
class deeppavlov.models.go_bot.go_bot.GoalOrientedBot(tokenizer: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component, tracker: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker.featurized_tracker.FeaturizedTracker, nlg_manager: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlg.nlg_manager_interface.NLGManagerInterface, save_path: str, hidden_size: int = 128, dropout_rate: float = 0.0, l2_reg_coef: float = 0.0, dense_size: int = None, attention_mechanism: dict = None, network_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, load_path: str = None, word_vocab: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, bow_embedder: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, embedder: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, slot_filler: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, intent_classifier: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, database: deeppavlov.core.models.component.Component = None, use_action_mask: bool = False, debug: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

The dialogue bot is based on, which introduces Hybrid Code Networks that combine an RNN with domain-specific knowledge and system action templates.

The network handles dialogue policy management. Inputs features of an utterance and predicts label of a bot action (classification task).

An LSTM with a dense layer for input features and a dense layer for it’s output. Softmax is used as an output activation function.

  • tokenizer – one of tokenizers from deeppavlov.models.tokenizers module.

  • tracker – dialogue state tracker from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker.

  • hidden_size – size of rnn hidden layer.

  • dropout_rate – probability of weights dropping out.

  • l2_reg_coef – l2 regularization weight (applied to input and output layer).

  • dense_size – rnn input size.

  • attention_mechanism

    describes attention applied to embeddings of input tokens.

    • type – type of attention mechanism, possible values are 'general', 'bahdanau', 'light_general', 'light_bahdanau', 'cs_general' and 'cs_bahdanau'.

    • hidden_size – attention hidden state size.

    • max_num_tokens – maximum number of input tokens.

    • depth – number of averages used in constrained attentions ('cs_bahdanau' or 'cs_general').

    • action_as_key – whether to use action from previous time step as key to attention.

    • intent_as_key – use utterance intents as attention key or not.

    • projected_align – whether to use output projection.

  • network_parameters – dictionary with network parameters (for compatibility with release 0.1.1, deprecated in the future)

  • word_vocab – vocabulary of input word tokens (SimpleVocabulary recommended).

  • bow_embedder – instance of one-hot word encoder BoWEmbedder.

  • embedder – one of embedders from deeppavlov.models.embedders module.

  • slot_filler – component that outputs slot values for a given utterance (DstcSlotFillingNetwork recommended).

  • intent_classifier – component that outputs intents probability distribution for a given utterance ( KerasClassificationModel recommended).

  • database – database that will be used during inference to perform api_call_action actions and get 'db_result' result ( Sqlite3Database recommended).

  • use_action_mask – if True, network output will be applied with a mask over allowed actions.

  • debug – whether to display debug output.

extract_features_from_utterance_text(text, tracker, keep_tracker_state=False) → deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.dataset_features.UtteranceFeatures[source]

Extract ML features for the input text and the respective tracker. Features are aggregated from the * NLU; * text BOW-encoding&embedding; * tracker memory.

  • text – the text to infer to

  • tracker – the tracker that tracks the dialogue from which the text is taken

  • keep_tracker_state – if True, the tracker state will not be updated during the prediction. Used to keep tracker’s state intact when predicting the action to perform right after the api call action is predicted and performed.


the utterance features object containing the numpy-vectorized features extracted from the utterance

prepare_dialogue_training_data(dialogue_utterances_contexts_info: List[dict], dialogue_utterances_responses_info: List[dict]) → deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.dataset_features.DialogueDataEntry[source]

Parse the passed dialogue information to the dialogue information object.

  • dialogue_utterances_contexts_info – the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances training information

  • dialogue_utterances_responses_info – the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances responses training information


the dialogue data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data

prepare_dialogues_batches_training_data(batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info: List[List[dict]], batch_dialogues_utterances_responses_info: List[List[dict]]) → deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.dataset_features.BatchDialoguesDataset[source]

Parse the passed dialogue information to the dialogue information object.

  • batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info – the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances training information

  • batch_dialogues_utterances_responses_info – the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances responses training information


the dialogue data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data

prepare_utterance_training_data(utterance_context_info_dict: dict, utterance_response_info_dict: dict) → deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.dataset_features.UtteranceDataEntry[source]

Parse the passed utterance information to the utterance information object.

  • utterance_context_info_dict – the dictionary containing the utterance training information

  • utterance_response_info_dict – the dictionary containing the utterance response training information


the utterance data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data

class deeppavlov.models.go_bot.policy.policy_network.PolicyNetwork(*args, **kwargs)[source]

the Policy Network is a ML model whose goal is to choose the right system response when in dialogue with user.

calc_attn_key(nlu_response: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.dto.nlu_response.NLUResponse, tracker_knowledge: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker.dto.dst_knowledge.DSTKnowledge)[source]
  • nlu_response – nlu analysis output, currently only intents data is used

  • tracker_knowledge – one-hot-encoded previous executed action


vector representing an attention key

static calc_attn_key_size(shared_go_bot_params: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.shared_gobot_params.SharedGoBotParams, action_as_key: bool, intent_as_key: bool)int[source]
  • shared_go_bot_params – GO-bot hyperparams used in various parts of the pipeline

  • action_as_key – True if actions are part of attention keys

  • intent_as_key – True if intents are part of attention keys


the calculated attention key shape of policy network

static calc_input_size(tokens_dims: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.tokens_vectorizer.TokensVectorRepresentationParams, shared_go_bot_params: deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.shared_gobot_params.SharedGoBotParams, attention_params: Optional[deeppavlov.models.go_bot.policy.dto.attn_params.GobotAttnParams])int[source]
  • tokens_dims – the tokens vectors dimensions

  • shared_go_bot_params – GO-bot hyperparams used in various parts of the pipeline

  • attention_params – the params of attention mechanism of the network for which input size is calculated


the calculated input shape of policy network


the length of the window the model looks with attn if the attention mechanism is configured. if the model has no attention mechanism returns None.


True if the model has an attention mechanism

load(*args, **kwargs)None[source]

Load model parameters from self.load_path

save(*args, **kwargs)None[source]

Save model parameters to self.save_path

class deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlg.nlg_manager_interface.NLGManagerInterface[source]
abstract get_action_id(action_text)int[source]

Looks up for an ID relevant to the passed action text in the list of known actions and their ids.


action_text – the text for which an ID needs to be returned.


an ID corresponding to the passed action text

abstract get_api_call_action_id()int[source]

an ID corresponding to the api call action

abstract num_of_known_actions()int[source]

the number of actions known to the NLG module

class deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.nlu_manager_interface.NLUManagerInterface[source]
abstract num_of_known_intents()int[source]

the number of intents known to the NLU module