Tfidf Ranking¶
Table of contents¶
1. Introduction to the task¶
This is an implementation of a passage ranker based on tf-idf vectorization. The ranker implementation is based on DrQA project. The default ranker implementation takes a batch of queries as input and returns 100 passage titles sorted via relevance.
2. Get started with the model¶
First make sure you have the DeepPavlov Library installed. More info about the first installation.
[ ]:
!pip install -q deeppavlov
Then make sure that all the required packages for the model are installed.
[ ]:
!python -m deeppavlov install en_ranker_tfidf_wiki
is the name of the model’s config_file. What is a Config File?
There are alternative ways to install the model’s packages that do not require executing a separate command – see the options in the next sections of this page. The full list of models for tfidf ranking with their config names can be found in the table.
3. Models list¶
Config |
Language |
Description |
doc_retrieval/en_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json |
En |
Config for TF-IDF ranking over Wikipedia |
2.9 Gb |
doc_retrieval/en_ranker_pop_wiki.json |
En |
Config for TF-IDF ranking, followed by popularity ranking, over Wikipedia |
8.1 Gb |
doc_retrieval/ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki.json |
Ru |
TF-IDF ranking config over Wikipedia |
8.4 Gb |
4. Use the model for prediction¶
4.1 Predict using Python¶
Building (if you don’t have your own data)
[ ]:
from deeppavlov import build_model, configs
ranker = build_model(configs.doc_retrieval.en_ranker_tfidf_wiki, download=True, install=True)
[ ]:
result = ranker(['Who is Ivan Pavlov?'])
[18155097, 628663, 17123727, 628662, 19097375]
[ ]:
from deeppavlov import build_model, configs
ranker = build_model(configs.doc_retrieval.ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki, download=True, install=True)
[ ]:
result = ranker(['Когда произошла Куликовская битва?'])
[4902620, 1900377, 11129584, 1720563, 1720658]
Text for the output titles can be further extracted with deeppavlov.vocabs.wiki_sqlite.WikiSQLiteVocab class.
4.2 Predict using CLI¶
You can also get predictions in an interactive mode through CLI (Сommand Line Interface).
[ ]:
! python -m deeppavlov interact en_ranker_tfidf_wiki -d
5. Customize the model¶
5.1 Fit on Wikipedia¶
Run the following to fit the ranker on English Wikipedia:
[ ]:
python -m deppavlov train en_ranker_tfidf_wiki
Run the following to fit the ranker on Russian Wikipedia:
[ ]:
python -m deeppavlov train ru_ranker_tfidf_wiki
As a result of ranker training, a SQLite database and tf-idf matrix are created.
5.2 Download, parse new Wikipedia dump, build database and index¶
enwiki.db SQLite database consists of ~21 M Wikipedia articles and is built by the following steps:
Download a Wikipedia dump file. We took the latest enwiki dump
Unpack and extract the articles with WikiExtractor (with
enwiki_tfidf_matrix.npz is a full Wikipedia tf-idf matrix of size hash_size x number of documents which is \(2^{24}\) x 21 M. This matrix is built with deeppavlov.models.vectorizers.hashing_tfidf_vectorizer.HashingTfIdfVectorizer class.
ruwiki.db SQLite database consists of ~12 M Wikipedia articles and is built by the following steps:
Download a Wikipedia dump file. We took the latest ruwiki dump
Unpack and extract the articles with WikiExtractor (with
ruwiki_tfidf_matrix.npz is a full Wikipedia tf-idf matrix of size hash_size x number of documents which is \(2^{24}\) x 12 M. This matrix is built with deeppavlov.models.vectorizers.hashing_tfidf_vectorizer.HashingTfIdfVectorizer class.