Source code for deeppavlov.models.go_bot.go_bot

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import numpy as np

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.component import Component
from deeppavlov.core.models.nn_model import NNModel
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlg.dto.nlg_response_interface import NLGResponseInterface
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.dto.text_vectorization_response import TextVectorizationResponse
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.tokens_vectorizer import TokensVectorizer
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.dataset_features import UtteranceDataEntry, DialogueDataEntry, \
    BatchDialoguesDataset, UtteranceFeatures, UtteranceTarget, BatchDialoguesFeatures
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.dto.shared_gobot_params import SharedGoBotParams
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlg.nlg_manager import NLGManagerInterface
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.nlu.nlu_manager import NLUManager
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.policy.policy_network import PolicyNetwork, PolicyNetworkParams
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.policy.dto.policy_prediction import PolicyPrediction
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker.featurized_tracker import FeaturizedTracker
from deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker.dialogue_state_tracker import DialogueStateTracker, MultipleUserStateTrackersPool
from pathlib import Path

log = getLogger(__name__)

# todo logging
[docs]@register("go_bot") class GoalOrientedBot(NNModel): """ The dialogue bot is based on, which introduces Hybrid Code Networks that combine an RNN with domain-specific knowledge and system action templates. The network handles dialogue policy management. Inputs features of an utterance and predicts label of a bot action (classification task). An LSTM with a dense layer for input features and a dense layer for it's output. Softmax is used as an output activation function. Todo: add docstring for trackers. Parameters: tokenizer: one of tokenizers from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.tokenizers </apiref/models/tokenizers>` module. tracker: dialogue state tracker from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.go_bot.tracker </apiref/models/go_bot>`. hidden_size: size of rnn hidden layer. dropout_rate: probability of weights dropping out. l2_reg_coef: l2 regularization weight (applied to input and output layer). dense_size: rnn input size. attention_mechanism: describes attention applied to embeddings of input tokens. * **type** – type of attention mechanism, possible values are ``'general'``, ``'bahdanau'``, ``'light_general'``, ``'light_bahdanau'``, ``'cs_general'`` and ``'cs_bahdanau'``. * **hidden_size** – attention hidden state size. * **max_num_tokens** – maximum number of input tokens. * **depth** – number of averages used in constrained attentions (``'cs_bahdanau'`` or ``'cs_general'``). * **action_as_key** – whether to use action from previous time step as key to attention. * **intent_as_key** – use utterance intents as attention key or not. * **projected_align** – whether to use output projection. network_parameters: dictionary with network parameters (for compatibility with release 0.1.1, deprecated in the future) word_vocab: vocabulary of input word tokens (:class:`` recommended). bow_embedder: instance of one-hot word encoder :class:`~deeppavlov.models.embedders.bow_embedder.BoWEmbedder`. embedder: one of embedders from :doc:`deeppavlov.models.embedders </apiref/models/embedders>` module. slot_filler: component that outputs slot values for a given utterance (:class:`~deeppavlov.models.slotfill.slotfill.DstcSlotFillingNetwork` recommended). intent_classifier: component that outputs intents probability distribution for a given utterance ( :class:`~deeppavlov.models.classifiers.keras_classification_model.KerasClassificationModel` recommended). database: database that will be used during inference to perform ``api_call_action`` actions and get ``'db_result'`` result ( :class:`` recommended). use_action_mask: if ``True``, network output will be applied with a mask over allowed actions. debug: whether to display debug output. """ DEFAULT_USER_ID = 1 POLICY_DIR_NAME = "policy" def __init__(self, tokenizer: Component, tracker: FeaturizedTracker, nlg_manager: NLGManagerInterface, save_path: str, hidden_size: int = 128, dropout_rate: float = 0., l2_reg_coef: float = 0., dense_size: int = None, attention_mechanism: dict = None, network_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, load_path: str = None, word_vocab: Component = None, bow_embedder: Component = None, embedder: Component = None, slot_filler: Component = None, intent_classifier: Component = None, database: Component = None, use_action_mask: bool = False, debug: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: self.use_action_mask = use_action_mask # todo not supported actually super().__init__(save_path=save_path, load_path=load_path, **kwargs) self.debug = debug policy_network_params = PolicyNetworkParams(hidden_size, dropout_rate, l2_reg_coef, dense_size, attention_mechanism, network_parameters) self.nlu_manager = NLUManager(tokenizer, slot_filler, intent_classifier) # todo move to separate pipeline unit self.nlg_manager = nlg_manager self.data_handler = TokensVectorizer(debug, word_vocab, bow_embedder, embedder) # todo make mor abstract self.dialogue_state_tracker = DialogueStateTracker.from_gobot_params(tracker, self.nlg_manager, policy_network_params, database) # todo make mor abstract self.multiple_user_state_tracker = MultipleUserStateTrackersPool(base_tracker=self.dialogue_state_tracker) tokens_dims = self.data_handler.get_dims() features_params = SharedGoBotParams.from_configured(self.nlg_manager, self.nlu_manager, self.dialogue_state_tracker) policy_save_path = Path(save_path, self.POLICY_DIR_NAME) policy_load_path = Path(load_path, self.POLICY_DIR_NAME) self.policy = PolicyNetwork(policy_network_params, tokens_dims, features_params, policy_load_path, policy_save_path, **kwargs) self.dialogues_cached_features = dict() self.reset()
[docs] def prepare_dialogues_batches_training_data(self, batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info: List[List[dict]], batch_dialogues_utterances_responses_info: List[ List[dict]]) -> BatchDialoguesDataset: """ Parse the passed dialogue information to the dialogue information object. Args: batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info: the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances training information batch_dialogues_utterances_responses_info: the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances responses training information Returns: the dialogue data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data """ # todo naming, docs, comments max_dialogue_length = max(len(dialogue_info_entry) for dialogue_info_entry in batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info) # for padding batch_dialogues_dataset = BatchDialoguesDataset(max_dialogue_length) for dialogue_utterances_info in zip(batch_dialogues_utterances_contexts_info, batch_dialogues_utterances_responses_info): dialogue_index_value = dialogue_utterances_info[0][0].get("dialogue_label") if dialogue_index_value and dialogue_index_value in self.dialogues_cached_features.keys(): dialogue_training_data = self.dialogues_cached_features[dialogue_index_value] else: dialogue_training_data = self.prepare_dialogue_training_data(*dialogue_utterances_info) if dialogue_index_value: self.dialogues_cached_features[dialogue_index_value] = dialogue_training_data batch_dialogues_dataset.append(dialogue_training_data) return batch_dialogues_dataset
[docs] def prepare_dialogue_training_data(self, dialogue_utterances_contexts_info: List[dict], dialogue_utterances_responses_info: List[dict]) -> DialogueDataEntry: """ Parse the passed dialogue information to the dialogue information object. Args: dialogue_utterances_contexts_info: the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances training information dialogue_utterances_responses_info: the dictionary containing the dialogue utterances responses training information Returns: the dialogue data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data """ dialogue_training_data = DialogueDataEntry() # we started to process new dialogue so resetting the dialogue state tracker. # simplification of this logic is planned; there is a todo self.dialogue_state_tracker.reset_state() for context, response in zip(dialogue_utterances_contexts_info, dialogue_utterances_responses_info): utterance_training_data = self.prepare_utterance_training_data(context, response) dialogue_training_data.append(utterance_training_data) # to correctly track the dialogue state # we inform the tracker with the ground truth response info # just like the tracker remembers the predicted response actions when real-time inference self.dialogue_state_tracker.update_previous_action( if self.debug: log.debug(f"True response = '{response['text']}'.") if utterance_training_data.features.action_mask[] != 1.: log.warning("True action forbidden by action mask.") return dialogue_training_data
[docs] def prepare_utterance_training_data(self, utterance_context_info_dict: dict, utterance_response_info_dict: dict) -> UtteranceDataEntry: """ Parse the passed utterance information to the utterance information object. Args: utterance_context_info_dict: the dictionary containing the utterance training information utterance_response_info_dict: the dictionary containing the utterance response training information Returns: the utterance data object containing the numpy-vectorized features and target extracted from the utterance data """ # todo naming, docs, comments text = utterance_context_info_dict['text'] # if there already were db lookups in this utterance # we inform the tracker with these lookups info # just like the tracker remembers the db interaction results when real-time inference # todo: not obvious logic self.dialogue_state_tracker.update_ground_truth_db_result_from_context(utterance_context_info_dict) utterance_features = self.extract_features_from_utterance_text(text, self.dialogue_state_tracker) action_id = self.nlg_manager.get_action_id(utterance_response_info_dict['act']) utterance_target = UtteranceTarget(action_id) utterance_data_entry = UtteranceDataEntry.from_features_and_target(utterance_features, utterance_target) return utterance_data_entry
[docs] def extract_features_from_utterance_text(self, text, tracker, keep_tracker_state=False) -> UtteranceFeatures: """ Extract ML features for the input text and the respective tracker. Features are aggregated from the * NLU; * text BOW-encoding&embedding; * tracker memory. Args: text: the text to infer to tracker: the tracker that tracks the dialogue from which the text is taken keep_tracker_state: if True, the tracker state will not be updated during the prediction. Used to keep tracker's state intact when predicting the action to perform right after the api call action is predicted and performed. Returns: the utterance features object containing the numpy-vectorized features extracted from the utterance """ # todo comments nlu_response = self.nlu_manager.nlu(text) # region text BOW-encoding and embedding | todo: to nlu # todo move vectorization to NLU tokens_bow_encoded = self.data_handler.bow_encode_tokens(nlu_response.tokens) tokens_embeddings_padded = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) tokens_aggregated_embedding = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) if self.policy.has_attn(): attn_window_size = self.policy.get_attn_window_size() # todo: this is ugly and caused by complicated nn configuration algorithm attn_config_token_dim = self.policy.get_attn_hyperparams().token_size tokens_embeddings_padded = self.data_handler.calc_tokens_embeddings(attn_window_size, attn_config_token_dim, nlu_response.tokens) else: tokens_aggregated_embedding = self.data_handler.calc_tokens_mean_embedding(nlu_response.tokens) nlu_response.set_tokens_vectorized(TextVectorizationResponse( tokens_bow_encoded, tokens_aggregated_embedding, tokens_embeddings_padded)) # endregion text BOW-encoding and embedding | todo: to nlu if not keep_tracker_state: tracker.update_state(nlu_response) tracker_knowledge = tracker.get_current_knowledge() digitized_policy_features = self.policy.digitize_features(nlu_response, tracker_knowledge) return UtteranceFeatures(nlu_response, tracker_knowledge, digitized_policy_features)
def _infer(self, user_utterance_text: str, user_tracker: DialogueStateTracker, keep_tracker_state=False) -> Tuple[BatchDialoguesFeatures, PolicyPrediction]: """ Predict the action to perform in response to given text. Args: user_utterance_text: the user input text passed to the system user_tracker: the tracker that tracks the dialogue with the input-provided user keep_tracker_state: if True, the tracker state will not be updated during the prediction. Used to keep tracker's state intact when predicting the action to perform right after the api call action Returns: the features data object containing features fed to the model on inference and the model's prediction info """ utterance_features = self.extract_features_from_utterance_text(user_utterance_text, user_tracker, keep_tracker_state) utterance_data_entry = UtteranceDataEntry.from_features(utterance_features) # region pack an utterance to batch to further get features in batched form dialogue_data_entry = DialogueDataEntry() dialogue_data_entry.append(utterance_data_entry) # batch is single dialogue of 1 utterance => dialogue length = 1 utterance_batch_data_entry = BatchDialoguesDataset(max_dialogue_length=1) utterance_batch_data_entry.append(dialogue_data_entry) # endregion pack an utterance to batch to further get features in batched form utterance_batch_features = utterance_batch_data_entry.features # as for RNNs: output, hidden_state < - RNN(output, hidden_state) hidden_cells_state, hidden_cells_output = user_tracker.network_state[0], user_tracker.network_state[1] policy_prediction = self.policy(utterance_batch_features, hidden_cells_state, hidden_cells_output, prob=True) return utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction def __call__(self, batch: Union[List[List[dict]], List[str]], user_ids: Optional[List] = None) -> Union[List[NLGResponseInterface], List[List[NLGResponseInterface]]]: if isinstance(batch[0], list): # batch is a list of *completed* dialogues, infer on them to calculate metrics # user ids are ignored here: the single tracker is used and is reset after each dialogue inference # todo unify tracking: no need to distinguish tracking strategies on dialogues and realtime res = [] for dialogue in batch: dialogue: List[dict] res.append(self._calc_inferences_for_dialogue(dialogue)) else: # batch is a list of utterances possibly came from different users: real-time inference res = [] if not user_ids: user_ids = [self.DEFAULT_USER_ID] * len(batch) for user_id, user_text in zip(user_ids, batch): user_text: str res.append(self._realtime_infer(user_id, user_text)) return res def _realtime_infer(self, user_id, user_text) -> List[NLGResponseInterface]: # realtime inference logic # # we have the pool of trackers, each one tracks the dialogue with its own user # (1 to 1 mapping: each user has his own tracker and vice versa) user_tracker = self.multiple_user_state_tracker.get_or_init_tracker(user_id) responses = [] # todo remove duplication # predict the action to perform (e.g. response smth or call the api) utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction = self._infer(user_text, user_tracker) user_tracker.update_previous_action(policy_prediction.predicted_action_ix) user_tracker.network_state = policy_prediction.get_network_state() # tracker says we need to say smth to user. we # * calculate the slotfilled state: # for each slot that is relevant to dialogue we fill this slot value if possible # * generate text for the predicted speech action: # using the pattern provided for the action; # the slotfilled state provides info to encapsulate to the pattern tracker_slotfilled_state = user_tracker.fill_current_state_with_db_results() resp = self.nlg_manager.decode_response(utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction, tracker_slotfilled_state) responses.append(resp) if policy_prediction.predicted_action_ix == self.nlg_manager.get_api_call_action_id(): # tracker says we need to make an api call. # we 1) perform the api call and 2) predict what to do next user_tracker.make_api_call() utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction = self._infer(user_text, user_tracker, keep_tracker_state=True) user_tracker.update_previous_action(policy_prediction.predicted_action_ix) user_tracker.network_state = policy_prediction.get_network_state() # tracker says we need to say smth to user. we # * calculate the slotfilled state: # for each slot that is relevant to dialogue we fill this slot value if possible # * generate text for the predicted speech action: # using the pattern provided for the action; # the slotfilled state provides info to encapsulate to the pattern tracker_slotfilled_state = user_tracker.fill_current_state_with_db_results() resp = self.nlg_manager.decode_response(utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction, tracker_slotfilled_state) responses.append(resp) return responses def _calc_inferences_for_dialogue(self, contexts: List[dict]) -> List[NLGResponseInterface]: # infer on each dialogue utterance # e.g. to calculate inference score via comparing the inferred predictions with the ground truth utterance # todo we provide the tracker with both predicted and ground truth response actions info. is this ok? # todo (response to ^) this should be used only on internal evaluations # todo warning. res = [] self.dialogue_state_tracker.reset_state() for context in contexts: if context.get('prev_resp_act') is not None: # if there already were responses to user # we inform the tracker with these responses info # just like the tracker remembers the predicted response actions when real-time inference previous_action_id = self.nlg_manager.get_action_id(context['prev_resp_act']) self.dialogue_state_tracker.update_previous_action(previous_action_id) # if there already were db lookups # we inform the tracker with these lookups info # just like the tracker remembers the db interaction results when real-time inference self.dialogue_state_tracker.update_ground_truth_db_result_from_context(context) utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction = self._infer(context['text'], self.dialogue_state_tracker) self.dialogue_state_tracker.update_previous_action(policy_prediction.predicted_action_ix) # see above todo self.dialogue_state_tracker.network_state = policy_prediction.get_network_state() # todo fix naming: fill_current_state_with_db_results & update_ground_truth_db_result_from_context are alike tracker_slotfilled_state = self.dialogue_state_tracker.fill_current_state_with_db_results() resp = self.nlg_manager.decode_response(utterance_batch_features, policy_prediction, tracker_slotfilled_state) res.append(resp) return res def train_on_batch(self, batch_dialogues_utterances_features: List[List[dict]], batch_dialogues_utterances_targets: List[List[dict]]) -> dict: batch_dialogues_dataset = self.prepare_dialogues_batches_training_data(batch_dialogues_utterances_features, batch_dialogues_utterances_targets) return self.policy.train_on_batch(batch_dialogues_dataset.features, batch_dialogues_dataset.targets) def reset(self, user_id: Union[None, str, int] = None) -> None: # WARNING: this method is confusing. todo # the multiple_user_state_tracker is applicable only to the realtime inference scenario # so the tracker used to calculate metrics on dialogues is never reset by this method # (but that tracker usually is reset before each dialogue inference) self.multiple_user_state_tracker.reset(user_id) if self.debug: log.debug("Bot reset.") def load(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.policy.load() super().load(*args, **kwargs) def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().save(*args, **kwargs)