Go-Bot Framework


Go-Bot is an ML-driven framework designed to enable development of the goal-oriented skills for DeepPavlov Dream AI Assistant Platform.

These goal-oriented skills can be written in Python (enabling using their corresponding Go-Bot-trained models natively) or in any other programming language (requiring running their corresponding Go-Bot-trained models as microservices).

To build a Go-Bot-based goal-oriented skill, you need to provide Go-Bot framework with a dataset (in RASA v1 format), train model, download it, and then use it by either calling them natively from Python or by rising them as microservices and then calling them via its standard DeepPavlov REST API.

Currently we support a subset of the v1 of the RASA DSLs (domain.yml, nlu.md, stories.md) to define domain model and behavior of a given goal-oriented skill. As of the latest release, the following subset of functionality is supported:

  • Intents

  • Slots (simple slots requiring custom classifiers for custom data types)

  • Stories (w/o 1:1 mapping between intents and responses)

  • Templated Responses (w/o variables)

  • Form-Filling (basic, added in v0.14 release)

In the future, we will expand support for RASA DSLs where appropriate to enable backward compatibility, add integration with the upcoming Intent Catcher component available as part of the DeepPavlov component library, and so on.

To experiment with the Go-Bot you can follow tutorials for using RASA DSLs.

RASA DSLs Format Support


To simplify the process of building goal-oriented bots using DeepPavlov technology, in v0.12.0 we have introduced a (limited) support for defining them using RASA DSLs.


DSLs, known as Domain-Specific Languages, provide a rich mechanism to define the behavior, or “the what”, while the underlying system uses the parser to transform these definitions into commands that implement this behavior, or “the how” using the system’s components.

RASA.ai is an another well-known Open Source Conversational AI Framework. Their approach to defining the domain model and behavior of the goal-oriented bots is quite simple for building simple goal-oriented bots. In this section you will learn how to use key parts of RASA DSLs (configuration files) to build your own goal-oriented skill based on the DeepPavlov’s Go-Bot framework.

While there are several configuration files used by the RASA platform, each with their own corresponding DSL (mostly re-purposed Markdown and YAML), for now only three essential files: stories.md, nlu.md, domain.yml are supported by the DeepPavlov Go-Bot Framework.

These files allows you to define user stories that match intents and bot actions, intents with slots and entities, as well as the training data for the NLU components.


As mentioned in our blog post, this is the very beginning of our work focused on supporting RASA DSLs as a way to configure DeepPavlov-based goal-oriented chatbots.

Currently, only a subset of the functionality in these files is supported by now.


stories.md is a mechanism used to teach your chatbot how to respond to user messages. It allows you to control your chatbot’s dialog management.

The full RASA functionality is described in the original documentation.

The format supported by DeepPavlov is the subset of features described in “What makes up a story” section.

The original format features are: User Messages, Actions, Events, Checkpoints, OR Statements, End-to-End Story Evaluation Format.

  • We do support all the functionality of User Messages format feature.

  • We do support only utterance actions of the Actions format feature. Custom actions are not supported yet.

  • We do partially support Form Filling (starting with v0.14.0 release).

  • We do not support Events, Checkpoints and OR Statements format features.


see the original documentation for the detailed stories.md format description.

Stories file is a markdown file of the following format:

## story_title (not used by algorithm, but useful to work with for humans)
* user_action_label{"1st_slot_present_in_action": "slot1_value", .., "Nth_slot_present_in_action": "slotN_value"}
  - system_respective_utterance
* another_user_action_of_the_same_format
  - another_system_response

## another_story_title

## formfilling dialogue
* greet
  - form{"name": "zoo_form"}
  - utter_api_call


nlu.md represents an NLU model of your chatbot. It allows you to provide training examples that show how your chatbot should understand user messages, and then train a model through these examples.

We do support the format described in the Markdown format section of the original RASA documentation with the following limitations:

  • an extended entities annotation format ([<entity-text>]{"entity": "<entity name>", "role": "<role name>", ...}) is not supported

  • synonyms, regex features and lookup tables format features are not supported


see the original documentation on the RASA NLU markdown format for the detailed nlu.md format description.

NLU file is a markdown file of the following format:

## intent:possible_user_action_label_1
  - An example of user text that has the possible_user_action_label_1 action label
  - Another example of user text that has the possible_user_action_label_1 action label

## intent:possible_user_action_label_N
  - An example of user text that has the (possible_user_action_label_N)[action_label] action label
  <!-- Slotfilling dataset is provided as an inline markup of user texts -->


domain.yml helps you to define the universe your chatbot lives in: what user inputs it expects to get, what actions it should be able to predict, how to respond, and what information to store.

The format supported by DeepPavlov is the same as the described in the original documentation with the following limitations:

  • only textual slots are allowed

  • only slot classes are allowed as entity classes

  • only textual response actions are allowed with currently no variables support


see the original documentation on the RASA Domains YAML config format for the detailed domain.yml format description.

Domain file is a YAML file of the following format:

# slots section lists the possible slot names (aka slot types)
# that are used in the domain (i.e. relevant for bot's tasks)
# currently only type: text is supported
    type: text
    type: text

# entities list now follows the slots list 2nd level keys
# and is present to support upcoming features. Stay tuned for updates with this!
  - slot1_name
  - slotN_name

# intents section lists the intents that can appear in the stories
# being kept together they do describe the user-side part of go-bot's experience
  - user_action_label
  - another_user_action_of_the_same_format

# responses section lists the system response templates.
# Despite system response' titles being usually informative themselves
#   (one could even find them more appropriate when no actual "Natural Language" is needed
#    (e.g. for buttons actions in bot apps))
# It is though extremely useful to be able to serialize the response title to text.
# That's what this section content is needed for.
    - text: "The text that system responds with"
    - text: "Here some text again"

      - type: from_entity
        entity: animal

How Do I: Build Go-Bot Skill with RASA DSLs (v1)


We encourage you to explore the tutorials below to get better understanding of how to build basic and more advanced goal-oriented skills with these RASA DSLs:

How Do I: Integrate Go-Bot-based Goal-Oriented Skill into DeepPavlov Deepy

To integrate your Go-Bot-based goal-oriented skill into your Multiskill AI Assistant built using DeepPavlov Conversational AI Stack, follow the following instructions:

  1. Clone Deepy repository

  2. Replace docker-compose.yml in the root of the repository and pipeline_conf.json in the /agent/ subdirectory with the corresponding files from the deepy_gobot_base Deepy Distribution

  3. Clone the second Tutorial Notebook

  4. Change its domain.yml, nlu.md, and stories.md based on your project needs with your custom intents, slots, forms, and write your own stories

  5. Train the go-bot model in your copy of the Tutorial Notebook

  6. Download and put saved data from your copy of the Tutorial Notebook into the Harvesters Maintenance Go-Bot Skill

  7. [Optional] Unless you need a Chit-Chat skill remove it from at both the /agent/pipeline_conf.json and from docker-compose.yml

  8. Use docker-compose up --build command to build and run your DeepPavlov-based Multiskill AI Assistant


In the coming version of the DeepPavlov Library we will provide a more comprehensive update to the documentation to further simplify the process of building goal-oriented skills with DeepPavlov Conversational AI technology stack. Stay tuned!

How Do I: Use Form-Filling in Go-Bot Skill with RASA DSLs (v1)


Follow this tutorial to experiment with the Form-Filling functionality in Go-Bot-based goal-oriented skills built using RASA DSLs (v1):

Usage example

To interact with a pretrained go_bot model using commandline run:

python -m deeppavlov interact <path_to_config> [-d]

where <path_to_config> is one of the provided config files.

You can also train your own model by running:

python -m deeppavlov train <path_to_config> [-d]

The -d parameter downloads

  • data required to train your model (embeddings, etc.);

  • a pretrained model if available (provided not for all configs).

After downloading required files you can use the configs in your python code. To infer from a pretrained model with config path equal to <path_to_config>:

from deeppavlov import build_model

CONFIG_PATH = '<path_to_config>'
model = build_model(CONFIG_PATH)

utterance = ""
while utterance != 'exit':
    print(">> " + model([utterance])[0])
    utterance = input(':: ')

Config parameters

To configure your own pipelines that contain a "go_bot" component, refer to documentation for GoalOrientedBot and GoalOrientedBotNetwork classes.

Database (Optional)

If your dataset doesn’t imply any api calls to an external database, just do not set database and api_call_action parameters and skip the section below.

Otherwise, you should

  1. provide sql table with requested items or

  2. construct such table from provided in train samples db_result items.