
Document retrieval classes.

class deeppavlov.models.doc_retrieval.tfidf_ranker.TfidfRanker(vectorizer: HashingTfIdfVectorizer, top_n=5, active: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Rank documents according to input strings.

  • vectorizer – a vectorizer class

  • top_n – a number of doc ids to return

  • active – whether to return a number specified by top_n (True) or all ids (False)


a number of doc ids to return


an instance of vectorizer class


whether to return a number specified by top_n or all ids


inverted doc_index


a dataset iterator used for generating batches while fitting the vectorizer

__call__(questions: List[str]) Tuple[List[Any], List[float]][source]

Rank documents and return top n document titles with scores.


questions – list of queries used in ranking


a tuple of selected doc ids and their scores

class deeppavlov.models.doc_retrieval.logit_ranker.LogitRanker(squad_model: Union[Chainer, Component], batch_size: int = 50, sort_noans: bool = False, top_n: int = 1, return_answer_sentence: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Select best answer using squad model logits. Make several batches for a single batch, send each batch to the squad model separately and get a single best answer for each batch.

  • squad_model – a loaded squad model

  • batch_size – batch size to use with squad model

  • sort_noans – whether to downgrade noans tokens in the most possible answers

  • top_n – number of answers to return


a loaded squad model


batch size to use with squad model


number of answers to return

__call__(contexts_batch: List[List[str]], questions_batch: List[List[str]], doc_ids_batch: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None) Union[Tuple[List[str], List[float], List[int], List[str]], Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[float]], List[List[int]], List[List[str]]], Tuple[List[str], List[float], List[int]], Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[float]], List[List[int]]]][source]

Sort obtained results from squad reader by logits and get the answer with a maximum logit.

  • contexts_batch – a batch of contexts which should be treated as a single batch in the outer JSON config

  • questions_batch – a batch of questions which should be treated as a single batch in the outer JSON config

  • doc_ids_batch (optional) – names of the documents from which the contexts_batch was derived


a batch of best answers, their scores, places in contexts and doc_ids for this answers if doc_ids_batch were passed

class deeppavlov.models.doc_retrieval.pop_ranker.PopRanker(pop_dict_path: str, load_path: str, top_n: int = 3, active: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Rank documents according to their tfidf scores and popularities. It is not a standalone ranker, it should be used for re-ranking the results of TF-IDF Ranker.

Based on a Logistic Regression trained on 3 features:

  • tfidf score of the article

  • popularity of the article obtained via Wikimedia REST API as a mean number of views for the period since 2017/11/05 to 2018/11/05

  • multiplication of the two features above

  • pop_dict_path – a path to json file with article title to article popularity map

  • load_path – a path to saved logistic regression classifier

  • top_n – a number of doc ids to return

  • active – whether to return a number specified by top_n (True) or all ids (False)


a map of article titles to their popularity


mean popularity of all popularities in pop_dict, use it when popularity is not found


a loaded logistic regression classifier


a number of doc ids to return


whether to return a number specified by top_n or all ids

__call__(input_doc_ids: List[List[Any]], input_doc_scores: List[List[float]]) Tuple[List[List], List[List]][source]

Get tfidf scores and tfidf ids, re-rank them by applying logistic regression classifier, output pop ranker ids and pop ranker scores.


input_doc_ids: top input doc ids of tfidf ranker input_doc_scores: top input doc scores of tfidf ranker corresponding to doc ids


top doc ids of pop ranker and their corresponding scores