Source code for deeppavlov.models.preprocessors.str_utf8_encoder

# originally based on

# Modifications copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from overrides import overrides

from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.common.errors import ConfigError
from deeppavlov.core.common.log import get_logger
from deeppavlov.core.models.estimator import Estimator

log = get_logger(__name__)

StrUTF8EncoderInfo = Union[List[str], List['StrUTF8EncoderInfo']]

[docs]@register('str_utf8_encoder') class StrUTF8Encoder(Estimator): """Component for encoding all strings to utf8 codes Args: max_word_length: Max length of words of input and output batches. pad_special_char_use: Whether to use special char for padding or not. word_boundary_special_char_use: Whether to add word boundaries by special chars or not. sentence_boundary_special_char_use: Whether to add word boundaries by special chars or not. reversed_sentense_tokens: Whether to use reversed sequences of tokens or not. bos: Name of a special token of the begin of a sentence. eos: Name of a special token of the end of a sentence. """ def __init__(self, max_word_length: int = 50, pad_special_char_use: bool = False, word_boundary_special_char_use: bool = False, sentence_boundary_special_char_use: bool = False, reversed_sentense_tokens: bool = False, bos: str = '<S>', eos: str = '</S>', **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if word_boundary_special_char_use and max_word_length < 3: raise ConfigError(f"`max_word_length` should be more than 3!") if max_word_length < 1: raise ConfigError(f"`max_word_length` should be more than 1!") self._max_word_length = max_word_length self._reverse = reversed_sentense_tokens self._pad_special_char_use = pad_special_char_use self._word_boundary_special_char_use = word_boundary_special_char_use self._sentence_boundary_special_char_use = sentence_boundary_special_char_use # char ids 0-255 come from utf-8 encoding bytes # assign 256-300 to special chars self.bos_char = 256 # <begin sentence> self.eos_char = 257 # <end sentence> self.bow_char = 258 # <begin word> self.eow_char = 259 # <end word> self.pad_char = 260 # <padding> self._len = 261 # an upper bound of all indexes # the charcter representation of the begin/end of sentence characters def _make_bos_eos(indx): indx = np.array([indx], dtype=np.int32) if self._word_boundary_special_char_use: code = np.pad(indx, (1, 1), 'constant', constant_values=(self.bow_char, self.eow_char)) else: code = indx if self._pad_special_char_use: code = np.pad(code, (0, self._max_word_length - code.shape[0]), 'constant', constant_values=(self.pad_char)) else: pass return code self.bos_chars = _make_bos_eos(self.bos_char) self.eos_chars = _make_bos_eos(self.eos_char) if self._sentence_boundary_special_char_use: self._eos_chars = [self.eos_chars] self._bos_chars = [self.bos_chars] else: self._eos_chars = [] self._bos_chars = [] if self.load_path: self.load() else: self.tokens = [] self._word_char_ids = OrderedDict() for token in self.tokens: self._word_char_ids[token] = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(token) self._word_char_ids[bos] = self.bos_chars self._word_char_ids[eos] = self.eos_chars
[docs] def __call__(self, batch: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]) -> StrUTF8EncoderInfo: """Recursively search for strings in a list and utf8 encode Args: batch: a string or a list containing strings Returns: the same structure where all strings are utf8 encoded """ if isinstance(batch, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(batch[-1], str): return self._encode_chars(batch) else: return [self(line) for line in batch] raise RuntimeError(f'The objects passed to the reverser are not list or tuple of str! ' f' But they are {type(batch)}.')
@overrides def load(self) -> None: if self.load_path: if self.load_path.is_file():"[loading vocabulary from {self.load_path}]") self.tokens = [] for ln in'r', encoding='utf8'): token = ln.strip().split()[0] self.tokens.append(token) elif isinstance(self.load_path, Path): if not self.load_path.parent.is_dir(): raise ConfigError(f"Provided `load_path` for {self.__class__.__name__} doesn't exist!") else: raise ConfigError(f"`load_path` for {self} is not provided!") @overrides def save(self) -> None:"[saving vocabulary to {self.save_path}]") with'wt', encoding='utf8') as f: for token in self._word_char_ids.keys(): f.write('{}\n'.format(token)) @overrides def fit(self, *args) -> None: words = chain(*args) # filter(None, <>) -- to filter empty words freqs = Counter(filter(None, chain(*words))) for token, _ in freqs.most_common(): if not(token in self._word_char_ids): self._word_char_ids[token] = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(token) def _convert_word_to_char_ids(self, word): code = np.zeros([self._max_word_length], dtype=np.int32) if self._pad_special_char_use: code[:] = self.pad_char if self._word_boundary_special_char_use: word_encoded = word.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')[:self._max_word_length - 2] code[0] = self.bow_char for k, chr_id in enumerate(word_encoded, start=1): code[k] = chr_id code[len(word_encoded) + 1] = self.eow_char else: word_encoded = word.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')[:self._max_word_length] for k, chr_id in enumerate(word_encoded): code[k] = chr_id if not self._pad_special_char_use: if self._word_boundary_special_char_use: code = code[:len(word_encoded) + 2] else: code = code[:len(word_encoded)] return code def _word_to_char_ids(self, word): if word in self._word_char_ids: return self._word_char_ids[word] else: return self._convert_word_to_char_ids(word) def _encode_chars(self, sentence): """ Encode the sentence as a white space delimited string of tokens. """ chars_ids = [self._word_to_char_ids(cur_word) for cur_word in sentence] return self._wrap_in_s_char(chars_ids) def _wrap_in_s_char(self, chars_ids): chars_ids = chars_ids if self._pad_special_char_use else list(chars_ids) if self._reverse: ret = self._eos_chars + chars_ids + self._bos_chars else: ret = self._bos_chars + chars_ids + self._eos_chars return np.vstack(ret) if self._pad_special_char_use else ret def __len__(self): return self._len @property def len(self): """ An upper bound of all indexes. """ return len(self)