Ranking and paraphrase identification

This library model solves the tasks of ranking and paraphrase identification based on semantic similarity which is trained with siamese neural networks. The trained network can retrieve the response closest semantically to a given context from some database or answer whether two sentences are paraphrases or not. It is possible to build automatic semantic FAQ systems with such neural architectures.

Training and inference models on predifined datasets

BERT Ranking

Before using models make sure that all required packages are installed running the command for TensorFlow:

python -m deeppavlov install ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_uncased
python -m deeppavlov install ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_sep
python -m deeppavlov install ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_sep_interact

or on PyTorch:

python -m deeppavlov install ranking_ubuntu_v2_torch_bert_uncased

To train the interaction-based (accurate, slow) model on the Ubuntu V2 from command line:

python -m deeppavlov train ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_uncased [-d]

To train the representation-based (accurate, fast) model on the Ubuntu V2 from command line:

python -m deeppavlov train ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_sep [-d]

Further the trained representation-based model can be run for inference over the provided response base (~500K in our case) from command line:

python -m deeppavlov interact ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_sep_interact [-d]

Statistics on the models quality are available here.

Building your own response base for bert ranking

For the BERT-based models we have the following mechanism of building your own response base. If you run python -m deeppavlov download ranking_ubuntu_v2_bert_sep_interact in console the model with the existing base will be downloaded. If you look in the folder where the model with the base is located you will find four files: contexts.csv, responses.csv, cont_vecs.npy, resp_vecs.npy. These are possible responses with their corresponding contexts (.csv files) and their vector representations (.npy files) indexed using the model. Contexts for responses are used as additional features in some modes of the model operation (see the attribute interact_mode in the class BertSepRankerPredictorPreprocessor). If you would like to use your own response base you should remove all four files indicated above and place your own responses.csv file in the folder, and probably contexts.csv file depending on the value of the interact_mode you are planning to use. The format of these files is very simple, namely each line should represent single response (or context). You can use existing files as an example. Numbers of lines in responses.csv and contexts.csv must match exactly. Once you have provided these files, you can run the above command in console. As the system will not find vector representations, it will build them first. You will see the message Building BERT features for the response base... (and probably Building BERT features for the context base...) and then Building BERT vector representations for the response base... (and probably Building BERT vector representations for the context base...). After this is done, you will be able to interact with the system. Next time you will use the model, built vector representations will be loaded.


To use Sequential Matching Network (SMN) or Deep Attention Matching Network (DAM) or Deep Attention Matching Network with Universal Sentence Encoder (DAM-USE-T) on the Ubuntu V2 for inference, please run one of the following commands:

python -m deeppavlov interact -d ranking_ubuntu_v2_mt_word2vec_smn
python -m deeppavlov interact -d ranking_ubuntu_v2_mt_word2vec_dam_transformer

Now a user can enter a dialog consists of 10 context sentences and several (>=1) candidate response sentences separated by ‘&’ and then get the probability that the response is proper continuation of the dialog:

:: & & & & & & & & bonhoeffer  whar drives do you want to mount what &  i have an ext3 usb drive  & look with fdisk -l & hello there & fdisk is all you need
>> [0.9776373  0.05753616 0.9642599 ]

To train the models on the Ubuntu V2 dataset please run one of the following commands:

python -m deeppavlov train -d ranking_ubuntu_v2_mt_word2vec_smn
python -m deeppavlov train -d ranking_ubuntu_v2_mt_word2vec_dam_transformer

As an example of configuration file see ranking_ubuntu_v2_mt_word2vec_smn.json.

If the model with multi-turn context is used (such as SMNNetwork with the parameter num_context_turns set to the value higher than 1 in the configuration JSON file) then the context to evaluate should consist of num_context_turns strings connected by the ampersand. Some of these strings can be empty, i.e. equal to ''.

Paraphrase identification

Paraphraser.ru dataset

Before using the model make sure that all required packages are installed running the command:

python -m deeppavlov install paraphraser_bert

To train the model on the paraphraser.ru dataset one can use the following code in python:

from deeppavlov import configs, train_model

para_model = train_model('paraphraser_bert', download=True)

Training and inference on your own data


To train the model for ranking on your own data you should write your own DatasetReader component or you can use default SiameseReader. In the latter case, you should provide three separate files in the default data format described below:

train.csv: each line in the file contains context, response and label separated by the tab key. label can be binary, i.e. 1 or 0 corresponding to the correct or incorrect response for the given context, or it can be multi-class label. In the latter case, each unique context has the unique class label and the only correct response is indicated for each context. Currently, all ranking and paraphrase identification models support cross-entropy loss training with binary labels. Some models, such as BiLSTMSiameseNetwork support also training with triplet loss (the parameter triplet_loss should be set to true for the model in the configuration JSON file in this case) which can give potentially few percent of performance over the cross-entropy loss training.

If the model with multi-turn context is used (such as SMNNetwork with the parameter num_context_turns set to the value higher than 1 in the configuration JSON file) then the context should be specified with num_context_turns strings separated by the tab key instead of a single string. Some of these strings can be empty, i.e. equal to ''.

Classification metrics on the train dataset part (the parameter train_metrics in the JSON configuration file) such as f1, acc and log_loss can be calculated only in the cross-entropy loss training mode. Both, cross-entropy loss and triplet loss training can output loss function value returned by train_on_batch() if the log_every_n_batches parameter is set to the non-negative value.

valid.csv, test.csv: each line in these files contains context, response_1, response_2, …, response_n separated by the tab key, where response_1 is the correct response for the given context and the rest response_2, …, response_n are incorrect response candidates. The number of responses n in these files should correspond to the parameter num_ranking_samples in the JSON configuration file. As an example see

Such ranking metrics on the valid and test parts of the dataset (the parameter metrics in the JSON configuration file) as r@1, r@2, …, r@n and rank_response can be evaluated.

As an example of data usage in the default format, please, see ranking_default.json. To train the model with this configuration file in python:

from deeppavlov import configs, train_model

rank_model = train_model(configs.ranking.ranking_default, download=True)

To train from command line:

python -m deeppavlov train deeppavlov/configs/ranking/ranking_default.json [-d]

Paraphrase identification

train.csv: the same as for ranking.

valid.csv, test.csv: each line in the file contains context, response and label separated by the tab key. label is binary, i.e. 1 or 0 corresponding to the correct or incorrect response for the given context. Instead of response and context it can be simply two phrases which are paraphrases or non-paraphrases as indicated by the label.

Classification metrics on the valid and test dataset parts (the parameter metrics in the JSON configuration file) such as f1, acc and log_loss can be calculated.