query)) subj, rel, obj = query if self.file_format == "hdt": triplets, c = self.document.search_triples(subj, rel, obj) if rel == self.description_rel: triplets = [triplet for triplet in triplets if triplet[2].endswith(self.lang)] combs = [{elem: triplet[pos] for pos, elem in unknown_elem_positions} for triplet in triplets] else: if subj: direction = "forw" if obj: direction = "backw" subj = subj.split('/')[-1] triplets = self.document.get(subj, {}).get(direction, []) triplets = [[subj, triplet[0], obj] for triplet in triplets for obj in triplet[1:]] if rel: if rel == self.description_rel: triplets = [triplet for triplet in triplets if triplet[1] == "descr_en"] else: rel = rel.split('/')[-1] triplets = [triplet for triplet in triplets if triplet[1] == rel] combs = [{elem: triplet[pos] for pos, elem in unknown_elem_positions} for triplet in triplets] return combs def find_label(self, entity: str, question: str) -> str: entity = str(entity).replace('"', '') if self.file_format == "hdt": if entity.startswith("Q"): # example: "Q5513" entity = "" + entity # "" if entity.startswith(""): labels, c = self.document.search_triples(entity, "", "") # labels = [["", "", # '"Lake Baikal"@en'], ...] for label in labels: if label[2].endswith(self.lang): found_label = label[2].strip(self.lang).replace('"', '') return found_label elif entity.endswith(self.lang): # entity: '"Lake Baikal"@en' entity = entity[:-3] return entity elif "^^" in entity: """ examples: '"1799-06-06T00:00:00Z"^^<>' (date) '"+1642"^^<>' (number) """ entity = entity.split("^^")[0] for token in ["T00:00:00Z", "+"]: entity = entity.replace(token, '') year = re.findall("([\d]{3,4})-[\d]{1,2}-[\d]{1,2}", entity) if "how old" in question.lower() and year: entity = - int(year[0]) return entity elif entity.isdigit(): return entity if self.file_format == "pickle": if entity: if entity.startswith("Q"): triplets = self.document.get(entity, {}).get("forw", []) for triplet in triplets: if triplet[0] == "name_en": return triplet[1] else: return entity return "Not Found" def find_alias(self, entity: str) -> List[str]: aliases = [] if entity.startswith(""): labels, cardinality = self.document.search_triples(entity, "", "") aliases = [label[2].strip(self.lang).strip('"') for label in labels if label[2].endswith(self.lang)] return aliases def find_rels(self, entity: str, direction: str, rel_type: str = "no_type") -> List[str]: rels = [] if self.file_format == "hdt": if direction == "forw": query = [f"{entity}", "", ""] else: query = ["", "", f"{entity}"] triplets, c = self.document.search_triples(*query) if rel_type != "no_type": start_str = f"{rel_type}" else: start_str = "" rels = [triplet[1] for triplet in triplets if triplet[1].startswith(start_str)] if self.file_format == "pickle": triplets = self.document.get(entity, {}).get(direction, []) rels = [triplet[0] for triplet in triplets if triplet[0].startswith("P")] return rels