Source code for deeppavlov.models.bert.bert_ranker

# Copyright 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab, MIPT
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from logging import getLogger
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import List, Dict, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from bert_dp.modeling import BertConfig, BertModel
from bert_dp.optimization import AdamWeightDecayOptimizer
from bert_dp.preprocessing import InputFeatures

from deeppavlov.core.commands.utils import expand_path
from deeppavlov.core.common.registry import register
from deeppavlov.core.models.tf_model import LRScheduledTFModel
from deeppavlov.models.bert.bert_classifier import BertClassifierModel

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@register('bert_ranker') class BertRankerModel(BertClassifierModel): """BERT-based model for interaction-based text ranking. Linear transformation is trained over the BERT pooled output from [CLS] token. Predicted probabilities of classes are used as a similarity measure for ranking. Args: bert_config_file: path to Bert configuration file n_classes: number of classes keep_prob: dropout keep_prob for non-Bert layers return_probas: set True if class probabilities are returned instead of the most probable label """ def __init__(self, bert_config_file, n_classes=2, keep_prob=0.9, return_probas=True, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(bert_config_file=bert_config_file, n_classes=n_classes, keep_prob=keep_prob, return_probas=return_probas, **kwargs)
[docs] def train_on_batch(self, features_li: List[List[InputFeatures]], y: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]) -> Dict: """Train the model on the given batch. Args: features_li: list with the single element containing the batch of InputFeatures y: batch of labels (class id or one-hot encoding) Returns: dict with loss and learning rate values """ features = features_li[0] input_ids = [f.input_ids for f in features] input_masks = [f.input_mask for f in features] input_type_ids = [f.input_type_ids for f in features] feed_dict = self._build_feed_dict(input_ids, input_masks, input_type_ids, y) _, loss =[self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) return {'loss': loss, 'learning_rate': feed_dict[self.learning_rate_ph]}
[docs] def __call__(self, features_li: List[List[InputFeatures]]) -> Union[List[int], List[List[float]]]: """Calculate scores for the given context over candidate responses. Args: features_li: list of elements where each element contains the batch of features for contexts with particular response candidates Returns: predicted scores for contexts over response candidates """ if len(features_li) == 1 and len(features_li[0]) == 1: msg = "It is not intended to use the {} in the interact mode.".format(self.__class__) logger.error(msg) return [msg] predictions = [] for features in features_li: input_ids = [f.input_ids for f in features] input_masks = [f.input_mask for f in features] input_type_ids = [f.input_type_ids for f in features] feed_dict = self._build_feed_dict(input_ids, input_masks, input_type_ids) if not self.return_probas: pred =, feed_dict=feed_dict) else: pred =, feed_dict=feed_dict) predictions.append(pred[:, 1]) if len(features_li) == 1: predictions = predictions[0] else: predictions = np.hstack([np.expand_dims(el, 1) for el in predictions]) return predictions
[docs]@register('bert_sep_ranker') class BertSepRankerModel(LRScheduledTFModel): """BERT-based model for representation-based text ranking. BERT pooled output from [CLS] token is used to get a separate representation of a context and a response. Similarity measure is calculated as cosine similarity between these representations. Args: bert_config_file: path to Bert configuration file keep_prob: dropout keep_prob for non-Bert layers attention_probs_keep_prob: keep_prob for Bert self-attention layers hidden_keep_prob: keep_prob for Bert hidden layers optimizer: name of tf.train.* optimizer or None for ``AdamWeightDecayOptimizer`` weight_decay_rate: L2 weight decay for ``AdamWeightDecayOptimizer`` pretrained_bert: pretrained Bert checkpoint min_learning_rate: min value of learning rate if learning rate decay is used """ def __init__(self, bert_config_file, keep_prob=0.9, attention_probs_keep_prob=None, hidden_keep_prob=None, optimizer=None, weight_decay_rate=0.01, pretrained_bert=None, min_learning_rate=1e-06, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.min_learning_rate = min_learning_rate self.keep_prob = keep_prob self.optimizer = optimizer self.weight_decay_rate = weight_decay_rate self.bert_config = BertConfig.from_json_file(str(expand_path(bert_config_file))) if attention_probs_keep_prob is not None: self.bert_config.attention_probs_dropout_prob = 1.0 - attention_probs_keep_prob if hidden_keep_prob is not None: self.bert_config.hidden_dropout_prob = 1.0 - hidden_keep_prob self.sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) self.sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=self.sess_config) self._init_graph() self._init_optimizer() if pretrained_bert is not None: pretrained_bert = str(expand_path(pretrained_bert)) if tf.train.checkpoint_exists(pretrained_bert) \ and not tf.train.checkpoint_exists(str(self.load_path.resolve())):'[initializing model with Bert from {}]'.format(pretrained_bert)) # Exclude optimizer and classification variables from saved variables var_list = self._get_saveable_variables( exclude_scopes=('Optimizer', 'learning_rate', 'momentum', 'output_weights', 'output_bias')) assignment_map = self.get_variables_to_restore(var_list, pretrained_bert) tf.train.init_from_checkpoint(pretrained_bert, assignment_map) if self.load_path is not None: self.load() @classmethod def get_variables_to_restore(cls, tvars, init_checkpoint): """Determine correspondence of checkpoint variables to current variables.""" assignment_map = OrderedDict() graph_names = [] for var in tvars: name = m = re.match("^(.*):\\d+$", name) if m is not None: name = graph_names.append(name) ckpt_names = [el[0] for el in tf.train.list_variables(init_checkpoint)] for u in ckpt_names: for v in graph_names: if u in v: assignment_map[u] = v return assignment_map def _init_graph(self): self._init_placeholders() with tf.variable_scope("model"): model_a = BertModel( config=self.bert_config, is_training=self.is_train_ph, input_ids=self.input_ids_a_ph, input_mask=self.input_masks_a_ph, token_type_ids=self.token_types_a_ph, use_one_hot_embeddings=False) with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=True): model_b = BertModel( config=self.bert_config, is_training=self.is_train_ph, input_ids=self.input_ids_b_ph, input_mask=self.input_masks_b_ph, token_type_ids=self.token_types_b_ph, use_one_hot_embeddings=False) output_layer_a = model_a.get_pooled_output() output_layer_b = model_b.get_pooled_output() with tf.variable_scope("loss"): output_layer_a = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer_a, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_ph) output_layer_b = tf.nn.dropout(output_layer_b, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_ph) output_layer_a = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output_layer_a, axis=1) output_layer_b = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output_layer_b, axis=1) embeddings = tf.concat([output_layer_a, output_layer_b], axis=0) labels = tf.concat([self.y_ph, self.y_ph], axis=0) self.loss = tf.contrib.losses.metric_learning.triplet_semihard_loss(labels, embeddings) logits = tf.multiply(output_layer_a, output_layer_b) self.y_probas = tf.reduce_sum(logits, 1) self.pooled_out = output_layer_a def _init_placeholders(self): self.input_ids_a_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='ids_a_ph') self.input_masks_a_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='masks_a_ph') self.token_types_a_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='token_a_types_ph') self.input_ids_b_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='ids_b_ph') self.input_masks_b_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='masks_b_ph') self.token_types_b_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='token_types_b_ph') self.y_ph = tf.placeholder(shape=(None,), dtype=tf.int32, name='y_ph') self.learning_rate_ph = tf.placeholder_with_default(0.0, shape=[], name='learning_rate_ph') self.keep_prob_ph = tf.placeholder_with_default(1.0, shape=[], name='keep_prob_ph') self.is_train_ph = tf.placeholder_with_default(False, shape=[], name='is_train_ph') def _init_optimizer(self): with tf.variable_scope('Optimizer'): self.global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) # default optimizer for Bert is Adam with fixed L2 regularization if self.optimizer is None: self.train_op = self.get_train_op(self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate_ph, optimizer=AdamWeightDecayOptimizer, weight_decay_rate=self.weight_decay_rate, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-6, exclude_from_weight_decay=["LayerNorm", "layer_norm", "bias"] ) else: self.train_op = self.get_train_op(self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate_ph) if self.optimizer is None: new_global_step = self.global_step + 1 self.train_op =, [self.global_step.assign(new_global_step)]) def _build_feed_dict(self, input_ids_a, input_masks_a, token_types_a, input_ids_b, input_masks_b, token_types_b, y=None): feed_dict = { self.input_ids_a_ph: input_ids_a, self.input_masks_a_ph: input_masks_a, self.token_types_a_ph: token_types_a, self.input_ids_b_ph: input_ids_b, self.input_masks_b_ph: input_masks_b, self.token_types_b_ph: token_types_b, } if y is not None: feed_dict.update({ self.y_ph: y, self.learning_rate_ph: max(self.get_learning_rate(), self.min_learning_rate), self.keep_prob_ph: self.keep_prob, self.is_train_ph: True, }) return feed_dict
[docs] def train_on_batch(self, features_li: List[List[InputFeatures]], y: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]) -> Dict: """Train the model on the given batch. Args: features_li: list with two elements, one containing the batch of context features and the other containing the batch of response features y: batch of labels (class id or one-hot encoding) Returns: dict with loss and learning rate values """ input_ids_a = [f.input_ids for f in features_li[0]] input_masks_a = [f.input_mask for f in features_li[0]] input_type_ids_a = [f.input_type_ids for f in features_li[0]] input_ids_b = [f.input_ids for f in features_li[1]] input_masks_b = [f.input_mask for f in features_li[1]] input_type_ids_b = [f.input_type_ids for f in features_li[1]] feed_dict = self._build_feed_dict(input_ids_a, input_masks_a, input_type_ids_a, input_ids_b, input_masks_b, input_type_ids_b, y) _, loss =[self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) return {'loss': loss, 'learning_rate': feed_dict[self.learning_rate_ph]}
[docs] def __call__(self, features_li: List[List[InputFeatures]]) -> Union[List[int], List[List[float]]]: """Calculate scores for the given context over candidate responses. Args: features_li: list of elements where the first element represents the context batch of features and the rest of elements represent response candidates batches of features Returns: predicted scores for contexts over response candidates """ if len(features_li) == 1 and len(features_li[0]) == 1: msg = "It is not intended to use the {} in the interact mode.".format(self.__class__) logger.error(msg) return [msg] predictions = [] input_ids_a = [f.input_ids for f in features_li[0]] input_masks_a = [f.input_mask for f in features_li[0]] input_type_ids_a = [f.input_type_ids for f in features_li[0]] for features in features_li[1:]: input_ids_b = [f.input_ids for f in features] input_masks_b = [f.input_mask for f in features] input_type_ids_b = [f.input_type_ids for f in features] feed_dict = self._build_feed_dict(input_ids_a, input_masks_a, input_type_ids_a, input_ids_b, input_masks_b, input_type_ids_b) pred =, feed_dict=feed_dict) predictions.append(pred) if len(features_li) == 1: predictions = predictions[0] else: predictions = np.hstack([np.expand_dims(el, 1) for el in predictions]) return predictions
[docs]@register('bert_sep_ranker_predictor') class BertSepRankerPredictor(BertSepRankerModel): """Bert-based model for ranking and receiving a text response. BERT pooled output from [CLS] token is used to get a separate representation of a context and a response. A similarity score is calculated as cosine similarity between these representations. Based on this similarity score the text response is retrieved provided some base with possible responses (and corresponding contexts). Contexts of responses are used additionaly to get the best possible result of retrieval from the base. Args: bert_config_file: path to Bert configuration file interact_mode: mode setting a policy to retrieve the response from the base batch_size: batch size for building response (and context) vectors over the base keep_prob: dropout keep_prob for non-Bert layers resps: list of strings containing the base of text responses resp_vecs: BERT vector respresentations of ``resps``, if is ``None`` it will be build resp_features: features of ``resps`` to build their BERT vector representations conts: list of strings containing the base of text contexts cont_vecs: BERT vector respresentations of ``conts``, if is ``None`` it will be build cont_features: features of ``conts`` to build their BERT vector representations """ def __init__(self, bert_config_file, interact_mode=0, batch_size=32, resps=None, resp_features=None, resp_vecs=None, conts=None, cont_features=None, cont_vecs=None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(bert_config_file=bert_config_file, **kwargs) self.interact_mode = interact_mode self.batch_size = batch_size self.resps = resps self.resp_vecs = resp_vecs self.resp_features = resp_features self.conts = conts self.cont_vecs = cont_vecs self.cont_features = cont_features if self.resps is not None and self.resp_vecs is None:"Building BERT vector representations for the response base...") self.resp_features = [resp_features[0][i * self.batch_size: (i + 1) * self.batch_size] for i in range(len(resp_features[0]) // batch_size + 1)] self.resp_vecs = self._get_predictions(self.resp_features) self.resp_vecs /= np.linalg.norm(self.resp_vecs, axis=1, keepdims=True) / "resp_vecs", self.resp_vecs) if self.conts is not None and self.cont_vecs is None:"Building BERT vector representations for the context base...") self.cont_features = [cont_features[0][i * self.batch_size: (i + 1) * self.batch_size] for i in range(len(cont_features[0]) // batch_size + 1)] self.cont_vecs = self._get_predictions(self.cont_features) self.cont_vecs /= np.linalg.norm(self.cont_vecs, axis=1, keepdims=True) / "cont_vecs", self.resp_vecs) def train_on_batch(self, features, y): pass
[docs] def __call__(self, features_li): """Get the context vector representation and retrieve the text response from the database. Uses cosine similarity scores over vectors of responses (and corresponding contexts) from the base. Based on these scores retrieves the text response from the base. Args: features_li: list of elements where elements represent context batches of features Returns: text response with the highest similarity score and its similarity score from the response base """ pred = self._get_predictions(features_li) return self._retrieve_db_response(pred)
def _get_predictions(self, features_li): """Get BERT vector representations for a list of feature batches.""" pred = [] for features in features_li: input_ids = [f.input_ids for f in features] input_masks = [f.input_mask for f in features] input_type_ids = [f.input_type_ids for f in features] feed_dict = self._build_feed_dict(input_ids, input_masks, input_type_ids, input_ids, input_masks, input_type_ids) p =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if len(p.shape) == 1: p = np.expand_dims(p, 0) p /= np.linalg.norm(p, axis=1, keepdims=True) pred.append(p) return np.vstack(pred) def _retrieve_db_response(self, ctx_vec): """Retrieve a text response from the base based on the policy determined by ``interact_mode``. Uses cosine similarity scores over vectors of responses (and corresponding contexts) from the base. """ bs = ctx_vec.shape[0] if self.interact_mode == 0: s = ctx_vec @ self.resp_vecs.T ids = np.argmax(s, 1) rsp = [[self.resps[ids[i]] for i in range(bs)], [s[i][ids[i]] for i in range(bs)]] if self.interact_mode == 1: sr = (ctx_vec @ self.resp_vecs.T + 1) / 2 sc = (ctx_vec @ self.cont_vecs.T + 1) / 2 ids = np.argsort(sr, 1)[:, -10:] sc = [sc[i, ids[i]] for i in range(bs)] ids = [sorted(zip(ids[i], sc[i]), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for i in range(bs)] sc = [list(map(lambda x: x[1], ids[i])) for i in range(bs)] ids = [list(map(lambda x: x[0], ids[i])) for i in range(bs)] rsp = [[self.resps[ids[i][0]] for i in range(bs)], [float(sc[i][0]) for i in range(bs)]] if self.interact_mode == 2: sr = (ctx_vec @ self.resp_vecs.T + 1) / 2 sc = (ctx_vec @ self.cont_vecs.T + 1) / 2 ids = np.argsort(sc, 1)[:, -10:] sr = [sr[i, ids[i]] for i in range(bs)] ids = [sorted(zip(ids[i], sr[i]), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for i in range(bs)] sr = [list(map(lambda x: x[1], ids[i])) for i in range(bs)] ids = [list(map(lambda x: x[0], ids[i])) for i in range(bs)] rsp = [[self.resps[ids[i][0]] for i in range(bs)], [float(sr[i][0]) for i in range(bs)]] if self.interact_mode == 3: sr = (ctx_vec @ self.resp_vecs.T + 1) / 2 sc = (ctx_vec @ self.cont_vecs.T + 1) / 2 s = (sr + sc) / 2 ids = np.argmax(s, 1) rsp = [[self.resps[ids[i]] for i in range(bs)], [float(s[i][ids[i]]) for i in range(bs)]] # remove special tokens if they are presented rsp = [[el.replace('__eou__', '').replace('__eot__', '').strip() for el in rsp[0]], rsp[1]] return rsp