Source code for deeppavlov.dataset_iterators.elmo_file_paths_iterator

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Iterator, Optional, Dict, List, Union

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from import SimpleVocabulary
from import chunk_generator
from deeppavlov.dataset_iterators.file_paths_iterator import FilePathsIterator
from deeppavlov.models.preprocessors.str_utf8_encoder import StrUTF8Encoder

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@register('elmo_file_paths_iterator') class ELMoFilePathsIterator(FilePathsIterator): """Dataset iterator for tokenized datasets like 1 Billion Word Benchmark It gets lists of file paths from the data dictionary and returns batches of lines from each file. Args: data: dict with keys ``'train'``, ``'valid'`` and ``'test'`` and values load_path: path to the vocabulary to be load from seed: random seed for data shuffling shuffle: whether to shuffle data during batching unroll_steps: number of unrolling steps n_gpus: number of gpu to use max_word_length: max length of word bos: tag of begin of sentence eos: tag of end of sentence """ def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, List[Union[str, Path]]], load_path: Union[str, Path], seed: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = True, unroll_steps: Optional[int] = None, n_gpus: Optional[int] = None, max_word_length: Optional[int] = None, bos: str = "<S>", eos: str = "</S>", *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.unroll_steps = unroll_steps self.n_gpus = n_gpus self.bos = bos self.eos = eos self.str_utf8_encoder = StrUTF8Encoder( max_word_length=max_word_length, pad_special_char_use=True, word_boundary_special_char_use=True, sentence_boundary_special_char_use=False, reversed_sentense_tokens=False, bos=self.bos, eos=self.eos, save_path=load_path, load_path=load_path, ) self.simple_vocab = SimpleVocabulary( min_freq=2, special_tokens=[self.eos, self.bos, "<UNK>"], unk_token="<UNK>", freq_drop_load=True, save_path=load_path, load_path=load_path, ) super().__init__(data, seed, shuffle, *args, **kwargs) def _line2ids(self, line): line = [self.bos] + line.split() + [self.eos] char_ids = self.str_utf8_encoder(line) reversed_char_ids = list(reversed(char_ids)) char_ids = char_ids[:-1] reversed_char_ids = reversed_char_ids[:-1] token_ids = self.simple_vocab(line) reversed_token_ids = list(reversed(token_ids)) token_ids = token_ids[1:] reversed_token_ids = reversed_token_ids[1:] return char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids def _line_generator(self, shard_generator): for shard in shard_generator: line_generator = chunk_generator(shard, 1) for line in line_generator: line = line[0] char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids = \ self._line2ids(line) yield char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids @staticmethod def _batch_generator(line_generator, batch_size, unroll_steps): batch = [[[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(batch_size)] stream = [[[] for i in range(4)] for i in range(batch_size)] try: while True: for batch_item, stream_item in zip(batch, stream): while len(stream_item[0]) < unroll_steps: line = next(line_generator) for sti, lni in zip(stream_item, line): sti.extend(lni) for sti, bchi in zip(stream_item, batch_item): _b = sti[:unroll_steps] _s = sti[unroll_steps:] bchi.clear() _b = _b bchi.extend(_b) sti.clear() sti.extend(_s) char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids = \ zip(*batch) yield char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids except StopIteration: pass def gen_batches(self, batch_size: int, data_type: str = 'train', shuffle: Optional[bool] = None) \ -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: if shuffle is None: shuffle = self.shuffle tgt_data =[data_type] shard_generator = self._shard_generator(tgt_data, shuffle=shuffle) line_generator = self._line_generator(shard_generator) if data_type == 'train': unroll_steps = self.unroll_steps n_gpus = self.n_gpus else: unroll_steps = 1 batch_size = 256 n_gpus = 1 batch_generator = self._batch_generator(line_generator, batch_size * n_gpus, unroll_steps) for char_ids, reversed_char_ids, token_ids, reversed_token_ids in batch_generator: batch = [(char_ids, reversed_char_ids), (token_ids, reversed_token_ids)] yield batch